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11 min Metasploit

MS11-030: Exploitable or Not?

If you weren't already aware, Rapid7 is offering a bounty for exploits that target a bunch of hand-selected, patched vulnerabilities. There are two lists to choose from, the Top 5 and the Top 25 . An exploit for an issue in the Top 5 list will receive a $500 bounty and one from the Top 25  list will fetch a $100 bounty. In addition to a monetary reward, a successful participant also

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit Framework Console Output Spooling

Sometimes little things can make a huge difference in usability -- the Metasploit Framework Console is a great interface for getting things done quickly, but so far, has been missing the capability to save command and module output to a file. We have a lot of small hacks that makes this possible for certain commands, such as the "-o" parameter to db_hosts and friends, but this didn't solve the issue of module output or general console logs. As of revision r13028 the console now supports the sp

1 min

Introducing Cocktails with Customers

The title of my post today may lead you to think we're promoting yet another of our famous parties. I'm sure it won't be long until that's the case (particularly with the likes of BlackHat and B-Sides just around the corner), but for today my focus is firmly on this blog. I wanted to take a couple of minutes to introduce a new series of posts from Jen Benson on Rapid7's customer engagement. Jen is titling this series Cocktails with Customers and if any of our customers are in the LA area near he

1 min Release Notes

Metasploit Framework 3.7.2 Released!

It's that time again! The Metasploit team is proud to announce the immediate release of the latest version of the Metasploit Framework, 3.7.2. Today's release includes eleven new exploit modules and fifteen post modules for your pwning pleasure. Adding to Metasploit's well-known hashdump capabilities, now you can easily steal password hashes from Linux, OSX, and Solaris. As an added bonus, if any of the passwords were hashed with crypt_blowfish (which is the d

1 min Patch Tuesday

June Patch Tuesday

This month's Patch Tuesday was another biggie: 16 bulletins addressing 34 vulnerabilities across IE, Office and Windows... Top of the list of things to watch out for are two “critical” bulletins: MS11-050 and MS11-52. These are are effectively attacker's delight since they are browser based, which are the most coveted exploits. They affect Internet Explorer 6,7, and 8: and once these vulnerabilities are weaponized they will be a significant problem as many organizations give their users admi

2 min Metasploit

Emulating ZeuS DNS Traffic with Metasploit Framework

vSploit Modules will be released at DEFCON This is a follow-up post for vSploit - Virtualizing Intrusion & Exploitation Attributes with Metasploit Framework about using Metasploit as a way to test network infrastructure countermeasures and coverage. I mentioned obtaining list of suspicious domains to use for testing organization's networking intell

2 min Metasploit

vSploit - Virtualizing Intrusion & Exploitation Attributes with Metasploit Framework

Many organizations are making significant investments in technologies in order to tell if they have been compromised; however, frequently they find out when it is too late. There are several network-based attributes that, when combined, indicate possible compromises have taken place. Many pentesters are successful at compromising hosts; however, commonly they are restricted in what they can and can't do. There needs to be a way that they can sucessfully mimick threats and scenarios, even when re

4 min Exploits

Recent Developments in Java Signed Applets

The best exploits are often not exploits at all -- they are code execution by design. One of my favorite examples of this is a signed java applet. If an applet is signed, the jvm allows it to run outside the normal security sandbox, giving it full access to do anything the user can do. Metasploit has supported using signed applets as a browser exploit for quite awhile, but over the last week there have been a couple of improvements that might help you get more shells. The first of these improve

2 min Release Notes

w3af - And now, with a stable core

Since our latest w3af release in mid January , and our new windows installer release a couple of months ago, we've got lots of encouraging words telling us we are going in the right direction. The objective was near and we could almost taste it. Having a stable code-base is no joke, it requires countless hours of writing unit-tests, running w3af scripts and most importantly: fixing bugs. Now, finally we're here! In this latest release, we bring y

4 min Metasploit

Introducing msfvenom

The Metasploit Framework has included the useful tools msfpayload and msfencode for quite sometime. These tools are extremely useful for generating payloads in various formats and encoding these payloads using various encoder modules. Now I would like to introduce a new tool which I have been working on for the past week, msfvenom. This tool combines all the functionality of msfpayload and msfencode in a single tool. Merging these two tools into a single tool just made sense. It standardizes

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit-ation for the Nation

In a couple of weeks, our very own @Mubix (AKA Rob Fuller to those who don't live their life with an @ sign permanently attached to their name!) will be offering Metasploit-ation for the Nation.  Unlike that phrase – which I just made up – Mubix will actually be talking sense as he walks penetration testers through the delightful world of Metasploit Pro in a 4-hour in-depth training session. Mubix took some time to answer a few questions below to give you a flavor of the training.  If you have

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit Framework 3.7.1 Released!

Originally posted by HD Moore: We are happy to announce the immediate availability of version 3.7.1 of the Metasploit Framework, Metasploit Express, and Metasploit Pro. This is a relatively small release focused on bug fixes and performance improvements. Notable highlights include an improved IPv6 reverse_tcp stager from Stephen Fewer, a performance improvement for HTTP services (client-side modules), a bug fix to channel support in the PHP Meterpreter, an update to MSFGUI, and various small

2 min PCI

PCI Newsletter #2 - Payment processing terminology and workflow

Hi Everyone, This is our second PCI 30 sec newsletter. One cannot move through the PCI ecosystem without basic understandings of the payment processing terminology and workflow. So let's have a look behind the scene. The payment processing terminology In a nutshell, the payment transaction could be depicted as follow: We have cardholders that make payment card purchases from merchants, merchants that send payment transaction data to their acquirers, and acquirers that send payment transacti

1 min Patch Tuesday

May Patch Tuesday

So yesterday was Patch Tuesday, and following a mammoth April , it was a pretty quiet one, with only 2 vulnerabilities reported , and only one of those given the most severe rating of “critical”.  That said, of course any vulnerability reported should be investigated and understood, and particularly those rated critical. This month the critical

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Pro 3.7: Better, Faster, Stronger

Over the last two months the Rapid7 team has been hard at work rewiring the database and session management components of the Metasploit Framework, Metasploit Express, and Metasploit Pro products. These changes make the Metasploit platform faster, more reliable, and able to scale to hundreds of concurrent sessions and thousands of target hosts. We are excited to announce the immediate availability of version 3.7 of Metasploit Pro and Metasploit Express! Existing customers can apply the latest s