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2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Sep. 22, 2017

To celebrate this first day of Autumn, we've got a potpourri of "things Metasploit" for you this week. And it might smell a bit like "pumpkin spice"... Or it might not. Who knows? Winter is Coming If you're looking to finish filling your storehouse before the cold sets in, we've got a couple of new gatherer modules to help. This new Linux post module can locate and pull TOR hostname and private key files for TOR hidden

4 min

Introducing Web Server Agents

We at tCell are excited to announce the availability of tCell’s Web Server Agent (WSA). The WSA joins our stable of agents for JavaScript, Java, Ruby, Python, Node.js, and .Net, extending our monitoring and protection capabilities to common web servers (NGINX is available now, and we’re accepting requests to join the tech preview for Apache and IIS.) But first, why this move? For that, I’ll need to take you back a few years, when people were All About that Bass and yelling “Timber”. In the

7 min Research

Cisco Smart Install Exposure

Cisco Smart Install (SMI) provides configuration and image management capabilities for Cisco switches. Cisco’s SMI documentation goes into more detail than we’ll be touching on in this post, but the short version is that SMI leverages a combination of DHCP, TFTP and a proprietary TCP protocol to allow organizations to deploy and manage Cisco switches. Using SMI yields a number of be

4 min InsightIDR

PCI DSS Dashboards in InsightIDR: New Pre-Built Cards

No matter how much you mature your security program and reduce the risk of a breach, your life includes the need to report across the company, and periodically, to auditors. We want to make that part as easy as possible. We built InsightIDR as a SaaS SIEM on top of our proven User Behavior Analytics (UBA)

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Sept. 15, 2017

It's been a hot minute since the last Metasploit Wrapup. So why not take in our snazzy new Rapid7 blog makeover and catch up on what's been goin' down! You can't spell 'Struts' without 'trust' Or perhaps you can! With the all the current news coverage around an Apache Struts vulnerability from earlier this year (thanks to its involvement in a consumer credit reporting agency data breach), there's a new Struts vuln

4 min Events

UNITED Summit: Day 2

After a jam-packed day one of Rapid7’s UNITED Summit , the UNITED running club started the day bright and early yet again. The rest of us opened UNITED day two with a fireside chat hosted by Jen Ellis , Rapid7 VP of Community and Public Affairs, and a slew of prominent security commentators: Lares founder Chris Nickerson , Mach37 Cyber’s man

2 min Detection and Response

The Legal Perspective of a Data Breach

The following is a guest post by Christopher Hart, an attorney at Foley Hoag and a member of Foley Hoag’s cybersecurity incident response team. This is not meant to constitute legal advice; instead, Chris offers helpful guidance for building an incident preparation and breach response framework in your own organization. A data breach is a business crisis that requires both a quick and a careful response. From my perspective as a lawyer, I want to provide the best advice and assistance I possibl

23 min Komand

An Interview with Rebekah Brown, Co-Author of Intelligence-Driven Incident Response

We recently interviewed Rebekah Brown for our Defender Spotlight series on the topic of her life as a cybersecurity defender. When we spoke with her, she also talked in-depth about how threat intelligence can inform and improve the incident response lifecycle. Rebekah practices these concepts in her day-to-day life as a defender, and she’s even co-authored a book on this very topic called Intelligence-Driven Incident Response

3 min Nexpose

AWS power-up: Tag import, asset cleanup, AssumeRole, ad-hoc scan

AWS instances present many challenges to security practitioners, who must manage the spikes and dips of resources in infrastructures that deal in very short-lived assets. Better and more accurate syncing of when instances are spun up or down, altered, or terminated directly impacts the quality of security data. A New Discovery Connection Today we’re excited to announce better integration between the Security Console and Amazon Web Services with the new Amazon Web Services Asset Sync discovery c

1 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - September 2017

It's a big month, with Microsoft patching 85 separate vulnerabilities including the two Adobe Flash Player Remote Code Execution (RCE) fixes bundled with the Edge and Internet Explorer 11 updates. Continuing recent trends, the bulk of Critical RCE vulnerabilities are client-side, primarily in Edge, IE,

2 min Vulnerability Management

Apache Struts S2-052 (CVE-2017-9805): What You Need To Know

Apache Struts, Again? What’s Going On? Yesterday’s Apache Struts vulnerability announcement describes an XML Deserialization issue in the popular Java framework for web applications. Deserialization of untrusted user input, also known as CWE-502 , is a somewhat well-known vulnerability pattern, and I would expect crimeware kits to

4 min Government

Cybersecurity for NAFTA

When the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was originally negotiated, cybersecurity was not a central focus. NAFTA came into force – removing obstacles to commercial trade activity between the US, Canada, and Mexico – in 1994, well before most digital services existed. Today, cybersecurity is a major economic force – itself a large industry and important source of jobs, as well as an enabler of broader economic health by reducing risk and uncertainty for businesses. Going forward, cybe

3 min Automation and Orchestration

RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman)

Synopsis Rivest, Shamir & Adleman (RSA) is the public key cryptosystem.  The phenomenon of data transmission is secured through it. The letters “RSA” are the initials of the inventor of the system. Four steps are incorporated in this algorithm: Encryption, Decryption, Key Distribution and Key Generation.  After the development of public-key cryptography, the most famous cryptosystem in the world is RSA. In order to maintain proper security, the decryption exponent of RSA must be greater than cer

3 min Automation and Orchestration

What is Data Encryption Standard (DES)?

Synopsis The Data which is encrypted by symmetric key method is called Data Encryption Standard (DES). It was prepared by IBM Team in 1974 and declared as national standard in 1977. Government was also using cryptography, especially in diplomatic communication and military. Without cryptography it’s difficult to interpret military communication. Cryptography was also used in commercial sector. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) was also working on DES. FIPS was integrated with comput

4 min Komand

How to Use Your Threat Model as a Guidepost for Security

The threats you face are unique to your company's size, industry, customer base, and many other factors. So your approach to protecting your organization's digital data should be unique, too. In this post, we’ll cover a framework to develop an effective threat model that will fits your organization's unique needs. The Factors that Determine Your Unique Threat Model There are many factors that can determine your threat model. And while this will vary from company to company, we've identified th