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2 min

Should Security Teams Use CSP Nonces to Better Comply with PCI?

This week, tCell sponsored BSidesSF . Many things I’ve heard about the conference proved to be true, and the technical depth of conversations I had at our table was definitely enough to keep me on my toes. One of the most interesting conversations was with a company that wanted to talk about Content Security Policies (CSP). They had come to the conclusion that new revisions of the PCI security standards would require that they imple

5 min Vulnerability Management

How to Remediate Vulnerabilities Across Multiple Offices

Your vulnerability scanner embarks on its weekly scan. The report comes in, you fire it off to your IT team across the country and...silence. Thinking they’re on it, you go on with your day, until next week’s scan report comes in and you find out that not everything was fixed and issues have progressed. For companies with distributed offices, it can be tricky to communicate issues to teammates you have limited facetime with, get things done quickly w

3 min Public Policy

Georgia should not authorize "hack back"

Update 05/09/18: Georgia Governor Deal vetoed SB 315. In a thoughtful veto statement, the Governor noted that the legislation raised "concerns regarding national security implications and other potential ramifications," and that "SB 315 may inadvertently hinder the ability of government and private industries" to protect against breaches. The statement expressed interest in working with the cybersecurity and law enforcement communities on a new policy. The Georgia state legislature recently pas

4 min InsightIDR

Attacker Behavior Analytics: How InsightIDR Detects Unknown Threats

InsightIDR customers now have an ever-evolving library of attacker behavior detections automatically matched against their data. Read on to learn how Rapid7 SOC and threat intel teams investigate a constant rumbling of attacker behavior and transform it into actionable threat intelligence.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/13/18

What's Your Favorite Security Site? When you are browsing sites on the Internet, you may notice some sites will include your public IP address on their pages. But what if you came across a site that also showed your IP address from your private network range ? This might be a little worrying , but before you run off you check to make sure the coast is cle

3 min Threat Intel

Threat Intel Book Club: The Cuckoo's Egg wrap-up

Last week, Rebekah Brown and I wrapped up The Cuckoo’s Egg with book club readers around the world. Dig through some blog archives to get a sense of how this book club got started and what we’ve discussed so far . Below is a recap of

4 min DevOps

How DevOps Can Use Quality Gates for Security Checks

Your team has been working at all hours to put the final touches on code for a new big feature release. All the specs are in, the feature works as expected, and the code is pushed to production. A few hours later, the daily security scan runs and the alerts start piling in. What went wrong? And what do you do now? Typically when this happens, it means rolling back the entire deployment, retroactively fixing the bugs and vulnerabilities in the code, and a week or two later, re-deploying. If you’

3 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - April 2018

Over 70 vulnerabilities have been fixed this month , including 6 in Adobe Flash ( APSB18-08 ). At a high level, there's nothing too out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, that means the majority of the patched vulnerabilities are once ag

7 min Vulnerability Disclosure

Shoring up the defenses together: 2018Q1 wrap-up

Today (April 10, 2018) we are sharing six vulnerabilities that have been fixed in Rapid7 products and supporting services. You won’t need to take any actions: all of the issues have been addressed. We are disclosing these vulnerabilities in order to be transparent, to thank those that take the time to report security issues responsibly, and to provide a few reminders of security concerns that you should audit for in your own organization. Dynamically-generated web server access policies Generat

3 min CIS Controls

CIS Critical Security Control 13: Data Protection Explained

This is a continuation of our CIS critical security controls blog series . Data protection is one of the cornerstones of a solid security program, and it is a critical function of the CIA Triad of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Data protection, as characterized by Critical Control 13, is essentially secure data management. What do we mean by that? What is CIS Critical Security Control 13? Secure data management encompasses c

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/7/18

Mobile Moose This week marked the beginning of our time in the new office. Everything got packed up and moved: computers, chairs, Rudy’s cups, and odd soy sauce packets in the back of the drawers. One consequence of moving to downtown Austin is that the lunch debates take longer, with flame wars about both the best tacos and the best barbecue. Metasploit: Now With More Snakes! @shellfail doubled down this wrapup; way back in March, he wrote a guide to writing P

4 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/2/18

Spring has come again to Austin, TX, home of the Rapid7 Metasploit team. While the season here brings pollen and allergies, it also brings fields full of bluebonnets and folks taking pictures before they all disappear. Let's celebrate by looking at what's popped up in Metasploit this week. New Data Model Last week, we landed the beginning of a new backend service for Metasploit, dubbed 'Goliath', which creates a new abstraction between Metasploit Framework and how it interacts with the databa

4 min CIS Controls

CIS Critical Control 12: Boundary Defense Explained

This blog is a continuation of our blog series on the CIS Critical Controls . Key Principle: Detect/prevent/correct the flow of information transferring networks of different trust levels with a focus on security-damaging data. What Is It? Boundary defense is control 12 of the CIS Critical Controls and is part of the ne

5 min Rapid7 Perspective

Actually, Grindr is Fine: FUD and Security Reporting

On Wednesday, March 28, NBC reported Grindr security flaws expose users' location data , a story which ticks a couple hot-button topics for security professionals and security reporters alike. It’s centered around the salacious topic of online dating in the LGBT community, and hits a personal safety concern for people using the app everywhere, not to mention the possibility of outing

3 min Vulnerability Management

Cisco Smart Install (SMI) Remote Code Execution

What You Need To Know Researchers from Embedi discovered (and responsibly disclosed) a stack-based buffer overflow weakness in Cisco Smart Install Client code which causes the devices to be susceptible to arbitrary remote code execution without authentication. Cisco Smart Install (SMI) is a “plug-and-play” configuration and image-management feature that provides zero-touch deployment