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4 min Haxmas

An Evaluation of the North Pole’s Password Security Posture

Co-written by Jonathan Stines and Tommy Dew . See all of this year's HaXmas content here . He sees your password choices; He knows when they’re not great. So don’t reuse those passwords, please, And make them all longer than eight. Now that Christmas has passed and all of the chaos from the holidays is winding down, Santa and the elves are finally able to sit back and recover from the strenuous Holiday commotion. H

6 min Haxmas

Regifting Python in Metasploit

Metasploit has been taking random Python scripts off the internet and passing them off as modules! Well, not exactly. Read on to see how we're extending the module system's scalability and what Python has to do with that.

4 min Haxmas

Forget The Presents: HaXmas Is All About The [Gift] Certificates

2017 is nearly at an end, and most of the cybersecurity world is glad to see it go. We've been plagued with a myriad of vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and attacks that have kept many of us working harder than Santa's elves on December 23rd to ensure our systems and networks were not in harm's way. The attacks may be over, but 2017 is not done "giving" just yet. Earlier this year, the Google Chrome team announced their intent to deprecate and remove trust in Symantec-issued certificates due

5 min Haxmas

Uses For Tech of HaXmas Past

Before you throw technology from HaXmas gifts past on the shelf of misfit toys, consider this story about how one security researcher found new uses for an old gizmo. Your old tech is crying out to be reused!

3 min Haxmas

HaXmas: The True Meaning(s) of Metasploit

Rapid7 Research Director Tod Beardsley kicks off our storied "12 Days of HaXmas" series with a thrilling tale of browser 0day, exploit module development, and the true meaning(s) of Metasploit.

1 min Haxmas

On the Zero-eth Day of HaXmas...

I suppose it’s only fitting that this year, we introduce our storied 12 Days of HaXmas on the zero-eth day. Technically, Twelvetide doesn’t start until December 25th. This year, we’re focusing on the security events that grabbed our attention, metrics that piqued our interest, and projects we pursued outside the blog and research spheres. We wanted to take a moment here at the end of the year to make sure that they didn’t just get lost lik

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup: Dec. 22, 2017

Even with the year winding down to a close, activity around Metasploit has been decidedly “hustle and bustle”. Some cool new things to talk about this week, so sit back and dig in! For Your iOS Only If you’ve been wanting to run Meterpreter under iOS, then this bit is for you! While Mettle has technically worked on iOS since February, @timwr has added official Metasploit Framework support

2 min

Protecting Your Web Site from the Doubleclick XSS Vulnerability

Advertising largely supports free content on the Internet, and many significant sites rely on DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP), Google’s advertising platform for publishers to monetize their traffic. Unfortunately for the AdOps world, DFP has been hosting cross-site scripting (XSS)-vulnerable ads since 2015! Ouch. You’re writing compelling content for your readers and using Google ads to pay the bills. Google has tools for you, and you’ve just found out that these tools could compromise your

4 min Detection and Response

Prepare for Battle: Let’s Build an Incident Response Plan (Part 4)

This is not a drill. In this final installment, read our recommendations for handling a real incident. Whether opportunistic or targeted, here's what you should be thinking about.

3 min Public Policy

NIST Cyber Framework Updated With Coordinated Vuln Disclosure Processes

A key guideline for cybersecurity risk management now includes coordinated vulnerability disclosure and handling processes. This revision will help boost adoption of processes for receiving and analyzing vulnerabilities disclosed from external sources, such as researchers.

18 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2017-25: Cambium ePMP and cnPilot Multiple Vulnerabilities

Summary of Issues Multiple vulnerabilities in Cambium Networks’ ePMP and cnPilot product lines were discovered by independent researcher Karn Ganeshen , which have, in turn, been addressed by the vendor. The affected devices are in use all over the world to provide wireless network connectivity in a variety of contexts, including schools, hotels, municipalities, and industrial sites, according to the vendor . These issue

2 min GDPR

MDR and GDPR: More than a lot of letters

With 2018 now well in our sights, the countdown to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ) is most definitely on. Articles 33 and 34 of the GDPR require organizations to communicate personal data breaches when there is a high risk of impact to the people to whom the data pertains. GDPR security requirements and breach notification go hand-in-hand, for obvious reasons. In the words of the Europe

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Dec. 15, 2017

I Read the News Today, Oh Boy As we near the end of the year we must express appreciation for the Metasploit community as a whole. Each contribution is valuable, be it an exploit for the latest vulnerability, documentation, spelling corrections, or anything in between. Together we shape the future of Metasploit. The Metasploit community really surprised us this time around, as the latest release brings five new exploit and two new auxiliary modules. Hey! You! Get Off of My Cloud Zenofex

3 min Incident Response

Prepare for Battle: Let’s Build an Incident Response Plan (Part 3)

Now, it’s time for the fun stuff. While an incident response plan review may feel like practicing moves on a wooden dummy, stress testing should feel more like Donnie Yen fighting ten people for bags of rice in Ip Man

2 min Public Policy

FCC Repeals Net Neutrality: What Now?

[Update 05/16/18: The US Senate passed a resolution , led by Sen. Ed Markey, to reject the FCC rule that repealed net neutrality. Rapid7 supports the resolution and other efforts to effectively reinstate net neutrality safeguards.] This week, Rapid7 hosted an event with Massachusetts’ Edward J. Markey and a number of Boston’s technology and business leaders to protest the likely repeal of net neutrality. Our CEO, Corey T