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1 min IT Ops

10 Best Practices for Log Management & Analytics: Part 1

This 3-part series covers Logentries’ 10 best practices for log management and analytics. To download the complete article, click here . As applications, hosting environments and infrastructure continue to grow in size and complexity, having a well defined set of logging strategies and practices is more important than ever. In Logentri

2 min IT Ops

Using Log Data Streams for Real-Time Analytics: Part 1

This 3-part series explores the definition and benefits of using log data streams and real-time analytics for some common IT Ops uses cases. To download the complete article,click here . Analytics tools are often focused on analyzing historical data. Taking a sample of data from historical events, you can perform calculations to determine what happened during that period of time and report on you

6 min IT Ops

How to Implement ANTLR4 Autocomplete

Antlr4 is a new iteration of a popular Antlr parse tree generator. Antlr4 features great documentation and an in-depth book on the subject. However, the topic of autocompletion lacks any substantive material. I hope this article will steer you in the right direction if you are looking to implement autocomplete functionality

1 min

Discover Assets Dynamically with Infoblox DHCP

A highlight of the Nexpose 5.15 release is the addition of Infoblox Trinzic DDI to the growing list of Dynamic Discovery sources.  With nearly 8,000 customers worldwide, Infoblox is a market leader in DNS, DHCP and IP address management.  Building upon existing support for Microsoft DHCP log monitoring, released this past spring, Nexpose customers that use Infoblox to manage DHCP activity can now detect previously unknown devices whenever they connect to the network, providing a more complete un

2 min IT Ops

Announcing Logentries as Google Cloud Platform's First Log Analytics Partner

Today we’re excited to announce our partnership with Google Cloud Platform, making Logentries the first provider of log analytics for Google Cloud customers. Logentries’ Google Cloud integration enables Google customers to perform advanced analysis on their log data,

3 min IT Ops

Introducing Logentries NEW Query Language: LEQL

We are excited to announce that Logentries’ new SQL-like query language, LEQL, is now available for more advanced analytics and easy extraction of valuable insights from your log data. A SQL-Like Query Language If you’ve ever used SQL, LEQL should feel familiar. In fact, Logentries already supports a number of SQL-like search functions, including: * SUM: Sums a set of values *

2 min IT Ops

How to Log with the Docker Logentries Container

Logentries offers a variety of ways to get logs out of your containerized environment , including our Linux Agent, application plugin libraries, and Syslog. In this post we’ll cover collecting and forwarding logs via our Docker Logentries Container, which requires Docker 1.5 or higher. To configure the Docker Logentries Container you’ll need to do the following: * Create a destination log in your Logentries account to record your Docker lo

8 min Metasploit

Wassenaar Arrangement - Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of this post is to help answer questions about the Wassenaar Arrangement.  You can find the US proposal for implementing the Arrangement here , and an accompanying FAQ from the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) here . For Rapid7's take on Wassenaar, and information on the comments we intend to submit to BIS, please read this companion pie

2 min Malware

What exactly is Duqu 2.0?

Overview: Duqu, a very complex and modular malware platform thought to have gone dark in late 2012, has made its appearance within the environment of Kaspersky Labs. Dubbed “Duqu 2.0” by Kaspersky, the level of complexity found within the malware represents a high level of sophistication, skill, funding and motivation seen by nation-sponsored actors. Infections related to this malware have reveale

3 min

How to be a Combination King

I recently spent a wonderful week in London to participate in Infosecurity Europe as part of a larger group of internationally-based Rapid7 employees. If you've been to many events, you know that vendors quite often come up with clever ways to attract people to their booth through giveaways, technical presentations, and product demonstrations. Lucky for me, our booth happened to be right next to a vendor who had a rather neat contest involving a keypad lock

1 min

MsfPayload and MsfEncode are Being Removed from Metasploit

Oh hi folks, Last year on December 9th , we made an official announcement about deprecating MsfPayload and MsfEncode. They are being replaced by msfvenom. Well, today is the day we pull the plug. We are currently in the process of removing these two utilities, and in a day or two you will never see them from upstream again. If you are still not so familiar

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Framework Rails 4.0 Upgrade

It is always a running battle to keep an application's backend up to date with various technologies. Today, we are excited to announce that Metasploit Framework now ships with Rails 4.0. Upgrades like this are sometimes hard to get excited about because if everything goes well, users should see no difference. There are many reasons to upgrade to Rails 4, though. Why Upgrade Here are the important reasons to upgrade from our perspective: * Security is a b

2 min Vulnerability Disclosure

Remote Coverage for MS15-034 HTTP.sys Vulnerability (CVE-2015-1635)

Patch Tuesday last week saw the release of Microsoft security bulletin MS15-034, which addresses CVE-2015-1635, a remote code execution vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) running on Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 and later. This vulnerability can be trivially exploited as a denial of service attack by causing the infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) with a simple HTTP request . In order to provide better assessment of your ass

2 min Vulnerability Disclosure

Breaking down the Logjam (vulnerability)

What is it Disclosed on May 19, 2015, the Logjam vulnerability (CVE-2015-4000 ) is a flaw in common TLS implementations that can be used to intercept secure communications. This TLS protocol vulnerability would allow an active man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacker to silently downgrade a TLS session to export-level Diffie-Hellman keys. The attacker could hijack this downgraded session b

1 min Metasploit

2015 Metasploit T-Shirt Design Contest: It's On!

Hacker-designers! We need you! Show us your graphic skills, design an epic Metasploit t-shirt, and win Eternal Fame and Glory! Ahem, er, rather, we're looking for someone to design this year's Metasploit t-shirt. And if you are this year's winning Metasploit t-shirt designer, you will get $230USD and the notoriety and/or immense personal satisfaction in knowing that you're the 2015 Metasploit t-shi