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9 min Project Sonar

Project Sonar Study of LDAP on the Internet

The topic of today's post is a Rapid7 Project Sonar study of publicly accessible LDAP services on the Internet. This research effort was started in July of this year and various portions of it continue today.  In light of the Shadowserver Foundations's recent announcement regarding the availability relevant reports we thought it would be a good time to make some of our results public. The study was originally intended to be a

3 min Nexpose

Patch Tuesday, November 2016

November continues a long running trend with Microsoft's products where the majority of bulletins (7) address remote code execution (RCE), closely followed by elevation of privilege (6) and security feature bypass (1). All of this month's critical bulletins are remote code execution vulnerabilities, affecting a variety of products and platforms including Edge, Internet Explorer, Exchange, Microsoft Office, Office Services and

3 min Project Lorelei

Election Day: Tracking the Mirai Botnet

by Bob Rudis , Tod Beardsley , Derek Abdine & Rapid7 Labs Team What do I need to know? Over the last several days, the traffic generated by the Mirai family of botnets has changed. We've been tracking the ramp-up and draw-down patterns of Mirai botnet members and have seen the peaks associated with each reported large scale and micro attack since the DDoS attack against Dyn, Inc. We've tracked over 360,000 uniqu

4 min Komand

The 5 Security Processes That Should Be Automated

According to CSO Online, the average time it takes a security team of a mid-sized company to respond to a successful attack is 46 days . This includes time spent manually investigating the incident, analyzing the data, jumping between unintegrated systems during triage, and coordinating the response. And while there are many reasons for slow incident response times, manu

4 min Automation and Orchestration

How to Use OpenVAS to Audit the Security of Your Network (1/2)

Synopsis The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS), is a Free/Libre software product that can be used to audit the security of an internal corporate network and find vulnerabilities in a free and automated fashion. It is a competitor to the well known Nessus vulnerability scanning tool. Analyzing the results from tools like Nessus or OpenVAS is an excellent first step for an IT security team working to c

3 min IT Ops

Widely-used Android App Leaks MS Exchange Credentials

In October, Rapid7 researchers uncovered a significant vulnerability in the Nine mobile application for Android. Baldly stated, this app leaks Microsoft Exchange user credentials, plus mail envelopes and attachments, mailbox synchronization data, caleandar entries and tasks to attac

2 min Events

Rapid7 Rapid Fire at UNITED Summit: A Spirited Debate

Rapid Fire returned for the third time to the UNITED Security Summit and once again brought together the infosec community to join the spirited debates. With great questions and participation from the audience, the Rapid7 team would like to first thank everyone who attended this evening – from our customers and UNITED attendees, to the Boston infosec community. Our panel this year featured: * Josh Corman @joshcorman (Founder, I am The Cavalry) * David Kenn

2 min IoT

Research Lead (IoT)

It has been an amazing journey serving as the Research Lead for the Internet of Things (IoT) at Rapid7 for past 10 months. I came into the role with more than a decade of experience as a security penetration tester and nearly 15 years of experience conducting security research across such areas as protocol based attacks, embedded device exploitation, and web vulnerabilities, so taking on the role, as Research Lead for IoT was the next obvious progression for me. Being able to focus on IoT specif

2 min IoT

[Free Tool] IoTSeeker: Find IoT Devices, Check for Default Passwords

So there's this Thing... We need to talk about Things, you and I. Specifically those connected Things. This isn't a weird breakup discussion regarding a relationship you didn't know we had (I hear that's called stalking actually, and is an altogether different type of problem). There may be Things on your network that are harbouring a security issue, and that's not a good place to be either. We can help you track them down (which does bear a slight resemblance to stalking, granted, but we're se

3 min Nexpose

Nexpose and DXL Integration: Now We're Talking

Staying Ahead of New Vulnerabilities The security threat landscape is constantly shifting and there are a multitude of solutions for managing threats. An unfortunate effect of having a large toolbox is, the more tools and vendors you have in your toolbox, the more complex your management task becomes. When one facet of your security infrastructure becomes aware of risks, how can you most effectively utilize your full security ecosystem to combat them? With Nexpose's Adaptive Security, integratio

3 min Nexpose

Publishing Nexpose Asset Risk Scores to ePO

Security professionals today face great challenges protecting their assets from breaches by hackers and malware. A good vulnerability management solution could help mitigate these challenges, but vulnerability management solutions often produce huge volumes of data from scanning and require lots of time spent in differentiating between information and noise. Rapid7 Nexpose helps professionals

4 min Research

NCSAM: The Danger of Criminalizing Curiosity

This is a guest post from Kurt Opsahl , Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation . October is National Cyber Security Awareness month and Rapid7 is taking this time to celebrate security research. This year, NCSAM coincides with new legal protections for security research under the DMCA and the 30th anniversary of the

2 min Nexpose

Nexpose integrates with McAfee ePO and DXL: The first unified vulnerability management solution for Intel Security customers!

We wanted to give you a preview into Nexpose's new integration with both McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) and McAfee Data Exchange Layer (DXL); this is the next stage of our partnership with Intel as their chosen vendor for vulnerability management . This partnership is also a first for both Rapid7 and Intel, as Nexpose is the only vulnerability management solution to not only push our unique risk scoring into ePO for analysis, but al

11 min Vulnerability Disclosure

Multiple Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Tracker Vulnerabilities

Executive Summary While examining the functionality of three vendors' device tracker products, a number of issues surfaced that leak personally identifying geolocation data to unauthorized third parties. Attackers can leverage these vulnerabilities to locate individual users' devices, and in some cases, alter geolocation data for those devices. The table below briefly summarizes the twelve vulnerabilities identified across three products. VulnerabilityDeviceR7 IDCVECleartext PasswordTrackR Brav

4 min IoT

Mirai FAQ: When IoT Attacks

Update: Following the attack on Dyn back in October, there is some speculation over whether a similar Mirai-style attack could be leveraged to influence the election. This feels like FUD to me; there doesn't seem to be a mechanism to knock out one critical service to kick over enough state and county election websites, Dyn-style, to make such an attack practical. It could potentially be feasible if it turns out that a lot of city, county, and state websites are sharing one unique upstream resour