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17 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2016-23, R7-2016-26, R7-2016-27: Multiple Home Security Vulnerabilities

Executive Summary In October of 2016, former Rapid7 researcher Phil Bosco discovered a number of relatively low-risk vulnerabilities and issues involving home security systems that are common throughout the United States, and which have significant WiFi or Ethernet capabilities. The three systems tested were offerings from Comcast XFINITY, ADT, and AT&T Digital Life, and the issues discovered ranged from an apparent "fail open" condition on the external door and

4 min Ransomware

Scanning and Remediating WannaCry/MS17-010 in InsightVM and Nexpose

*Update 5/18/17: EternalBlue exploit (used in WannaCry attack) is now available in Metasploit for testing your compensating controls and validating remediations. More info: EternalBlue: Metasploit Module for MS17-010 . Also removed steps 5 and 6 from scan instructions as they were not strictly necessary and causing issues for some customers. *Update 5/17/17: Unauthenticated remote checks have now been provided. For hosts that ar

6 min Ransomware

WannaCry Update: Vulnerable SMB Shares Are Widely Deployed And People Are Scanning For Them (Port 445 Exploit)

WannaCry Overview Last week the WannaCry ransomware worm, also known as Wanna Decryptor, Wanna Decryptor 2.0, WNCRY, and WannaCrypt started spreading around the world, holding computers for ransom at hospitals, government offices, and businesses. To recap: WannaCry exploits a vulnerability in the Windows Server Message Block (SMB) file sharing protocol. It spreads to unpatched devices directly connected to the internet and, once inside an organization, those machines and devices behind the firew

5 min Komand

Top Threat Actors and Their Tactics, Techniques, Tools, and Targets

With new threats emerging every day (over 230,000 new malware strains are released into the wild daily), it's tough to stay on top of the the latest ones, including the actors responsible for them. A threat actor is an individual or group that launches attacks against specific targets. These actors usually have a particular style they prefer to focus on. In this post, we will do a deep dive into so

3 min Threat Intel

Using Threat Intelligence to Mitigate Wanna Decryptor (WannaCry)

Basics of Cyber Threat Intelligence Cyber Threat Intelligence is analyzed information about the opportunities, capabilities, and intent of cyber adversaries. The goal of cyber threat intelligence is to help people make decisions about how to prevent, detect, and respond to threats against their networks. This can take a number of forms, but the one people almost always turn to is IOCs. IOCs, or indicators of compromise, are tech

3 min Metasploit

Exploitable Vulnerabilities: A Metasploit-Vulnerability Management Love Story

Integrating InsightVM or Nexpose (Rapid7's vulnerability management solutions ) with Metasploit (our penetration testing solution ) is a lot like Cupid playing “matchmaker” with vulnerabilities and exploit modules

4 min Ransomware

Wanna Decryptor (WNCRY) Ransomware Explained

Mark the date: May 12, 2017. This is the day the “ransomworm” dubbed “WannaCry” / “Wannacrypt” burst — literally — onto the scene with one of the initial targets being the British National Health Service . According to The Guardian: the “unprecedented attack… affected 12 countries and at least 16 NHS trusts in the UK, compromising IT systems that underpin patient safety. Staff across the NHS were locked out of their computers and trusts had to divert em

4 min Public Policy

White House Cybersecurity Executive Order Summary

Yesterday President Trump issued an Executive Order on cybersecurity: “Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure.” The Executive Order (EO) appears broadly positive and well thought out, though it is just the beginning of a long process and not a sea change in itself. The EO directs agencies to come up with plans

1 min Vulnerability Disclosure

On the lookout for Intel AMT CVE-2017-5689

We've had some inquiries about checks for CVE-2017-5689, a vulnerability affecting Intel AMT devices. On May 5th, 2017, we released a potential vulnerability check that can help identify assets that may be vulnerable. We initially ran into issues with trying to determine the exact version of the firmware remotely, and so a potential check was released so that you would still be able to identify devices that may be impacted by this. We didn't stop there though. As part of yesterday's Nexpose rel

4 min InsightVM

Discovery of assets in Active Directory

Many security teams work in a world that they can't fully see, let alone control. It can be difficult to know how to make meaningful progress in your vulnerability management program when simply maintaining visibility can be a struggle. One way to get some leverage is to make wise use of asset discovery. If you are able to tap into repositories or sources of assets, you stand a better chance of gaining and maintaining visibility. Ove

3 min

Simplifying Account Takeover Protection

Account takeover (ATO) is difficult to prevent against because it can go unnoticed for years until a customer notices something is amiss. It’s tedious and requires detailed logging as well as flexible query ability to survey for it ‘by hand’. Many consumer-facing companies try to create in-house solutions, but it can take years to develop the tools to even do ‘machine assisted’ ATO detection. Even the

4 min Komand

The Real Cost of Manual Security Operations

More tools, processes, or people doesn’t always equal better security. In fact, the more you have to manage, the costlier it can get. But as threats evolve, technologies and processes change, and so too must security operations. If your security operations are highly manual today, this post will help you visualize what that is costing your organization, not just from a monetary standpoint, but from an efficiency and speed perspective, too. We’ll start by looking at the three major areas of secu

4 min Penetration Testing

IoT Security Testing Methodology

By Deral Heiland IoT - IoT Research Lead Rapid7 Nathan Sevier - Senior Consultant Rapid7 Chris Littlebury - Threat Assessment Manage Rapid7 End-to-end ecosystem methodology When examining IoT technology, the actionable testing focus and methodology is often applied solely to the embedded device. This is short sighted and incomplete. An effective assessment methodology should consider the entire IoT solution or as we refer to it, the IoT Product Ecosystem. Every interactive component that makes

2 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday - May 2017

It's a relatively light month as far as Patch Tuesdays go, with Microsoft issuing fixes for a total of seven vulnerabilities as part of their standard update program. However, an eighth, highly critical vulnerability (CVE-2017-0290 ) that had some of the security community buzzing over the weekend was also addressed late Monday evening. A flaw in the

4 min Automation and Orchestration

ChatOps for Security Operations

Synopsis Bots are tiny helpers that can be part of any applications and are well suited for a large scale, repetitive and real time tasks. They enable highly qualified security teams to focus on more productive tasks such as building, architecting and deploying rather than get occupied with menial tasks. Additionally, they act as sharing and learning tools for everyone in the organizations and provide context for all conversations and collaborations. Benefits of ChatOps for Security ChatOps