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14 min IT Ops

State of Log Management for AWS

Introduction The Log Management industry was traditionally driven by regulatory compliance and security concerns resulting in a multi-billion dollar market focused on security and information event management (SIEM) solutions. However, log management has evolved into a market that is focused on both the management and analytics of log data. Log management technologies are becoming more powerful and dynamic, allowing for data to be

3 min IT Ops

Using Log Aggregation Across Dev & Ops: The Pricing Advantage

Rob Thatcher is Co-founder and Principal Consultant at Skelton Thatcher Consulting . Summary: the pricing of tools or licenses for log aggregation can have a significant effect on organizational culture and the collaboration between Dev and Ops teams. Modern tools for log aggregation (of which Logentries is one example) can be hugely enabling for DevOps approaches to building and operating business-critical software systems. However, the pri

5 min Exploits

Revisiting an Info Leak

Today an interesting tweet from Greg Linares (who has been posting awesome analysis on twitter lately!) came to our attention, concerning the MS15-080 patch: This patch (included in MS15-080) may have been intended stop one of the Window kernel bugs exploited by Hacking Team. But, after our analysis, it appears that there is

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Weekly Metasploit Wrapup: Hackers of Might and Magic

Vegas: That's a Wrap Well, another trek out to the Nevada desert is behind us. I actually love heading out there every year, since it gives me a chance to connect with a sizable chunk of the Metasploit contributor community in a corporeal way. That just fills me with warm fuzzies, so thanks to all of you who made the pilgrimage. You, the open source security research community, is what makes Vegas feel a lot homier than it ought to. Speaking of community, now that we're past the Vegas Singulari

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit on Kali Linux 2.0

As you are aware, Kali 2.0 has been released this week and getting quite a bit of attention, as it should. Folks behind Kali have worked really hard to bring you the new version of Kali Linux that everyone is excited about. If you have already started to play with the new version, you probably have realized that something is different, that is; Metasploit Community / Pro is no longer installed by default. Where is Metasploit Community / Pr

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Local Exploit Suggester: Do Less, Get More!

Meet Lester, the Exploit Suggester Hey there, my name is Mo ( Mohamed Sadek ). I am currently an intern at Rapid7, working with the Metasploit team in Austin. After some research, testing, and more than a few energy drinks, sinn3r (sinn3r ) and I have authored the first version of the Metasploit Local Exploit Suggester, or Lester for short. Lester is a post module that you can use to check a system for local vulnerabilities, using the

11 min Exploits

Exploiting a 64-bit browser with Flash CVE-2015-5119 (Part 2)

This post is a continuation of Exploiting a 64-bit browser with Flash CVE-2015-5119 , where we explained how to achieve arbitrary memory read/write on a 64-bit IE renderer. As a reminder, we are targeting Windows 8.1 / IE11 (64 bits) with Flash Of course, this write-up may contain a few errors, so your mileage may vary =) Where we left off before, we had created an interface to work with memory by using a corrupted

3 min Exploits

Exploiting a 64-bit browser with Flash CVE-2015-5119

Some weeks ago, on More Flash Exploits in the Framework , we introduced the flash_exploiter library, which is used by Metasploit to quickly add new Flash exploit modules. If you read that blog entry, then you already know that flash_exploiter only supports 32-bit browsers (renderers). In this blog post, we will demonstrate initial steps in adding IE11 64-bit support to CVE-2015-5119 , which is o

6 min Events

Rapid7 Takes Las Vegas: Black Hat, BSidesLV & DEF CON ... Talks, Parties & Giveaways... phew!

First things first: You must be registered & confirmed to be able to attend our 2015 Black Hat party. I can't emphasize this enough: Unlike previous years, we are not doing any kind of at-the-door registration for our party this year. If your plan was to live in the spirit of utter spontaneity, roll up to the club and see if you can happen to get in without registering beforehand -- you're going to be disappointed, and we really don't want to see that happen! While w

4 min Events

The Black Hat Attendee Guide Part 5a - The Magic of People

Joining us for the first time? This post is part of a series that starts right here . So this post is a bit of a bonus. I've asked my dear friend Quinton Jones to share some wisdom and inspiration on how he injects passion and energy into his introductions. He's simply unforgettable, one of the greatest customer champions and business development folks I know, thanks to his passion for people. Please enj

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Weekly Metasploit Wrapup: T-Shirts, T-Shirts, & Some Modules

Black Hat T-Shirts! Well, it's a week or so until DEF CON 23, and since you're all busy prepping all your demos and presentations and panels and things, I figured I should remind you that among all your gear, you should probably toss some clothes in your bag before you head out the door. In case this slips your mind, though, don't sweat, we have you covered. Pictured at right is the winning design from the annual Metasploit T-Shirt contest, submitted by LewisFX

5 min Events

The Black Hat Attendee Guide Part 7a: Electronic Survival

If you're just joining us, this post is part of a Black Hat Attendee Guide series that starts right here .** When traveling to industry conferences, most people prepare their electronic companions (laptops, cell phones, etc) by asking: “Did I pack the right charger in my carry on?” The premier gathering of the world's best and brightest hackers might be a great opportunity for you to up your travel security game. This post serves as a quick gui

5 min Events

The Black Hat Attendee Guide Part 7: Your Survival Kit

Joining us for the first time? This post is part seven of a series that starts right here . Hacker Summer Camp is no joke, and you've got to have a game plan when you head for Vegas. If you don't travel frequently, this is for you. Ignoring sartorial conundrums and basic hygiene, this post is focused on keeping your body operating at peak… or at least somewhat operational. Vegas: It's nothing like home for most of us. Desert allergens, low humi

10 min Events

The Black Hat Attendee Guide Part 6: The Sponsor Hall, Arsenal, and more

If you are just joining us, this is the sixth post in the series starting here . Conferences are magical and serendipitous. YouTube can't capture the electricity you remember in the room as you tell someone “I watched Barnaby jackpot an ATM,” as others echo back “I was there that year too!” At technical conferences, the content leads the way—it is what brings us to the show. Catching up on that research and work being done at “the tip of the spe

3 min IT Ops

How to Add a GPS Time Source to ntpd

USB GPS dongles have come down significantly in price in recent years and I picked one up to play with recently. Apart from using a GPS module to report your latitude, longitude, altitude and time for mapping applications, it’s also possible to feed the time information to ntpd as a back-up time source or as a highly accurate time source depending on the GPS module you end up getting. The module that I use in this blog post