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5 min Authentication

R7-2017-07: Multiple Fuze TPN Handset Portal vulnerabilities (FIXED)

This post describes three security vulnerabilities related to access controls and authentication in the TPN Handset Portal, part of the Fuze platform. Fuze fixed all three issues by May 6, 2017, and user action is not required to remediate. Rapid7 thanks Fuze for their quick and thoughtful response to these vulnerabilities: * R7-2017-07.1, CWE-284 (Improper Access Control) : An unauthenticated remote attacker can enumerate through MAC addr

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit: The New Shiny

It's been a while since I've written a blog post about new stuff in Metasploit (and I'm not sure if the editors will let me top the innuendo of the last one ). But I'm privileged to announce that I'm speaking about Metasploit twice next month: once at the FSec 17 Conference in Varaždīn, Croatia September 7-8, and a second time at UNITED 2017

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: August 11, 2017

Slowloris: SMB edition Taking a page from the Slowloris HTTP DoS attack , the aptly named SMBLoris DoS attack exploits a vuln contained in many Windows releases (back to Windows 2000) and also affects Samba (a popular open source SMB implementation). Through creation of many connections to a target's SMB port, an attacker can exhaust all available memory on the target by sendi

2 min Metasploit

Hack with Metasploit: Announcing the UNITED 2017 CTF

Got mad skillz? Want mad skillz? This year at Rapid7's annual UNITED Summit , we're hosting a first-of-its-kind Capture the Flag (CTF) competition. Whether you're a noob to hacking or a grizzled pro, you'll emerge from our 25-hour CTF with more knowledge and serious bragging rights. Show off your 1337 abilities by competing for top prizes, or learn how to capture your first ever flag. Read on for details, and if you haven't already done so, register for UNITED

9 min

How to Prevent XSS Attacks

In my last post, we covered what is XSS and why it’s so hard to prevent, which can seem overwhelming, given what we know now. With even major web sites making mistakes should the rest of us just give up unplug our internet connections and go read a book? Of course not, there are a number of techniques that the community has developed to mitigate the risks of XSS. Here’s what we can do to prevent XSS attacks. Training The first line of defense is Training the developers. At this point, it is

7 min Research

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Exposure

The Remote Desktop Protocol, commonly referred to as RDP, is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft that is used to provide a graphical means of connecting to a network-connected computer. RDP client and server support has been present in varying capacities in most every Windows version since NT . Outside of Microsoft's offerings, there are RDP clients available for most other operating systems. If the nitty gritty of protocols is your thing, Wiki

2 min

Metasploit Wrapup 8/4/17

With Hacker Summer Camp 2017 wrapped up and folks now recovering from it, why not grab a drink and read up on what's new with Metasploit? Where there's smoke... At least a few versions of open source firewall IPFire contain a post-auth RCE vulnerability, and we (well, you!) now have a module to help exploit that

3 min

SMBLoris: What You Need To Know

What's Up? Astute readers may have been following the recent news around "SMBLoris" — a proof-of-concept exploit that takes advantage of a vulnerability in the implementation of SMB services on both Windows and Linux, enabling attackers to "kill you softly" with a clever, low-profile application-level denial of service (DoS) . This vulnerability impacts all versions of Windows and Samba (the Linux software that provides SMB services

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Exploring SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm)

Synopsis In computer cryptography, a popular message compress standard is utilized known as Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). Its enhanced version is called SHA-1. It has the ability to compress a fairly lengthy message and create a short message abstract in response.  The algorithm can be utilized along various protocols to ensure security of the applied algorithm, particularly for Digital Signature Standard (DSS).  The algorithm offers five separate hash functions which were created by National Sec

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Triple DES, 3-DES Network Encryptor

Synopsis Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (3DES) is an advancement of the popular DES standard.  3DES utilizes symmetric key block cipher. Using three unrelated 64 bit keys, 3DES was created to encrypt 64 bit blocks of data.    In DES block, each key is utilized as an input. Without creating an entire new cryptosystem, 3DES can highlight the apparent defect in DES. Through exerting the algorithm three times in progression with three unlike keys, 3-DES simply enhances the key size of DES. As DES

3 min

How Do You Identify Zero-Days and Fileless Malware? Download (the) RAM.

When a tactic becomes less and less effective, it's important to shift strategies and adapt. With malware , attackers are doing exactly that. As preventative measures such as antivirus and endpoint detection and response continue to improve, it's harder for commodity and even obfuscated malware to successfully install and persist on target machines unnoticed. The most effective

4 min Python

Virtual Machine Automation (vm-automation) repository released

Rapid7 just released a new public repo called vm-automation. The vm-automation repository is a Python library that encapsulates existing methodologies for virtual machine and hypervisor automation and provides a platform-agnostic Python API. Currently, only ESXi and VMWare workstation are supported, but I have high hopes we will support other hypervisors in time, and we would love to see contributors come forward and assist in supporting them! That's awesome. I want to get started now! Great! I

6 min Hacking

Building a Car Hacking Development Workbench: Part 3

Welcome back to the car hacking development workbench series. In part two we discussed how to read wiring diagrams. In part three, we are going to expand on the workbench by re-engineering circuits and replicate signals used in your vehicle. If this is your first time stumbling across this write up, I encourage you to check out the previous two parts to this series: Part 1: Constructing a Workbench Part 2: How to Read Wiring Di

2 min

Introducing InsightAppSec: Cloud-powered Application Security Testing

Rapid7 announces today the launch of InsightAppSec , the newest product to be delivered on the Insight platform . InsightAppSec combines the power and accuracy of Rapid7's industry-leading and proven Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) engine with the quick deployment, scalability, and ease-of-use of the Insight platform, enabling security teams to quickly identify the critical security ga

1 min

InsightVM now available in Japan

InsightVM customers can now choose to store their InsightVM data in Japan. At Rapid7, we enable customers to comply with policies and preferences by selecting the region where their data is transmitted, processed, and stored. We're excited to announce that Japan joins our existing data centers in the United States and Germany as an option for InsightVM data. When enabling InsightVM cloud features for the first time, customers will see a dialog where they can select which region should store the