Posts by Rapid7

3 min IT Ops

Customer Spotlight with Adept Mobile: Ever wonder how the New England Patriots/Miami Dolphins/Boston Celtics handle website demand capacity

We’re launching a new customer Q&A series, where we chat with our customers about how they’re using log data [], their technology stack, and their overall industry insights. We love talking to our users, because we always learn something new – and we’d like to share those insights with you. In our first interview, we caught up with Craig Heneveld, Director of Technology at Adept Mobile in Boston, to talk about the development challenges and successes of bringing

2 min IT Ops

Heroku Account Consolidation-Single View of all your Logs

If you host multiple apps on Heroku, you know the pain of having to log in to a separate add-on account for each of your Heroku apps. Whether you’re monitoring several different production applications, have separate apps for your production, staging, and test environments, or are a consultant in charge of administering separate applications for each of your clients you know how irritating it can be to constantly have to switch between accounts. This is particularly annoying when you’re trying

1 min IT Ops

Switching between UTC and local time

All Logentries servers are configured for the UTC timezone. We use this as the default timezone for all internal data including customer’s logs. However, at the browser UI level we detect a user’s local timezone and present all dates in a more human friendly way, i.e. in the local time. We now allow users to change their time zone to UTC. This can be very handy when you manage systems in multiple regions or have a distributed development team where you want to have a common timezone that you ca

1 min IT Ops

Per-log retention period

Typically, you would like to keep logs from development environment (with all debugging messages enabled) for only a limited amount of time, while production logs far longer. Up to now you had to set the retention period for the whole account, keeping development logs longer than needed. We are happy to announce per-log retention configuration! It gives you the option to fine-tune your retention policy in a more fine-grained manner than with a default per-account setting. To set a new log retent

2 min IT Ops

Getting terminal colors right

As a part of our work on ANSI escape code coloring, I looked in detail at default colors used in different command line terminals. It appears form the Wikipedia article [] that colors are set at their brightest level with minor variances across implementations: [/content/images/le-img/2012/11/pals.png] Adapting these color schemes gives the result as in the following picture: [/content/images/le-img/2012/11/lumi0.png] If you try to read the te

1 min IT Ops

Feature requests

There are so many thing we can do with logs. We have a pile of new ideas on how to make Logentries better and we spend time implementing these every single day. We also collect feature requests from you, our lovely users. But we want to do more – we want to include you to the whole process of future development. We are happy to announce our Feature requests page, a page that enables you to add new feature requests, vote on them, and add comments with more details. Access the page from the sideb

2 min IT Ops

Cooking up Engine Yard logs with Chef

Opscode’s Chef is an open-source automation framework for the cloud, involving ‘recipes’ that can be triggered by events such as servers booting or restarting. Chef scripts are written in Ruby, but will often use OS-specific system calls to manipulate server instances. Chef is a great way to automate your cloud, and in particular it’s useful as your environment grows! On Engine Yard, Chef recipes can also be used to configure add-ons (like Logentries) on your servers, as we will explain… Each s

0 min IT Ops

Focus on the first input element in jQuery

Just in case you want to focus on the first element in a form, here is how to do it through one simple jQuery sector: $('#form-id :input:enabled:visible:first').focus(); Once you select the right form (#form-id), it’s time to specify any input elements including text areas (:input) which are editable (:enabled), visible (:visible), and first in the form (:first).

4 min IT Ops

How do I know if my Heroku app is slow?

So you’ve written a nice new Heroku app and have tested it thoroughly – it seems really fast – yay!!! And what do I mean by thoroughly… so you tried out all the functionality, everything works as you’ve expected, and the response time seems A-ok! Well at least it seems ok when there’s one request at a time…. but you wonder what happens when you go live and the floodgates open… what is the response time going to be like then and how will you know what your users are experiencing? Thanks for Swe

1 min IT Ops

Direct downloads

We are happy to announce a publicly available beta of direct downloads. Now you can download any part of your log stream with literally one click! We have provided a new button which you can see on the right side of the Log screen. Click on the download icon to start the download immediately. [/content/images/le-img/2012/06/download.png] You can configure different download options also. Specify whether you want to download log entries in plain text or if they should be compressed first. You

7 min IT Ops

Digging into Engine Yard Logs

I’ve recently been playing with a number of PAAS platforms, and its bringing me back somewhat to my days toying with J2EE application servers, JDBC drivers, Relational DBs etc. Oh how I remember deploying servers and databases and then checking out my shiny new application, remember the J2EE petstore [] anyone?? 🙂 However the big difference with PAAS, over old school application servers is that you do not need to spend a few days configuring them

3 min IT Ops

Caching AJAX Responses in JavaScript

Ajax is a great tool for creating responsive dynamic web pages. Although Ajax updates are usually much faster than page reloads, there is still considerable delay when considering Ajax for pages that require real-time responses (content updating in real time). This gets even more complicated in fully dynamic user interfaces. Interfaces structured within web pages with URLs that allow for anchor and back button navigation and which require real time updating, in particular, can suffer from repea

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit-ation for the Nation

In a couple of weeks, our very own @Mubix (AKA Rob Fuller to those who don't live their life with an @ sign permanently attached to their name!) will be offering Metasploit-ation for the Nation.  Unlike that phrase – which I just made up – Mubix will actually be talking sense as he walks penetration testers through the delightful world of Metasploit Pro in a 4-hour in-depth training session. Mubix took some time to answer a few questions below to give you a flavor of the training.  If you have

2 min PCI

PCI Newsletter #2 - Payment processing terminology and workflow

Hi Everyone, This is our second PCI 30 sec newsletter. One cannot move through the PCI ecosystem without basic understandings of the payment processing terminology and workflow. So let's have a look behind the scene. The payment processing terminology In a nutshell, the payment transaction could be depicted as follow: We have cardholders that make payment card purchases from merchants, merchants that send payment transaction data to their acquirers, and acquirers that send payment transacti

1 min Patch Tuesday

May Patch Tuesday

So yesterday was Patch Tuesday, and following a mammoth April [] , it was a pretty quiet one, with only 2 vulnerabilities reported [], and only one of those given the most severe rating of “critical”.  That said, of course any vulnerability reported should be investigated and understood, and particularly those rated critical. This month the critical