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8 min Automation and Orchestration

How to Use OpenVAS to Audit the Security of Your Network (2/2)

Synopsis Last time , we discussed how to install the Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS), on Debian GNU/Linux. OpenVAS is a Free/Libre software product that can be used to audit the security of an internal corporate network and find vulnerabilities in a free and automated fashion. Now that we have access to the Greenbone Security Assistant web application, the tool that will allow us to manage and configure Open

5 min IT Ops

Node.js as a Proxy to

Logging from the client side of a web application can seem like a challenge.  The web browser exposes everything to the user.  There is no way to hide anything delivered to the client from prying eyes, including your log token to your Logentries log.  There is no relia

5 min Product Updates

Building Personalized and Exceptional Customer Experiences

Building personalized and exceptional customer experiences At Rapid7, we strive to give you, our customers, a personalized and exceptional experience every time you interact with our organization, our products, and our services. This is what we refer to as the "Customer Experience". In order to clarify what this term means, Don Peppers from the Peppers & Rogers Group defines the Customer Experience as “the totality of a customer's individual interactions with a brand, over time”. We are all cus

2 min

Metasploit Wrapup 11/18/16

Everything old is new again As you probably already know, hardware manufacturers are not always great at security. Today we'll be picking on Netgear, who produce a WiFi router called the WNR2200 . This cute little device, brand new out of the box on store shelves today, runs Linux 2.6.15 with Samba 3.0.24. For those of you keeping score at home, those versions were released in 2007. Way back in 2007, Samba had a pre-auth heap buffer overflow vulnerabil

3 min Project Sonar

Signal to Noise in Internet Scanning Research

We live in an interesting time for research related to Internet scanning. There is a wealth of data and services to aid in research. Scanning related initiatives like Rapid7's Project Sonar , Censys , Shodan , Shadowserver or any number of other public/semi-public projects have been around for years, collecting massive troves of data.  The data and services built around it has been used f

3 min InsightIDR

How to Troubleshoot Slow Network Issues With Network Traffic Analysis

In this blog, we discuss how to troubleshoot slow network issues with Network Traffic Analysis.

3 min Project Sonar

The Internet of Gas Station Tank Gauges -- Final Take?

In early 2015, HD Moore performed one of the first publicly accessible research related to Internet-connected gas station tank gauges, The Internet of Gas Station Tank Gauges . Later that same year, I did a follow-up study that probed a little deeper in The Internet of Gas Station Tank Gauges — Take #2 . As part of that study, we were attempting to see if the exposure of these devic

3 min Incident Detection

Introspective Intelligence: Understanding Detection Techniques

To provide insight into the methods devised by Rapid7, we'll need to revisit the detection methods implemented across InfoSec products and services and how we apply data differently. Rapid7 gathers volumes of threat intelligence on a daily basis - from new penetration testing tools, tactics, and procedures in Metasploit, vulnerability detections in Nexpose, and user behavior anomalies in InsightIDR. By continuously generating, refining and applying threat intelligence, we enable more robust dete

1 min Automation and Orchestration

A Guide on Security Automation Best Practices

Ask three different security teams what is holding them back from faster time-to-response and chances are you’ll get three different answers: 1. Manual, time-intensive processes 2. Lack of integrated tools 3. Lack of development resources All of these problems exist across both big and small companies in any industry, from healthcare to finance to e-commerce. But in a digital world where attacks are both prevalent and pervasive, defenders always need to be a step (if not two) ahead. This i

6 min Research

The Data Science Process at Rapid7

Data Science is more than just math. A successful Data Science team and successful Data Science projects require relationships with outside teams, clear communication, as well as good decision making, problem solving and critical thinking abilities. Thus, when we talk about Data Science at Rapid7, we talk about the Data Science Process our teams use to take a Data Science project from inception to completion, where math and analysis are important, but not the only aspects of the project. What a

4 min Metasploit

Metasploitable3: An Intentionally Vulnerable Machine for Exploit Testing

Test Your Might With The Shiny New Metasploitable3 Today I am excited to announce the debut of our shiny new toy - Metasploitable3 . Metasploitable3 is a free virtual machine that allows you to simulate attacks largely using Metasploit . It has been used by people in the security industry for a variety of reasons: such as training for network exploitation, exploit development, software testing, techn

4 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2016-24, OpenNMS Stored XSS via SNMP (CVE-2016-6555, CVE-2016-6556)

Stored server cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the web application component of OpenNMS via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Authentication is not required to exploit. Credit This issue was discovered by independent researcher Matthew Kienow , and reported by Rapid7. Products Affected The following versions were tested and successfully exploited: * OpenNMS version 18.0.0 * OpenNMS version 18.0.1 Ope

4 min IT Ops

Goodbye to the VCR: Rewinding Down Memory Lane

The VHS tape was a thing of a magic that is alien in the world of on-demand media.  It represented a promise of entertainment. A promise only realized when loading the tape into the player and pressing the play button. There was an air of excitement around every video, and you could never be entirely certain about what the video contained. I was reminded of the mystique of the VCR just this month when I read about its final demise.  Funai Electric, the last major manufacturer of VCR players,

6 min Rapid7 Perspective

Conflicting perspectives on the TLS 1.3 Draft

In the security industry, as in much of life, a problem we often face is that of balance. We are challenged with finding the balance between an organization's operational needs and the level of security that can be implemented. In many situations an acceptable, if less than optimal, solution can be found but there are cases where this balance cannot be achieved. I recently saw a case of this on the mailing list of the IETF

5 min CIS Controls

Using CIS Controls To Stop Your Network From Falling in With the Wrong Crowd

Earlier this month Kyle Flaherty wrote a post on the Rapid7 Community Blog about how Rapid7 came out on top for coverage of the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Top 20 Security Controls . In light of recent DDoS events I'd like to take a little time to discuss at a high level what the controls are, how they would help, and what organizations can do to improve th