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1 min

Boston Globe Selects Rapid7 as a Top Place to Work

On Sunday the Boston Globe published its annual “Top Places to Work” rankings. This was our first time participating in the list and I'm very proud to report that Rapid7 placed #11 in the category for employers with less than 250 employees. I'd like to congratulate our amazing team, not just those in Boston, but the entire Rapid7 family. The passion and commitment of our team is evident across all our locations, with everyone contributing to the culture that makes us successful. Congratulations

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The Advanced Policy Engine

The Advanced Policy Engine is the new configuration compliance framework that was created for the Nexpose 5.0 release. Advanced? What makes it advanced? Anyone can call anything "Advanced" these days. A lot of times it is hard to tell if it is just marketing or a real improvement. Look at all of the cleaning ads on television right now. "Cleaner X cleans 30% then the our previous cleaner using our new Advanced formula!!!" Is it really improved? How did they measure the i

0 min Metasploit

Metasploit Framework Featured on CNN: Phishing Made Simple

While browsing security related articles at CNN, I noticed this video of Eric Fiterman demonstrating a phishing attack and some post exploitation techniques with Metasploit Framework. Video courtesy of:

2 min Metasploit

PCI DIY: How to do an internal penetration test to satisfy PCI DSS requirement 11.3

If you're accepting or processing credit cards and are therefore subject to PCI DSS, you'll likely be familiar with requirement 11.3, which demands that you "perform penetration testing at least once a year, and after any significant infrastructure or application upgrade or modification". What most companies don't know is that you don't have to hire an external penetration testing consultant - you can carry out the penetration test internally, providing you follow some simple rules: * Sufficie

3 min Nexpose

Introducing Metasploit Community Edition!

The two-year anniversary of the Metasploit acquisition is coming up this week. Over the last two years we added a ridiculous amount of new code to the open source project, shipped dozens of new releases, and launched two commercial products. We could not have done this without the full support of the security community. In return, we wanted to share some of our commercial work with the security community at large. As of version 4.1 , we now include the Metasploit

2 min Patch Tuesday

October 2011 Patch Tuesday

This month, Microsoft issued eight bulletins, addressing 23 vulnerabilities across Microsoft Windows, Silverlight, .NET and Forefront product lines. Only two bulletins were rated 'critical', and the rest were rated 'important'. In terms of prioritizing patching, when I look at security vulnerabilities, first I want to understand which ones can have the most widespread impact. MS11-081is a cumulative update which affects Internet Explorer, so it relates to both corporate and home users. These v

15 min Metasploit


Introduction “Standalone exploits suck”. egyp7 and bannedit made this statement earlier this year at Bsides Vegas, and nullthreat & yours truly elaborated on this even more during our talk at Derbycon 2011. There are many reasons why writing Metasploit exploit modules and submitting them to the Metasploit framework is a good idea. You're not only going to help the

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Market SIEMplification or More of the SEIM?

Last week was a busy M&A week for SIEM, with IBM announcing the acquisition of Q1 Labs and McAfee acquiring Nitro Security.  We've been watching this unfold with interest as both SIEM companies are Rapid7 technology partners. We've had SIEM integration for our vulnerability management solution Nexpose for some time, and back in August we introduced APIs for integrating SIEM solutions in version 4.0 of our professional penetration testing solution, Metasploit Pro. Nitro Security was the first to

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit, Scanners, and DNS

One of the awesome things about the Metasploit Framework (and Ruby in general) is that there is a strong focus on avoiding code duplication. This underlying philosophy is why we can manage a million-plus line code base with a relatively small team. In this post, I want to share a recent change which affects how hostnames with multiple A records are processed by modules using the Scanner mixin. Quite of a few of the web's "major" properties, such as, return multiple IP addresses when

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In Memory of Jeff Berger

Last Thursday morning when I got to work I was devastated to learn that Jeff Berger, our EVP of Engineering, had passed away unexpectedly the evening before.  It caught everyone who knew him  by surprise: he had seemed perfectly healthy until then. Just the day before,  Jeff and I had been working together and joking around about my new laptop like any other day in the office.  I had no idea that those hours together would be the last time I spent with Jeff.  And later that day and Friday, as I

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Can I use compensating controls to resolve vulnerabilities found during a scan?

Resolving vulnerabilities found during a scan before a passing scan result can be issued is not always immediately possible, and sometimes the only possible solution is the use of a Compensating Control. Compensating controls are not meant to be the de facto response to an identified vulnerability. Compensating controls may only be employed if a true technical limitation or business need prevents a vulnerability from being corrected. This is most commonly the case for zero-day vulnerabiliti

1 min PCI

What to do if your organization can't demonstrate four passing PCI internal or external scans

Two cases: 1) Your company is assessed for the first time: Entities participating in their first ever PCI DSS assessment are only required to demonstrate that the most recent scan result meets the criteria for a passing scan, and there are policies and procedures in place for future quarterly scans, to meet the intent of this requirement. So to be compliant with 11.2 the first time you are assessed, you only need to demonstrate that the most recent scan is a PASS. 2) Reassessment (from th

2 min Microsoft

Microsoft September 2011 Patch Tuesday

This month, Microsoft issued five bulletins to address 15 vulnerabilities.  All of these bulletins are rated “important”; however, while there are no “critical” bulletins this month, organizations should not downplay the vulnerabilities being addressed. It's easy for organizations to gain a false sense of security during a light patch month and sometimes an attitude of complacency towards non-critical vulnerabilities is evident. “Important” vulnerabilities may not give attackers the full roo

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Morto: Another reason to secure local user accounts

A worm abusing the Remote Desktop service is making the rounds, currently named Morto . This worm gains access by trying a small number of weak passwords for the local Administrator account. After compromising the server, the worm propogates using mapped shares and provides remote access to the worm's creator. Most public reports involve Morto gaining access to internet-facing servers, however it is likely that once Morto is behind a firewa

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Loyalty Cards vs. Privacy Concerns

Recently, I found a pile of loyalty cards from Staples, Office Depot, Best Buy, Ralphs, Albertson's, Von's, CVS Pharmacy, Rite-Aid, Cost Plus World Market, Van Heusen, and Panera Bakery. I had to ask myself, how often have these allegedly “free” cards provided discounted merchandise or free stuff? Since I have yet to receive a free big-screen TV from BestBuy, I wonder, as an information security professional, why do I continue to accept the idea that I'm getting something for nothing? When stor