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5 min IT Ops

Troubleshooting with Nexpose Logs

Nexpose is the industry standard in Vulnerability Management, giving you the confidence you need to understand your ever-changing attack surface, focus on what matters, and create better security outcomes. Table of contents * Where are the Nexpose logs located? * Setting up the Logentries Agent * Analyzing the logs- mem.log * nsc.log * auth.log * Get started -------------------------------

2 min IT Ops

Using Logs for Security & Compliance: Part 3

This 3-part series explores the critical role logs play in maintaining regulatory compliances and provides specific examples of known events to look for an how to evaluate different compliance tools. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it comes to PCI Compliance , simply collecting and storing your logs isn’t enough.

2 min Public Policy

I've joined Rapid7!

Hello! My name is Harley Geiger and I joined Rapid7 as director of public policy, based out of our Washington, DC-area office. I actually joined a little more than a month ago, but there's been a lot going on! I'm excited to be a part of a team dedicated to making our interconnected world a safer place. Rapid7 has demonstrated a commitment to helping promote legal protections for the security research community. I am a lawyer, not a technologist, and part of the value I hope to add is as a repr

5 min IT Ops

Considering the Explosive Growth of Log Analytics

You’d have to be living in a cave to not know that the practice of log analytics in corporate IT has grown dramatically in the last 10 years. This explosion in logging activities over the recent years is due to two factors, the maturing of log technology and the expanded application of logging to new information domains such as tracking user behavior, tracking page views, and tracking API interaction, to name a few such activities. As logging technology matures, the price goes down. Getting a

2 min IT Ops

Using Logs for Security & Compliance: Part 2

This 3-part series explores the critical role logs play in maintaining regulatory compliances and provides specific examples of known events to look for an how to evaluate different compliance tools. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For organizations looking to achieve and maintain PCI compliance, requirements related to the secure retention of log data are common. The se

3 min Authentication

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Best Practices

By Deral Heiland, Research Lead, and Brian Tant, Senior Consultant, of Rapid7 Global Services Over the past several years while conducting security research in the area of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and presenting those findings at conferences around the world we are constantly approached with the same question: “What are the best practices for securing SNMP”? The first thing to remember about SNMP versions 1, 2, and 2c is that the community strings used for authentication are c

2 min IT Ops

Using Logs for Security & Compliance: Part 1

This 3-part series explores the critical role logs play in maintaining regulatory compliances and provides specific examples of known events to look for an how to evaluate different compliance tools. To download the free 24-page white paper, click here . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For organizations that need to remain compliant with specific regulatory standards, requ

2 min Windows

Nexpose Remote Registry Activation for Windows

The Windows Registry is a database which stores all settings for a Windows system, e.g. hardware, software installed, Windows updates installed and preferences for users and their applications.  During normal day to day use a standard user will inadvertently push changes into this database when they update the system, add/remove applications and so on. Remote Registry is a Windows service which allows a non-local user to read or make changes to the registry on your Windows system when they are

1 min Metasploit

Six Wonderful Years

Rapid7 has been my home for the last six years, growing from 98 people when I joined to over 700 today. Keeping up with the growth has been both exhilarating and terrifying. I am really proud of our Austin team, the Metasploit ecosystem, and our leadership in security research. We care about our customers, our employees, and our impact in the industry. Working at Rapid7 has simply been the best job I have ever had. We have surpassed every goal that I set when I joined in 2009. Metasploit is thr

2 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2015-26: Advantech EKI Dropbear Authentication Bypass (CVE-2015-7938)

While looking into the SSH key issue outlined in the ICS-CERT ISCA-15-309-01 advisory, it became clear that the Dropbear SSH daemon did not enforce authentication, and a possible backdoor account was discovered in the product.  All results are from analyzing and running firmware version 1322_D1.98, which was released in response to the ICS-CERT advisory. This issue was discovered and disclosed as part of research resulting in Rapid7's dis

2 min IT Ops

Analyzing ELB Log Data

Thanks to some slick work from our engineering team, we have recently released a lightweight python script that will allow you to pull your Elastic Load Balancer logs from S3 into Logentries. In this implementation, we use AWS Lambda and leverage the S3 trigger, so the script only runs when needed. The full documentation is available here:

1 min IT Ops

Introducing a Buildbot status plugin for pushing status updates to Logentries

Buildbot is a framework for building continuous deployment and integration systems, it is highly flexible and is written in python. It is also a mature system which a number of large projects use e.g. Mozilla, Chromium, Python – see To send build status information — specifically Start, Success and Failure states from Buildbot to Logentries — start by generating a log token from Logentries.

4 min Metasploit

12 Days of HaXmas: Metasploit End of Year Wrapup

This is the seventh post in the series, "The 12 Days of HaXmas." It's the last day of the year, which means that it's time to take a moment to reflect on the ongoing development of the Metasploit Framework, that de facto standard in penetration testing, and my favorite open source project around. While the acquisition of Metasploit way back in 2009 was met with some healthy skepticism, I think this year, it's easy to say that Rapid7's involvement with Metasploit has been an enormously positive

4 min Metasploit

512 Days of HaXmas: Metasploit's IoT WebApp Login Support

This is the sixth post in the series, "The Twelve Days of HaXmas." Well, the year is coming to a close, and it's just about time for the annual breakdown of Metasploit commit action. But before we get to that, I wanted to take a moment to highlight the excellent work we landed in 2015 in adding new web application login support to Metasploit. After all, who needs exploits when your password is "public" or "admin" or "password" or any other of the very few well-known default passwords? Maybe i

3 min Haxmas

12 Days of HaXmas: Santa makes a list and checks it twice, do you?

This post is the fifth in the series, "The Twelve Days of HaXmas." This is the time of the year where kids and adults alike think back over the past year, wondering which of Santa's two lists they will be on. The nice list is reserved for those who say "please" and "thank you", brush their teeth, and of course, those who regularly update and practice their incident response plans. Santa gives presents to the children on the nice list and coal to the ones on the naughty. When the list gets chec