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4 min InsightIDR

How to detect weak SSL/TLS encryption on your network

In this blog, we break down how to detect SSL/TLS encryption on your network.

4 min Application Security

3 Ways to Accelerate Web App Security Testing

It used to be that web application security testing was the job of just the security team. Today, it is becoming a much more integrative function, especially for organizations who have adopted DevOps. Development cycles have become shorter and features are released more frequently for companies to stay competitive. Trouble is, with shorter development cycles, security needs a way to keep up. After all, there’s little value in running fast

6 min CIS Controls

CIS Critical Control 11: Secure Configurations for Network Devices

This blog is a continuation of our blog series on the CIS Critical Controls . We’ve now passed the halfway point in the CIS Critical Security Controls . The 11th deals with Secure Configurations for Network Devices. When we say network devices, we’re referring to firewalls, routers, switches, and network IDS setup

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 3/23/18

Adding some named pipes to everyone's favorite series of tubes UserExistsError already added 64-bit named pipe payloads, and this week, we got an extra-special upgrade: now Metasploit has 32-bit named pipe payloads! It may feel wrong not setting a port, but connecting to existing network resources feels so right! It is the Final Countdown for GSoC! The final deadline for Google Summer of Code applicants is March 27th, so get your applications in now! We are honored to be a part of the progra

2 min InsightIDR

How to detect new server ports in use on your network

In this blog, we discuss how to detect new server ports in use on your network.

3 min GDPR

GDPR Preparation March and April: Course Correct

Wow, how did March just happen? Living in a country that just fell apart like a clown car because of snow, it’s still feeling decidedly wintery here in the UK, and as a weather obsessed Brit I am fully looking forward to sunnier times. You know, that single day sometime in August. By that time, we’ll have crossed the border into the brave new world of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) , and like many of you, I am curious as to what t

3 min Threat Intel

Rapid7 Threat Report: Q4 2017 Q4 Threat Report and 2017 Wrap-up

Welcome to Rapid7’s Q4 report, featuring our first annual threat report wrap-up! 2017 Quarterly Threat Report: Q4 and 2017 Wrap-Up Get the Full Report We could not have picked a better year to start doing this, as 2017 was one for the books. While we spent most of the year falling headfirst into a world where nation-state tools are available for anyone to use, the worm re-emerged (now evolved

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 3/16/18

Return of the GSoC! The Metasploit project is proud to return to Google Summer of Code this year. Student applications are open until March 27th, so there's still time to get in! Coding begins on May 14th, and we're eager to hear what you'd like to see added to Metasploit. Not only do you get to work on a cool project, but you'll get paid too ! Need some inspiration? Check out our list of project ideas

2 min

Stateful WAF AKA the Bronze Age

The first post in this series kicked off our history series on the development of web application firewalls , with a discussion of what the earliest technology was capable of. Early WAFs were based on pattern recognition. That made them fast, but it also made it easy for attackers to sidestep the rigid patterns that were the building blocks of the first-gen WAF. If the problem is that stone age WAFs have stateless rules, then the obvious

3 min Vulnerability Management

Rapid7 Named a Leader in Forrester Wave for Vulnerability Risk Management

Today, we’re excited to announce a major milestone for InsightVM : Recognition as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Vulnerability Risk Management, Q1 2018, earning top scores in both the Current Offering and Strategy categories. We are proud of the achievement not only because of years of hard work from our product team, but also because we believe that it represents the thousands of days and nights spent working with customers to understand the challen

4 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2018-01 (CVE-2018-5551, CVE-2018-5552): DocuTrac Office Therapy Installer Hard-Coded Credentials and Cryptographic Salt

DocuTrac QuickDoc & Office Therapy ships with a number of static accounts which are not disclosed to the end user.

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - March 2018

There are a lot of fixes this month : Microsoft's updates include patches for 76 separate vulnerabilities, including two critical Adobe Flash Player remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities . In fact all of this month's critical vulnerabilities are browser-related. This is not surprising considering web brows

4 min CIS Controls

CIS Critical Control 10: Data Recovery Capability

hope you enjoyed your stop at Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Control 9: Limitation and Control of Network Ports, Protocols, and Services ! If you missed the previous stops on this journey, please check out our full blog series on the CIS Top 20 Critical Controls ; each blog provides educational information regarding the control of focus

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 3/9/18

With the Northeast U.S. getting hit with back-to-back nor’easters this week, it’s probably a good idea to head back inside and wait it out until spring arrives. So toss another log on the fire, grab a hot drink, raise a toast to all the folks making Metasploit awesome , and catch up on the latest! It Goes to 11 While amplification attacks are nothing new, the memcached amplification attack vector (reffered to as “memcrashed”

4 min CIS Controls

CIS Critical Control 9: Limitation and Control of Ports, Protocols, and Services

This is a continuation of our CIS Critical Control Series blog series. Need help addressing these controls? See why SANS listed Rapid7 as the top solution provider addressing the CIS top 20 controls . If you’ve ever driven on a major metropolitan highway system, you’ve seen it: The flow of traffic is completely engineered. Routes are optimized to allow travelers to reach their destinations as quickly as possible. Traffic laws speci