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2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 7/20/18

Privilege Escalation Linux BPF CVE-2017-16995 is a Linux kernel vulnerability in the way that a Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) is verified. Multiple sign extension bugs allows memory corruption by unprivileged users, which could be used for a local privilege escalation attack by overwriting a credential structure in memory to gain root access to a compromised host. The bpf_sign_extension_priv_esc module

2 min Incident Detection

MAC Address Tracker: Generating a Network Inventory Database Using Network Traffic Analysis

Learn how to generate a network inventory database of all MAC addresses in your environment by monitoring your network traffic

2 min Penetration Testing

Password Tips from a Pen Tester: What is Your Company’s Default Password?

Welcome back to Password Tips From a Pen Tester. The first day on the job: We fill out all the requisite paperwork for Human Resources and get a computer and our network password. That password is often something easy to remember, and is often the same for every new employee. It might be Welcome1, ChangeMe! or one of our old favorites, the SeasonYear (ie. Summer2018). If a new employee is having trouble signing in for the first time and they call the help desk, they can easily get the help they

3 min

How to Use Metasploit Teradata Modules

As penetration testers, we often find ourselves working with applications and services that are new to us or uncommon. In one such case, I performed an internal network penetration test that was focused exclusively on a handful of Teradata database servers. To test for weak passwords, I had cobbled together a Windows batch file that would wrap username and password lists around Teradata’s bteq application. However, one thing I wanted to do was come back sometime and build a proper Metasploit log

3 min Azure

Azure Security Center and Active Directory Now Integrate with the Rapid7 Platform

Today, we announced continued, more comprehensive development of the integration between the Rapid7 Insight platform and Microsoft Azure. A new integration with Azure Security Center makes it easy to deploy the Rapid7 unified Insight Agent across new and existing Azure Virtual Machines. This automated deployment enables InsightVM customers to maintain consta

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 7/13/18

Committing to some shells in GitList Shelby has been killing it with new exploit and aux modules by the day. In this iteration, she's produced an exploit for GitList 0.6.0 and likely older versions. The software is built on PHP and allows users to view a Git repo on the web. Through an argument injection, a fake pager can be executed... that is really our shell

13 min

Your Black Hat 2018 Survival Guide

Our security team knows a thing or two about conquering a conference – making the most out of the day and night. So the team got together to share their personal recommendations on things to do and things to know in this handy Black Hat 2018 Survival Guide. We’ve got you covered on all things Black Hat. * Getting Around – Monorail, shuttle services, and hotels * Where to Party – The full list of official and unofficial parties * Recoup and Recover – There are a ton of spots to escape the c

5 min Penetration Testing

How to Build Your Own Caller ID Spoofer: Part 2

In Part 1 , we talked about the need for organizations to test their security programs by performing social-engineering campaigns with their employees so they can understand employee susceptibility to these kinds of tactics, the potential impact to the organization of this kind of attack, and develop methods of defending against a real attack. We spoke about the need for accurately simulating threat actors by setting up an Asterisk PBX

4 min SOAR

Building a Tech Stack to Enable Security Orchestration and Automation

In this blog post, we explore how to plan for security orchestration and automation while building out your technology stack. Learn more.

5 min Threat Intel

How to Automate Identifying and Take Down Malicious Social Media Profiles

Here is how Rapid7 has automated the process of identifying and taking down fake social media profiles to help companies proactively identify these scams.

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup 7/6/18

New Modules Exploit modules (3 new) * Nagios XI Chained Remote Code Execution by Benny Husted , Cale Smith , and Jared Arave , which exploits CVE-2018-8736. Monitor this series of unfortunate events all the way to magical shells. * Boxoft WAV to MP3 Converter v1.1 Buffer Overflow

3 min Threat Intel

15 Technologies and Tools Commonly Used in Dark Web Black Markets

Here is our list of 15 common technologies and tools used by cybercriminals to access and communicate via the dark web.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 6/29/18

Moar Power OJ Reeves added two new PowerShell transport functions to Metasploit payloads and made modifications to the PowerShell transport binding functionality. The aptly-named Add-TcpTransport function adds an active TCP transport to the current session and the Add-WebTransport function adds an HTTP/S transport to the current session. These functions are fully documented, allowing the user to leverage the Ge

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Do You Need Coding Resources on Your Security Team?

Often when security teams think about security automation , they worry they don’t have the coding capabilities needed to create, implement, and maintain it. Pulling development resources from the IT team or engineering department can take time; backlogs are long, and revenue-generating projects tend to take priority. Another option is to hire an IT consultant, but this can be pricey and may not be sustainable long-term. Instead, some sec

3 min Kubernetes Security

Analyzing Activity on Kubernetes Ports: Potential Backdooring Through the Kubelet API

Recently at Rapid7 Labs, we’ve noticed an increase in activity on ports related to the management of a Kubernetes cluster. In this post, we provide background context to Kubernetes and how it relates to the issues we see, as well as offer some guidance for securing a Kubernetes cluster. These days, more and more people are deploying their software using container services such as Docker. Containers make it easy for developers to replica