Posts tagged Vulnerability Management

2 min InsightVM

Did You Remediate That? Take Control of Risk by Knowing Your Top 25 Vulnerabilities

InsightVM's Top 25 report is a great place to start when you want to take control of your overall vulnerability management program.

3 min InsightVM

How to Use the InsightVM Policy Compliance Status Report to Measure Benchmark Configurations

Reports within InsightVM can help you demonstrate whether your systems stand up against compliance requirements.

3 min AWS

Rapid7 Partners with AWS Security Hub for Deeper Vulnerability Reporting

Last month, we were thrilled to announce our integration with AWS Security Hub at AWS re:Invent.

5 min InsightVM

Did You Remediate That? New InsightVM Executive Report Provides Key Details on Team Progress

We have developed the InsightVM Executive Report so that companies can easily report on month-over-month trends in their vulnerability management programs.

2 min Whiteboard Wednesday

Whiteboard Wednesday: Common Vulnerabilities as Personified by Halloween Costumes

As a security professional, you don’t need a haunted house to feel spooked this Halloween—just start exploring your environment in search of vulnerabilities.

5 min InsightVM

Quantifying Vulnerability Risk: How to Quickly Calculate and Prioritize Risk

Here is a first-hand look at how we quantify the Real Risk Score and how this helps practitioners address the top vulnerabilities in their ecosystems.

3 min Vulnerability Management

Take a Bite out of the Vulnerability Remediation Backlog with InsightVM

Security teams dealing with expanding networks and increasingly sophisticated attacks can use InsightVM to help stay on top of their vulnerability backlog.

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - October 2018

This month's patches from Microsoft include fixes for 50 distinct vulnerabilities.

3 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - September 2018

More than 60 vulnerabilities were addressed by this month's patches, including CVE-2018-15967 (a privilege escalation/information disclosure vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player).

3 min InsightAppSec

Scan Management with InsightAppSec: There’s More to Application Security than Long Lists of Vulnerabilities

Knowing what you are scanning, how often, and with how much success is vital to knowing your vulnerability data is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects your security position. InsightAppSec can help.

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - August 2018

Microsoft's updates this month [] address over 60 vulnerabilities, 20 of which are classified as Critical. As usual, most of this month's fixes are browser-related, and nearly half of the flaws could lead to remote code execution (RCE). Patches for Exchange, SQL Server, and Microsoft Office were also released. Two of this month's vulnerabilities have already been seen exploited in th

4 min Customer Perspective

Why Bow Valley College Gives Rapid7 InsightVM High Marks for Vulnerability Management

Bow Valley College uses InsightVM dashboards to identify quick wins, measure success, and communicate to senior leadership. James Cairns, database administrator at Bow Valley College, gave us a look into their vulnerability management journey with Rapid7. It’s my job to assess vulnerabilities, facilitate patching, and work with the rest of my infrastructure team to optimize our resources in order to stay on top of security issues. As the database administrator for Bow Valley College in Calgary,

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - June 2018

This month's Patch Tuesday [] is rather run-of-the-mill, with a total of 50 vulnerabilities being addressed by Microsoft. However, a bit of excitement came earlier this month, with an out-of-band patch for Adobe Flash Player released last Thursday [] to fix four security issues. Two of these were flaws that can lead

4 min Vulnerability Management

CVE 100K: A Big, Round Number

There have been 100,000 CVEs published. That's a big, round number.

6 min Vulnerability Management

CVE 100K: By The Numbers

There have been 100,000 CVEs published. Here are some stats on the program so far.