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4 min Rapid7 Perspective

Attention Humans: The ROBOT Attack

What’s the ROBOT Attack? On the afternoon of December 12, researchers Hanno Böck, Juraj Somorovskym and Craig Young published a paper, website, testing tool, and CTF at detailing a padding oracle attack that affects the way cryptography is handled on secure websites. ROBOT, which stands for Return Of Bleichenbacher's Oracle Threat, details a weakness in the RSA encryption standard known as PKCS#1v1.5 that can ultimately allow an attacker to learn a secur

4 min GDPR

Creating a Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Program for GDPR with InsightVM

The General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR) deadline in 2018 is rapidly approaching, and as companies prepare for GDPR compliance , they’re facing a struggle that’s plagued every security program for years: how to quantify that nebulous, scary thing called “risk.” GDPR compliance specifically talks about “risk” several times in its guidelines, particularly in Arti

5 min IT Ops

6 Best Practices for Effective IT Troubleshooting

System monitoring and troubleshooting can be a time-consuming and frustrating activity. It’s not unusual for IT folks to spend hours finding and fixing a problem that could have been resolved in 10 minutes had better troubleshooting tools and processes been in place. Improving IT troubleshooting and monitoring doesn’t need to be an expensive undertaking. Many times it’s just a matter of implementing a few company-wide

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - December 2017

No big surprises from Microsoft this month , with 70% of the 34 vulnerabilities addressed being web browser defects. Most of these are Critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, so administrators should prioritize patching client workstations. It doesn't take sophisticated social engineering tactics to convince most users to visit a malicious web page, or a legitimate but

2 min Application Security

The Magic Behind Managed Application Security Services

When I was younger, one of my favorite gifts was a magic kit. My dad did magic tricks with cards and rope, and whenever I asked how he did it, he’d say, “A magician never tells his secrets.” Part of why I loved that gift so much is I got to be the magician—and I got a glimpse of the secrets. Whenever I spend time with the Managed Application Security team at Rapid7, I feel like I did when I was younger: excited to learn about how the magic works. Here are some of the secrets I’ve learned. Appl

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Dec. 8, 2017

Have you ever been on a conference call where you really wished you could take command of the situation? With Metasploit Framework and the new Polycom HDX exploit, you can (if given permission by the owner of the device, that is)! If teleconferencing isn't your target's style, you can also pwn correspondence the old-fashioned way: through a Microsoft Office exploit. Be it written or video, we here at Rapid7 know you value other people's communication! After another Python module and the Mac r

3 min Detection and Response

Prepare for Battle: Let’s Build an Incident Response Plan (Part 2)

In Part 1, we covered key considerations when drafting an incident response plan. Here, we'll cover the best way to get buy-in from key company stakeholders...

2 min Rapid7 Perspective

Standing with Massachusetts technology leaders in support of net neutrality

On Monday, Rapid7 will host Senator Edward J. Markey and a group of technology and business leaders from across Massachusetts as we stand in support of net neutrality. Together, we’ll affirm our commitment to a free and open internet that promotes growth and innovation and gives all users broad access to internet content. At the heart of net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers must treat all content transmitted across the internet equally. In practice, this means that IS

2 min InsightIDR

2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM: Rapid7 Named a Visionary

If you’re currently tackling an active SIEM project, it’s not easy to dig through libraries of product briefs and outlandish marketing claims. You can turn to trusted peers, but that’s challenging in a world where most leaders aren’t satisfied with their SIEM , even after generous amounts of professional services and third-party management. Luckily, Gartner is no stranger to putting vendors to the test, especially for SIEM, where since 2005 they’ve rele

1 min Vulnerability Management

CVE-2017-10151: What You Need to Know About the Oracle Identity Manager Vulnerability

I have Oracle Identity Manager running in my environment. What's going on? Am I vulnerable? Recently, we’ve been getting more than a few questions about the Oracle Identity Manager vulnerability (CVE-2017-10151) , which was rated by Oracle with the most critical CVSS score of 10 . This is the highest possible CVSS score, which represents a vulnerability with a low complexity for

4 min GDPR

GDPR Compliance Checklist: December – Assess & Review

With under six months to go until the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force, organizations that handle the personal data of EU citizens are preparing for this new compliance regulation. In order to help you through this new regulation, we’re creating a series of helpful blog posts to see you all the way to May 25th 2018. This GDPR-focused infographic covers the month-by-month high level topics. If you missed our November bl

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Dec. 1, 2017

Here in the U.S., we just celebrated Thanksgiving, which involves being thankful , seeing friends and family, and eating entirely too much (I know that last one is not uncommon here). After a large meal and vacation, we figured that it would be a nice, slow week for security research in the States. Then we opened Twitter and were suddenly happy we had procrastinated and most of us had put off upgrading to High Sierra. Community CTF In case you missed yesterd

3 min Detection and Response

Prepare for Battle: Let’s Build an Incident Response Plan (Part 1)

Creating and testing an IR plan mitigates risk—help your organization perform at its best by preparing it for the worst. Join us for Part 1: drafting the plan.

2 min Metasploit

Announcing the Metasploitable3 Community CTF

Been waiting for the Linux version of Metasploitable3 to drop? We’ll do you one better: Metasploit is giving the community a week to rain shells on a penguin-shaped Metasploitable3 instance—and to win prizes at the end of it. Play starts December 4; see below for full competition details. TL;DR: Sign up, drop shells, win stuff. Not into capturing flags but jonesing for a look at the code? We’ll release the Linux Metasploitable3 source code to the community soon after the competition ends. Happ

3 min InsightAppSec

InsightAppSec Feature Highlights: On-Premise Engines, JIRA Integration, and More

Powerful Yet Simple DAST Scanning Gets Even Better InsightAppSec , Rapid7’s cloud-powered web application security testing solution , has added three powerful new features: * On-premise scan engines * JIRA integration * Scan Activity view Test Your Internal Applications and Reduce Your Risk Web application security testing