Posts tagged Vulnerability Management

4 min GDPR

Creating a Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Program for GDPR with InsightVM

The General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR) [] deadline in 2018 is rapidly approaching, and as companies prepare for GDPR compliance [/2017/02/23/preparing-for-gdpr/], they’re facing a struggle that’s plagued every security program for years: how to quantify that nebulous, scary thing called “risk.” GDPR compliance [] specifically talks about “risk” several times in its guidelines, particularly in Arti

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - December 2017

No big surprises from Microsoft this month [] , with 70% of the 34 vulnerabilities addressed being web browser defects. Most of these are Critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, so administrators should prioritize patching client workstations. It doesn't take sophisticated social engineering tactics to convince most users to visit a malicious web page, or a legitimate but

1 min Vulnerability Management

CVE-2017-10151: What You Need to Know About the Oracle Identity Manager Vulnerability

I have Oracle Identity Manager running in my environment. What's going on? Am I vulnerable? Recently, we’ve been getting more than a few questions about the Oracle Identity Manager vulnerability (CVE-2017-10151) [], which was rated by Oracle with the most critical CVSS score of 10 []. This is the highest possible CVSS score, which represents a vulnerability with a low complexity for

5 min Vulnerability Management

INTEL-SA-00086 Security Bulletin for Intel Management Engine (ME) and Advanced Management Technology (AMT) Vulnerabilities: What You Need To Know

INTEL-SA-00086 vulnerabilities? What’s Up? (Full update log at the end of the post as we make changes.) Intel decided to talk turkey [] this week about a cornucopia of vulnerabilities that external (i.e. non-Intel) researchers — Mark Ermolov and Maxim Goryachy from Positive Technologies Research — discovered in their chips. Yes: chips. Intel conducted a comprehensive review of their Intel® Management Engine

4 min Vulnerability Management

The Oracle (PeopleSoft/Tuxedo) JoltandBleed Vulnerabilities: What You Need To Know

JoltandBleed vulnerabilities? What’s Up? Oracle recently issued emergency patches for five vulnerabilities: * CVE-2017-10272 is a vulnerability of memory disclosure; its exploitation gives an attacker a chance to remotely read the memory of the server. * CVE-2017-10267 is a vulnerability of stack overflows. * CVE-2017-10278 is a vulnerability of heap overflows. * CVE-2017-10266 is a vulnerability that makes it possible for a malicious actor to bruteforce passwords of DomainPWD which i

1 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - November 2017

Web browser issues account for two thirds of this month's patched vulnerabilities [] , with 24 CVEs for Edge and 12 for Internet Explorer being fixed. Many of these are classified as Critical (allowing code execution without user interaction). This is no surprise, as browser bugs are typically well represented on Patch Tuesdays. On top of this are five Adobe Flash Player vulnerabilitie

6 min Metasploit

Testing SMB Security with Metasploit Pro Task Chains: Part 2

This is part two of our blog series on testing SMB security with Metasploit Pro. In the previous post, we explained how to use Metasploit Pro’s Task Chains feature to audit SMB passwords automatically. Read it here [/2017/10/31/testing-smb-server-security-with-metasploit-pro-task-chains-part-1/] if you haven’t already. In today’s blog post, we will talk about how to use a custom resource script in a Task Chain to automatically find some publicly-known high-profile vulnerabilities in SMB. Publi

3 min IoT

ROCA: Vulnerable RSA Key Generation

In the KRACK-related and BadRabbit-related chaos of the past week and a half, some people missed a less flashy vulnerability that nevertheless dug up key long-term questions on IoT supply chains and embedded technology. The Czech-based Center for Research on Cryptography and Security published research last weekon a vulnerability (CVE-2017-15361) in the RSA key generation process in a widely-used cryptographic software library found in Infineon secure chips. Specifically: “The algorithmic vulne

6 min Vulnerability Management

The Wi-Fi KRACK Vulnerability: What You Need to Know

Everything you need to know about the recently disclosed KRACK vulnerability affecting Wi-Fi security protocols (WPA1 and WPA2).

3 min InsightVM

InsightVM in the Azure Marketplace

Step-by-step guide to using InsightVM to scan your assets in Microsoft's cloud.

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - October 2017

Patch Tuesday round-up for October 2017

8 min Vulnerability Management

No-Priority, Post-Auth Vulnerabilities

In the course of collecting and disclosing vulnerabilities, I occasionally come across an issue that walks like a vuln, quacks like a vuln, but… it’s not exactly a vuln. As per our usual vulnerability disclosure process [], we still report these issues to vendors. The behavior observed is nearly always a bug of some sort, but it’s not immediately exploitable, or the “exploit” is merely exercising the expected level of privilege, but in an unexpected con

1 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - September 2017

It's a big month, with Microsoft patching [] 85 separate vulnerabilities including the two Adobe Flash Player Remote Code Execution [] (RCE) fixes bundled with the Edge and Internet Explorer 11 updates. Continuing recent trends, the bulk of Critical RCE vulnerabilities are client-side, primarily in Edge, IE,

2 min Vulnerability Management

Apache Struts S2-052 (CVE-2017-9805): What You Need To Know

Apache Struts, Again? What’s Going On? Yesterday’s Apache Struts vulnerability announcement [] describes an XML Deserialization issue in the popular Java framework for web applications. Deserialization of untrusted user input, also known as CWE-502 [], is a somewhat well-known vulnerability pattern, and I would expect crimeware kits to

3 min Vulnerability Management

Live Threat-Driven Vulnerability Prioritization

We often hear that security teams are overwhelmed by the number of vulnerabilities [] in their environments: every day they are finding more than they can fix. It doesn't help when rating schemes used for prioritization, like the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), don't really work at scale or take the threat landscape into account. How do you know where to focus if your vulnerability management solution [https://www.