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7 min Haxmas

12 Days of HaXmas: What Home Alone Can Teach About Active Defense

This post is the fourth in the series, "The 12 Days of HaXmas." As you venture from the world of defense, including protecting and monitoring systems, into the realm of active defense, who can be your mentor? Who can make you as cool as Frosty? Does anyone know enough about active defense to make a movie out of it? OF COURSE! Macaulay Culkin is the mentor you are looking for. More precisely, Kevin McCallister , from the Home Alone fra

4 min Threat Intel

12 Days of HaXmas: Charlie Brown Threat Intelligence

This post is the third in the series, "The 12 Days of HaXmas." “Get the biggest aluminum threat feed you can find, Charlie Brown, maybe painted pink.” It has been a few years now since the term “cyber threat intelligence” entered mainstream, and since then it has exploded into a variety of products, all claiming to have the biggest, the best, the shiniest, most aluminum-est threat feed, report, or platform. Much of the advertising and media surrounding threat intelligence capitalizes on fear

10 min Haxmas

12 Days of HaXmas: Advanced Persistent Printer

This post is the second in the series, "The 12 Days of HaXmas." By Deral Heiland, Principal Consultant, and Nate Power, Senior Consultant, of Rapid7 Global Services Year after year we have been discussing the risk of Multi-Function Printers (MFP) in the corporate environment and how a malicious actor can easily leverage these devices to carry out attacks, including extraction of Windows Active Directory credentials via LDAP and abusing the "Scan to File" and "Scan to E-mail" features. To take

3 min Haxmas

12 Days of HaXmas: Rapid7 Gives to You... Free Professional Media Training (Pear Tree Not Included)

Ho ho ho, Merry HaXmas ! For those of you new to this series, every year we mark the 12 days of HaXmas with 12 blog posts on hacking-related topics and roundups from the year. This year we're kicking the series off with something not altogether hackery, but it's a gift, see, so very appropriate for the season. For the past couple of years, I've provided free media training at various security conferences, often as part of an I Am The Cavalry track,

8 min Vulnerability Management

ScanNow DLL Search Order Hijacking Vulnerability and Deprecation

Overview On November 27, 2015, Stefan Kanthak contacted Rapid7 to report a vulnerability in Rapid7's ScanNow tool.  Rapid7 takes security issues seriously and this was no exception.  In combination with a preexisting compromise or other vulnerabilities, and in the absence of sufficient mitigating measures, a system with ScanNow can allow a malicious party to execute code of their choosing leading to varying levels of additional compromise.  In order to protect the small community of users who ma

2 min IT Ops

How to Log Messages from Slack

We recently added support for unedited HTTP logging in Logentries. This means you can send us log data via HTTPS drain (from heroku), or via any webhook you want. One webhook that we’ve been looking to log for a while is Slack . People are always chatting away on Slack, and this data might be useful some day. You can send the data into Logentries however you want, and then worry about what to do it when you actually need it! First, you’ll need to

5 min Vulnerability Disclosure

CVE-2015-7755: Juniper ScreenOS Authentication Backdoor

On December 18th, 2015 Juniper issued an advisory indicating that they had discovered unauthorized code in the ScreenOS software that powers their Netscreen firewalls. This advisory covered two distinct issues; a backdoor in the VPN implementation that allows a passive eavesdropper to decrypt traffic and a second backdoor

3 min Nexpose

Have JBoss, Jenkins, WebLogic, WebSphere based applications? Brace yourself, they've got an unwanted Christmas present for you!

Java based server applications are prevalent throughout most corporate networks.  Thousands, if not millions, of applications are deployed using JBoss, Jenkins, WebLogic and WebSphere - so when a vulnerability affecting the underlying technology pops up, the impact can be significant.  A vulnerability was recently discovered affecting any Java application which can receive data back from users, allowing malicious actors to insert unsafe data as it attempts to ingest the information.  The applica

0 min Rapid7 Culture

Holiday greetings from all of us at Rapid7!

As we reach the end of December and the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to pause and recognize what an amazing year it has been -- and how grateful we are to EVERYONE who made 2015 so memorable. That's why we put together this short video as a way to say, quite simply, thank you. (Please note: If you see a grey box instead of a video above, the player may take a moment to load.) Happy holidays and happy new year! ~ @mvarmazis

6 min API

AppSpider's Got Swagger: The first end-to-end security testing for REST APIs

We are thrilled to announce a major new innovation in application security testing. AppSpider is the first Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) solution capable of testing Swagger-enabled APIs. Swagger is one of the most popular frameworks for building APIs and the ability to test Swagger-enabled APIs is not only a huge time savings for application security testing experts, but also enables Rapid7 customers to more rapidly reduce risk. Why does this matter? Modern applications make liber

2 min Metasploit

How to Avoid Common Mistakes in your Metasploit Community/Pro License Key Request

As a result of export restrictions placed on Metasploit Community and Pro trials, this year we have introduced some new systems to help process license requests. We have received a lot of questions about this, and this post will hopefully answer some of them for you. If you haven't read the original blog post about the export controls , please take a moment to review the information there on the updates an

2 min Nexpose

More TLS Improvements in Nexpose 6.1.2

After releasing TLS Coverage Improvements in Nexpose 6.0.2 we figured that the Nexpose Security Console should be able to abide by our own suggestions. Last year we had already disabled SSLv3 support by default and allowed configuring what other protocols are enabled on the console as well. With this week's release we're limiting the TLS cipher suites available to the console's web server by default. Similar to the protocols, the cipher suit

12 min Vulnerability Disclosure

Multiple Disclosures for Multiple Network Management Systems

Today, Rapid7 is disclosing several vulnerabilities affecting several Network Management System (NMS) products. These issues were discovered by Deral Heiland of Rapid7 and independent researcher Matthew Kienow , and reported to vendors and CERT for coordinated disclosure per Rapid7's disclosure policy. All together, we're disclosing six vulnerabilities that affect four NMSs, four of which are expected to be patched by the time o

3 min IT Ops

Logentries recognized by Docker as Ecosystem Technology Partner for Logging

Since last year, we’ve anticipated the impact of Docker and have been building integrations – first as experiments and later as full-blown solutions . It’s therefore with great pleasure that we’re announcing our recognition by Docker as an Ecosystem Technology Partner for Logging. Why Monitor Docker Logs? Most teams that

10 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2015-22: ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 FileUploadServlet connectionId Vulnerability (CVE-2015-8249)

ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 suffers from a vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to upload a malicious file, and execute it under the context of SYSTEM. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. In addition, the vulnerability is similar to a ZDI advisory released on May 7th, 2015, ZDI-15-180 . This advisory specifically mentions computerName, and this is