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3 min

Stopping Command Injection Attacks by Instrumenting Application Runtimes

Command injection (CMDi) attacks are suspected to be behind several high-profile data breaches recently. Command Injection Attacks – A Clear and Present Danger The massive data breach at Equifax was due to a vulnerability in a popular web framework that allowed attackers to penetrate their systems t

4 min Automation and Orchestration

How to Securely Handle a Lost or Stolen Device: A Practical Workflow

It’s 10pm and you receive an email from a teammate that their laptop was stolen at a local networking event. You learn that not only was their computer unlocked, but they were logged into their company email and Salesforce accounts at the time the device was stolen. Devices like laptops and phones hold a lot more value than the technology itself. Everything from customer data to company files and account logins are stored and easily accessible on these devices, making them easy targets for data

3 min Cybersecurity

NCSAM Security Crash Diet: Wrap-up

Wow, it’s November 7 already, and I still have all my National Cyber Security Awareness Month decorations up! I really need to take care of those. But, before I get to taking down all my 2FA authentication token lawn decorations, I figured it’d be a good time to chat it up with Olivia, and see how her NCSAM crash diet went. Tod: So, over the course of the month, what’s the one task you performed that benefited you the most? Olivia:

5 min Metasploit

Testing Developer Security with Metasploit Pro Task Chains

In this modern age, technology continues to make inroads into all sorts of industries. Everything from smartphones to late-model automobiles to internet-connected toasters requires software to operate, and this proliferation of software has brought along gaggles of software developers with their tools-of-the-trade. All this technology —not to mention the people utilizing it— can result in an increased attack surface for organizations doing software development. In this blog post, we’ll explore

2 min InsightIDR

Faster Investigations, Closer Teamwork: InsightIDR Enhancements

Incident investigations aren’t easy. Imagine investigation as a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle, except there are a million unarranged pieces to build from. Top analysts need to know what “bad” looks like and how to find it, and they must bring a sharp Excel game to stitch everything together...

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Nov. 3, 2017

What’s New? This week’s release sees multiple improvements and corrections, some years in the making! We fixed an interesting bug in the initial handshake with meterpreter that caused some payload callbacks to fail, improved error and information reporting in other modules, and then @h00die ran spellcheck ! New (and Improved!) Modules (2 New): After three years, @wvu’s tnftp aux module grew up to become a strong, well-rounded explo

4 min Detection and Response

Changing the Corporate Network Attacker’s Risk-Reward Paradigm

Defending a corporate network is hard, while attacking one is all too easy. We break down the risk/reward ratio for corporate attackers and what we can do to change it.

6 min Metasploit

Testing SMB Security with Metasploit Pro Task Chains: Part 2

This is part two of our blog series on testing SMB security with Metasploit Pro. In the previous post, we explained how to use Metasploit Pro’s Task Chains feature to audit SMB passwords automatically. Read it here if you haven’t already. In today’s blog post, we will talk about how to use a custom resource script in a Task Chain to automatically find some publicly-known high-profile vulnerabilities in SMB. Publi

4 min Automation and Orchestration

Security Career Paths: Common and Unique Roles

Security is one of the most in-demand roles today. According to recent numbers , the demand for security workers is expected to grow to 6 million worldwide by 2019. So how do you get into or grow your career in security? What makes security so interesting is the many directions you can take — traditional or not. This post will walk you through how to build

6 min IoT

NCSAM Security Crash Diet, Week 4: IoT

The final week of our 'Security Crash Diet' series for NCSAM explores what the IoT device purchasing process is like for consumers who want to buy IoT with security in mind. Spoiler: It isn't easy.

6 min Metasploit

Testing SMB Server Security with Metasploit Pro Task Chains: Part 1

A step-by-step guide to testing SMB server security using Metasploit Pro Task Chains.

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup: Oct. 27, 2017

Would you like to help Metasploit Framework and get a free t-shirt? There is still a bit of October left, which means you can totally still sign up for Hacktoberfest : a fun annual project to encourage open source software contributions! Make four pull requests on any open source GitHub project by Oct 31, and you might find yourself some joy and fulfilment—but at least a free t-shirt. Check out the Contribute section on the refreshed

2 min Automation and Orchestration

Why Security Teams Should Embrace (Not Fear) Automation

It’s not the coming of the apocalypse. It’s not the end of the security profession. And it’s certainly not a bad thing. We’re talking about the rise of automation. As security threats become a bigger part of the day-to-day concerns at all types of organizations, bringing in machines has become necessary to keep up. In fact, security automation can help you become even more valuable as an employee. Being at the heart of the security orchestration and automation

3 min IoT

ROCA: Vulnerable RSA Key Generation

In the KRACK-related and BadRabbit-related chaos of the past week and a half, some people missed a less flashy vulnerability that nevertheless dug up key long-term questions on IoT supply chains and embedded technology. The Czech-based Center for Research on Cryptography and Security published research last weekon a vulnerability (CVE-2017-15361) in the RSA key generation process in a widely-used cryptographic software library found in Infineon secure chips. Specifically: “The algorithmic vulne

3 min Malware

The BadRabbit Ransomware Attack: What You Need To Know

What’s Up? Rapid7 has been tracking reports of an expanding ransomware campaign dubbed BadRabbit. Russian news outlets and other organizations across Europe have reported being victims of this malware and the “outbreak” is continuing to spread. The BadRabbit attackers appear to have learned some lessons from previous outbreaks earlier this year and have both limited the external spreading capabilities of the ransomware as well as made the payments a bit harder for researchers, responders and au