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3 min Nexpose

Nexpose Dimensional Data Warehouse and Reporting Data Model: What's the Difference?

The Data Warehouse Export recently added support for a Dimensional Model for its export schema. This provides a much more comprehensive, accessible, and scalable model of data than the previous (now referred to as "Legacy") model. The foundation for this dimensional model is the same as the Reporting Data Model, which backs the built-in reporting for SQL Query Export. So what exactly is the difference between the Reporting Data

5 min IT Ops

Solving the expression problem

If you look at any OO-based codebase of a nontrivial size, you’ll find well understood behavior formalized and encapsulated through the effective use of polymorphism- either via interfaces which decouple calling code from a types’ implementation, or via sub typing to share code common to multiple types. To take an example from a statically typed language like Java, let’s look at the Map interface and a few of its implementations in the standard library: A receiving method which

3 min IoT

IoT Security vs Usability

Recently we all have found ourselves talking about the risk and impact of poorly secured IoT technology and who is responsible. Fact is there is enough blame to go around for everyone, but let's not go there. Let us start focusing on solutions that can help secure IoT technology. Usability has been an issue that has plagued us since the beginning of time. As an example, just going back to my youth and seeing my parents VCR flashing 12:00 all the time. We laugh at that, because it showed us thei

4 min Metasploit

Metasploitable3 Capture the Flag Competition

UPDATE: Leaderboard can be found on this new post ! Plus, some notes that may be helpful. Exciting news! Rapid7 is hosting a month-long, world-wide capture the flag(s) competition! Rapid7 recently released Metasploitable3 , the latest version of our attackable, vulnerable environment designed to help security professionals, students, and researchers alike hone their skills and practice their craft. I

6 min Honeypots

Introduction to Honeypots

Synopsis With an ever-increasing number of methods and tactics used to attack networks, the goal of securing a network must also continually expand in scope. While traditional methods such as IDS/IPS systems, DMZ’s, penetration testing and various other tools can create a very secure network, it is best to assume vulnerabilities will always exist, and sooner or later, they will be exploited. Thus, we need to continuously find innovative ways of countering the threats, and one such way is to depl

6 min Komand

SOC Series: How to Make a Security Operations Center More Efficient

You have your security operations center (SOC) in place, now what? Creating a SOC is not a cheap undertaking, so to be sure your investment in people and resources pays off, your next task is to make it as efficient as possible. Efficiency drives time-to-response, and with intrusion detection and incident response, optimizing for this metric is crucial. Over the long term, it also becomes more cost-effective. I’ve seen the good

4 min Nexpose

Nexpose: Live Assessment and the Passive Scanning Trap

With the launch of Nexpose Now in June, we've talked a lot about the “passive scanning trap” and “live assessment” in comparison. You may be thinking: what does that actually mean? Good question. There has been confusion between continuous monitoring and continuous vulnerability assessment – and I'd like to propose that a new term “continuous risk monitoring” be used instead, which is where Adaptive Security and Nexpose Now fits. The goal of a vulnerability management program

3 min Nexpose

Vulnerability Assessment Reports in Nexpose: The Right Tool for the Right Job

Nexpose supports a variety of complementary reporting solutions that allows you to access, aggregate, and take action upon your scan data. However, knowing which solution is best for the circumstance can sometimes be confusing, so let's review what's available to help you pick the right tool for the job. I want to pull a vulnerability assessment report out of Nexpose. What are my options? Web Interface The Nexpose web interface provides a quick and easy way to navigate through your data. You ca

5 min Komand

Early Warning Detectors Using AWS Access Keys as Honeytokens

Deception lures are all of the rage these days , and when deployed properly, are extremely low overhead to maintain and trigger little to no false alarms. Honeytokens, closely related to honeypots, are ‘tripwires’ that you leave on machines and data

3 min InsightOps

Announcing InsightOps - Pioneering Endpoint Visibility and Log Analytics

Our mission at Rapid7 is to solve complex security and IT challenges with simple, innovative solutions. Late last year Logentries joined the Rapid7 family to help to drive this mission. The Logentries technology itself had been designed to reveal the power of log data to the world and had built a community of 50,000 users on the foundations of our real time, easy to use yet powerful log management and analytics engine. Today we are

4 min IoT

On the Recent DSL Modem Vulnerabilities

by Tod Beardsley and Bob Rudis What's Going On? Early in November, a vulnerability was disclosed affecting Zyxel DSL modems, which are rebranded and distributed to many DSL broadband customers across Europe. Approximately 19 days later, this vulnerability was leveraged in widespread attacks across the Internet, apparently connected with a new round of Mirai botnet activity. If you are a DSL broadband customer, you can check to see if yo

4 min Komand

Adding Proactive Components to Your Incident Response Process

Effectiveness in security operations is a common theme these days. Often, security teams already have a long list of ways to optimize their current programs and processes, but not enough time to endlessly fiddle with the details. Choosing methods to boost effectiveness usually comes down to scale of impact and, ultimately, priority. One high visibility way to improve your response times, and, as a result, the success of your team is by shifting from a reactive security posture to a proactive on

4 min Deception Technology

Deception Technology: Can It Detect Intruders Earlier in their Attack Chain?

Every infosec conference is chatting about the Attack Chain, a visual mapping of the steps an intruder must take to breach a network. If you can detect traces of an attack earlier, you not only have more time to respond, but can stop the unauthorized access to monetizable data and its exfiltration. Even as attackers and pen-testers continue to evolve their techniques, the Attack Chain continues to provide a great baseline framework to map out your security detection program. Many of today's

3 min Nexpose

Dimensional Data Warehouse Export, Part of Nexpose 6.4.6

Can You Be Trusted with the Sword of a Thousand Truths? Does the vision of what you want to accomplish appear to you so clearly that it seems real?  After all, you already have the custom integrations, tools, and workflows set that make the most sense in your world.  They are tailored to your organization's unique needs. They are tuned and ready to go – or at least they would be if only you could just get your data. You know that with this, you'd be unstoppable. You want the Sword of a Thousand

3 min Komand

3 Signals Your Security Workflows Are Inefficient

When valuable time is spent on mundane tasks, it means that there isn’t enough for strategic planning or timely response to security events and incidents. That’s how threats go unnoticed and vulnerabilities remain open for days, weeks, or months at a time. With the cost of a data breach averaging $4 million , this can’t be ignored. Every security team worth its salt wants to: * Prove their value by doing high-value and strategic work, and; * Catch