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3 min Automation and Orchestration

Basics of IPsec

What is IPsec? IPsec is a framework of related protocols that secure communications at the network or packet processing layer. It can be used to protect one or more data flows between peers. IPsec enables data confidentiality, integrity, origin authentication and anti-replay. Why was IPsec created? There was a dire need of communicating data packets securely over large public WAN (mainly Internet). The solution was development of many networking protocols among which IPsec is one of the most de

2 min Komand

InfoSec Valentines: Show a Security Nerd How Much You Care

It's no secret that we ❤️ security defenders. And while we typically show our love through helpful insights and technique-driven articles, there's just something about this time of year that makes us want to display it in an entirely different fashion. We present to you infosec valentines! We know this isn't a new phenomenon , but with all the doom and gloom that winter brings, creating and sharing infosec valentines got us excited. S

1 min Nexpose

CVE-2017-3823: Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Cisco WebEx Browser Plugin

On January 21st 2017, Google's Project Zero disclosed a vulnerability in Cisco's WebEx browser plugin extension that could allow attackers to perform a remote code execution (RCE) exploit on any Windows host running the plugin. An initial fix was pushed out by Cisco that warned a user if they were launching a meeting from a domain other than * or *, however, the fix was questioned by April King from Mozilla

2 min

Metasploit Framework Valentines Update

Valentines day is just around the corner! What could be a nicer gift for your sweetie than a bundle of new Metasploit Framework updates? The community has been as busy as ever delivering a sweet crop of sexy exploits, bug fixes, and interesting new features. Everyone Deserves a Second Chance Meterpreter Scripts have been deprecated for years in favor of Post Exploitation modules, which are much more flexible and easy to debug. Unfortuna

4 min Automation and Orchestration

Fine Tuning Your Intrusion Detection System to Minimize False Positive Alerts

Monitoring and protecting your company’s assets is one of the most important jobs you can perform. It can be tedious sometimes, but overall it can have the biggest impact to the business if compromised. Having alerts set up in your SIEM , IDS and FIM solutions can ultimately keep you on track. Eliminating false positive results can be a whole different story. Being able to pick out false pos

6 min Ransomware

The Ransomware Chronicles: A DevOps Survival Guide

NOTE: Tom Sellers , Jon Hart , Derek Abdine and (really) the entire Rapid7 Labs team made this post possible. On the internet, no one may know if you're of the canine persuasion, but with a little time and just a few resources they can easily determine whether you're running an open “devops-ish” server or not. We're loosely defining devops-ish as: * MongoDB * CouchDB * Elasticsearch for this post

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Understanding Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) (1/2)

Synopsis To transport packets in a private and secure path over a public network, we use the process of encapsulating packets inside an IP encapsulation protocol. GRE follows this protocol and sends packets from one network to another through a GRE tunnel. In this blog, we will understand what is encapsulation, the CoS of GRE and firewall filters in GRE. Understanding GRE – Generic Routing Encapsulation What is encapsulation? The general internal representation of an object or data or packet is

6 min IT Ops

5 Rules of Pair Programming Etiquette

I like Pair Programming . I’ve been doing it episodically for about 10 years. Whenever I’ve pair programmed, at the end of a session, I’ve always walked away a better developer than when I started. However, the practice can be expensive when the pair doing the programming are not efficient. When a lot of friction exists between the two coders involved, costs can exceed double that of a single programmer trying to hash things out on his or her ow

5 min Komand

How to Automate Response to Endpoint Threats with Sysdig Falco, Splunk, Duo, and Komand

Many security teams use endpoint threat detection solutions to detect and respond to threats like malware, credential theft, and more. In a common architecture using a SIEM or Log Management solution, alerts from endpoint detection products can be managed and correlated with telemetry from other solutions or logs, and validated: Generally, a human being has to get involved anywhere from the third step forward. Can we do better? Using a typical architecture with a real endpoint threat detecti

2 min Nexpose

Scan Configuration Improvements in Nexpose

A common request we hear from customers is for the ability to schedule scans on individual assets, or on subsets of assets. Currently, you can start a manual scan and choose specific IPs, engine and template, but you need to have permissions to create sites in order to schedule such a scan. Good news! In version 6.4.18 version of Nexpose, released Jan 25th 2017, we've addressed this! Now individual site owners can create schedules and choose specific IP's, ranges or asset groups to kick off a

5 min Automation and Orchestration

Two Factor Authentication Methods and Technologies

Synopsis Authentication is a critical step that forms the basis of trust on the Internet or any network based transactions. To state simply it verifies that the person or entity is who they claim to be. However authentication mechanisms are constantly under attack. Two Factor Authentication is an evolution to counter these security threats. This tutorial takes a look at various types of authentication methods and technologies behind them. Different Types of Authentication Factors Three distinct

3 min Komand

The Most Repetitive Tasks Security Analysts Perform

It’s not very productive to come into work day in and day out just to perform the same task dozens of times when you were trained to hunt threats and remediate complex problems. The repetition of rote tasks like IP scoring, alert monitoring, and URL lookups can be fatiguing and dissatisfying, which, as major security breaches show , can cause alerts to slip through the cracks and threats to get in

4 min Komand

Introducing Komand’s Security Orchestration and Automation Platform

It was just a few months ago when we launched our beta program. And with beta users working within our security orchestration and automation platform , we built out new features, refined others, and overall fortified our solution. We validated that security teams not only want to save time, increase productivity, and streamline operations, they also need a tool that would allow them to add automation to their security work

2 min Nexpose

Maximizing PCI Compliance with Nexpose and Coalfire

In 2007 Coalfire selected Rapid 7 Nexpose as the engine around which to build their PCI Approved Scan Vendor offering.  PCI was just a few years old and merchants were struggling to achieve and document full compliance with the highly proscriptive Data Security Standard.  Our goal was to find that classic sports car blend of style and power: a vulnerability assessment solution that was as streamlined and easy to use as possible, but robust enough to significantly improve the customer's security.

3 min Komand

The 3 Things You Need in Place to Successfully Leverage Security Orchestration and Automation

In a time where security is becoming a board-level discussion and threats are affecting not only big businesses, but small ones too, many security teams are scrambling to keep up. But keeping up with a mounting number of threats requires massive efficiencies and a proactive security posture. The way to achieve both of those simultaneously is through security orchestration and automation . By this point you’ve probably hear