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3 min Vulnerability Management

Live Threat-Driven Vulnerability Prioritization

We often hear that security teams are overwhelmed by the number of vulnerabilities in their environments: every day they are finding more than they can fix. It doesn't help when rating schemes used for prioritization, like the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), don't really work at scale or take the threat landscape into account. How do you know where to focus if your vulnerability management solution

2 min InsightVM

Wanna see WannaCry vulns in Splunk?

Do you want to see your WannaCry vulns all in one dashboard in Splunk? We've got you covered. Before you start, make sure you have these two apps installed in your Splunk App: * Rapid7 Nexpose Technology Add-On for Splunk * Rapid7 Nexpose for Splunk Steps 1. Follow the directions in this blog post

6 min Malware

The CIS Critical Controls Explained- Control 8: Malware Defenses

This is a continuation of our CIS critical security controls blog series. Workstations form the biggest threat surface in any organization. The CIS Critical Security Controls include workstation and user-focused endpoint security in several of the controls, but Control 8 (Malware Defenses) is the only control to strictly focus on antivirus and malware across the organiza

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup 6/2/17

It has only been one week since the last wrapup, so it's not like much could have happened, right? Wrong! Misery Loves Company After last week's excitement with Metasploit's version of ETERNALBLUE (AKA the Wannacry vulnerability) , this week SAMBA had its own "Hold My Beer" moment with the disclosure that an authenticated (or anonymous) client can upload a shared library to a SAMBA server, and that server will happily e

4 min DevOps

DevOps: Vagrant with AWS EC2 & Digital Ocean

The Benefits of Vagrant Plugins Following on from my recent DevOps blog posts, The DevOps Tools We Use & How We Use Them and Vagrant with Chef-Server , we will take another step forward and look into provisioning our servers in the cloud. There are many cloud providers out there, most who provide some sort of APIs. Dealing with the different APIs

2 min InsightOps

How to Combine D3 with AngularJS

The Benefits and Challenges of D3 Angular Combination Today we'll be focusing on how to combine D3 with the AngularJS framework. As we all know, Angular and D3 frameworks are very popular, and once they work together they can be very powerful and helpful when creating dashboards. But, they can also be challenging and confusing especially when new to these frameworks. The right way to incorporate D3 with Angular is to use custom directives. Directives in Angular are essentially functions that ar

3 min Komand

Security Orchestration Myths: Have You Heard These?

For many companies, the concept of security orchestration is still relatively new. Security operations teams are scrambling to find a way to keep up with the troves of alerts, threats, and issues, and wondering if security orchestration is really going to solve it all. Naturally, we hear all sorts of misconceptions about security orchestration — some that couldn’t be further from the truth. In this post, we’ll lay to rest some well-worn myths so that you can separate signal from noise and decid

4 min Nexpose

R7-2017-13 | CVE-2017-5243: Nexpose Hardware Appliance SSH Enabled Obsolete Algorithms

Summary Nexpose physical appliances shipped with an SSH configuration that allowed obsolete algorithms to be used for key exchange and other functions. Because these algorithms are enabled, attacks involving authentication to the hardware appliances are more likely to succeed. We strongly encourage current hardware appliance owners to update their systems to harden their SSH configuration using the steps outlined under “Remediation” below. In addition,

3 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2017-05 | CVE-2017-3211: Centire Yopify Information Disclosure

This post describes a vulnerability in Yopify (a plugin for various popular e-commerce platforms), as well as remediation steps that have been taken. Yopify leaks the first name, last initial, city, and recent purchase data of customers, all without user authorization. This poses a significant privacy risk for customers. This vulnerability is characterized as: CWE-213 (Intentional Information Disclosure) . Product Description Yopify

4 min Automation and Orchestration

ISO/IEC 27035-2 Review (cont.) - Incident Classification and Legal/Regulatory Aspects

Synopsis In the series of articles titled “Incident Response Life Cycle in NIST and ISO standards” I review incident response life cycle, as defined and described in NIST and ISO standards related to incident management. I introduced these standards in the first article in this series . ISO/IEC 27035 is a multi-part standard. Its first part introduces incident management principles. Its second part, ISO/IEC 27035-2, g

3 min Nexpose

InsightVM/Nexpose Patch Tuesday Reporting

Many of our customers wish to report specifically on Microsoft patch related vulnerabilities . This often includes specific vulnerabilities that are patched in Patch Tuesday updates. This post will show you the various ways that you can create reports for each of these. Remediation Projects Remediation Projects are a feature included in InsightVM that allow you to get a live view

4 min

Metasploit Wrapup 5/26/17

It has been an intense couple of weeks in infosec since the last Wrapup and we've got some cool things for you in the latest update. Hacking like No Such Agency I'll admit I was wrong. For several years, I've been saying we'll never see another bug like MS08-067, a full remote hole in a default Windows service. While I'm not yet convinced that MS17-010 will reach the same scale as MS08-067 did, EternalBlue has already

4 min Linux

Patching CVE-2017-7494 in Samba: It's the Circle of Life

With the scent of scorched internet still lingering in the air from the WannaCry Ransomworm , today we see a new scary-and-potentially-incendiary bug hitting the twitter news. The vulnerability - CVE-2017-7494 - affects versions 3.5 (released March 1, 2010) and onwards of Samba, the defacto standard for providing Windows-based file and print services on Unix and Linux systems. We strongly recommend that s

2 min Nexpose

Samba CVE-2017-7494: Scanning and Remediating in InsightVM and Nexpose

Just when you'd finished wiping away your WannaCry tears, the interwebs dropped another bombshell: a nasty Samba vulnerability, CVE-2017-7494 (no snazzy name as of the publishing of this blog, but hopefully something with a Lion King reference will be created soon). As with WannaCry, we wanted to keep this simple. First, check out Jen Ellis's overview of the Samba vulnerabil

3 min Komand

Announcing Chatbot Response Prompts

ChatOps is a big theme these days. IT operations, software engineers, security professionals, and many more utilize ChatOps as a popular way to collaborate with team members in real-time, and in one central location. Slack is often the app of choice for ChatOps; they have a robust API along with in-depth documentation on how to integrate with their product. They’ve also developed interactive features