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3 min

5 Ways RASP Will Make Your Pentest Painless

This blog was previously published on Regardless of the size of company you work for, penetration testing is a cornerstone of an application security strategy, especially for companies that need to satisfy certain compliance certifications, such as SOC 2 and PCI DSS. Pen testing is a simulated attack against your web applications or a traditional WAF . By using a controlled attack plan coupled with runtime applicati

4 min InsightIDR

How to Set Up Your Security Operations Center (SOC) for Success

Whether you’re looking to add coverage or are experiencing challenges with your existing security operations center (SOC), it's important to consider these factors before making a decision.

1 min Endpoint Security

Endpoint Agents Are Necessary for Today’s Modern Environment: Here’s Why (Part 2)

Rapid7's Insight agent can provide your organization with real-time, accurate results with the smallest possible footprint.

4 min IoT

Lessons and Takeaways from CTIA’s Recently Released IoT Security Certification Program

The CTIA recently announced a new cybersecurity certification program for cellular- and Wi-Fi-connected IoT devices. Here is my high-level overview of this program.

1 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 8/24/18

ssh_enumusers Gets An Update wvu integrated the malformed packet technique into the ssh_enumusers module originally written by kenkeiras . This module allows an attacker to guess the user accounts on an OpenSSH server on versions up to 7.7, allowing the module to work on more versions than before. GSoC Wraps Up As Google Summer of Code finished up, Framework received an array of new and exciting features. WangYihang

3 min IoT

Enhancing IoT Security Through Research Partnerships

Securing IoT devices requires a proactive security approach to test both devices and the IoT product ecosystem. To accomplish this, consider setting up a research partnership.

4 min

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Can Steal Payment Information from Payment Processors

This blog was previously published on Just because your payment processor has PCI Level 1 doesn't mean you can ignore cross-site scripting (XSS) . If you handle money, you process credit cards (since it's pretty hard to email cash). To prevent fraud, the card industry has created the PCI Data Security Standard . So, if you're processing cards, you'll be safe if you follow the specifi

3 min

What's Going on in Production Application Security 2018

Today, we released theSecurity Report for Web Applications (Q2 2018) which identified key threats in real-world web application traffic in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure cloud ecosystems. In evaluating 316 million incidents, it is clear that attacks against the application are growing in volume and sophistication, and as such, continue to be a major threat to business. The majority of web application attacks are the result of overall scanning for vulnerabilitie

4 min Endpoint Security

Endpoint Agents Are Necessary for Today’s Modern Environment: Here’s Why (Part 1)

Endpoint agents can help you integrate your siloed vulnerability management and incident detection and response programs and implement SecOps practices.

5 min Penetration Testing

Password Tips from a Pen Tester: Taking the Predictability Out of Common Password Patterns

Humans are predictable. As unique as we like to think we all are, our actions tend to be similar—and our choices when creating a password are no different.

4 min Penetration Testing

CIS Critical Security Control 20: Measure Your Security Standing with Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises

Protecting yourself from threats requires consistently asking yourself whether your security program is working as designed. Critical Control 20 covers pen tests and Red Team exercises.

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup: 8/17/18

We had a great time meeting everyone at the various Metasploit events at hacker summer camp last week, including two popup capture the flag events with Metasploitable3, the Open Source Security Meetup and selling Metasploit 0xf Anniversary Tour.

4 min Threat Intel

The Top Threat Actors Targeting Financial Services Organizations

This post discusses the key motivations and supporters behind cybercrime groups and lists the top groups that target financial services organizations.

2 min

Analysis of the Ticketmaster Breach

This blog was previously published on Although there have been a number of breaches in the past few weeks, the story around the breach at Ticketmaster is more interesting than most. It combines sophisticated web design, reusable components, the security model of the web browser, and even a dash of payment regulations. The breach itself is interesting b

3 min Compliance

Address the NAIC Insurance Data Security Model Law

The NAIC Insurance Data Security Model Law suggests a modern approach to detecting and responding to threats. This post looks at a few interesting requirements and shares how we can partner with your team across people, process, and technology.