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1 min

Patch Tuesday, March 2015

This month Microsoft has released 14 new bulletins, 5 of which are rated as “Critical” and another 9 as “Important”. As a déjà vu from last month, a critical remote code execution vulnerability (MS15-018) affecting all supported Internet Explorer versions (6-11) is being patched, which addresses 12 CVEs. The patch addresses issues with Internet Explorer's memory management that could allow the remote corruption of memory and result in the execution of malicious code as the current user. As alway

4 min IT Ops

Terminology Nerd War: APM, Log Analysis & More

Just the other day I was hanging out with my developer buddy. We entered what we thought would be an interesting topic on how you cannot call an environment “DevOps” without analytics. But we soon were in a nerd war on what a term meant. Yes, this is what I talk about in my free time. !(https://blog.rapid In the thick of it, we both used the term “Server Monitoring.” But neither of us were talking about the same thing. I was referring to log man

2 min InsightIDR

Tracking Web Activity by MAC Address

In this blog post we explore the benefit of tracking web activity by MAC address. Learn more.

5 min Apple

Top 10 list of iOS Security Configuration GIFs you can send your friends and relatives

Easily share these animated iOS Security tips with friends and relatives! While iOS is generally considered to be quite secure, a few configuration items can improve its security. Some changes have very little functionality impact, while others are more visible but probably only needed in specific environments. This guide contains some of the most important, obvious ones, and contains a GIF for each configuration step to be taken. If you already know everything about iOS security, use this a

3 min IT Ops

Why Interoperability is a Key Requirement for Your DevOps Toolkit

Today’s DevOps culture drives the requirement for development and ops teams to share tooling and to combine lots of different services/processes to give them visibility into their systems throughout the system life cycle. For example the modern DevOps toolkit will consistently include the following categories of tools (and more…): * APM (e.g. New Relic, AppDynamics, AppNeta, AlertSite) * Team Communication (e.g. Slack

3 min IT Ops

Getting Started with the Logentries & Logstash Integration

Logstash is an open source tool for managing events and logs. It is used to collect, search and store logs for later use. If you are using Logstash to collect logs from across your infrastructure already, and you are looking for more sophisticated log analytics tool, you are in the right place. I will show you how to configure Logstash to forward all your logs to your Logentries account using the plugin and token connection. Prerequisites * Logstash downloaded and co

3 min IT Ops

Logging Your Entire Software Delivery Pipeline

When we think of traditional development and production operations, we often put everything into a linear software delivery pipeline that starts with a development backlog, and ends with production monitoring. We slot tools at each stage, and for the most part, keep everything segmented. Log analysis is a common tool in that chain but where does it fit? At the end? I think not. Log analysis can be used throughout your entire software delivery pipeline. The linear pipeline

4 min IT Ops

Acceptance Tests In Practice - Behavior Driven Development

What is Acceptance Testing? "Acceptance testing is a test conducted to determine if the requirements of a specification or contract are met.” (Wikipedia definition ) In simple words, Acceptance tests check if the software that we have built matches the requirements that were provided. The Magical Black Box Acceptance testing is usually performed using “black box ” testing method. The tester of the system k

1 min Metasploit

Nexpose and Metasploit Training and Certification Courses Filling Up Fast!

Looking to amp-up or fine-tune your security prowess? UNITED conference attendees get the chance to do just that by registering for additional small group training and certification courses (Nexpose Basic, Metasploit Basic, and Nexpose Advanced). Since we're keeping the sessions intimate, spots are filling up quickly! Save your spot now for two days of formalized, curriculum-based training with Rapid7 experts . You'll get to: * Share best p

2 min Microsoft

A Closer Look at February 2015's Patch Tuesday

This month's Patch Tuesday covers nine security bulletins from Microsoft, including what seems like a not-very-unusual mix of remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities and security feature bypasses. However, two of these bulletins – MS15-011 and MS15-014 – require a closer look, both because of the severity of the vulnerabilities that they address and the changes Mi

3 min

Why I joined Rapid7

I'll start by admitting that this blog post is a little overdue. I started at Rapid7 on December 1st of last year and I have literally hit the ground running. That's no excuse for being late but a good indicator that I have landed in the right place. I'm not the kind of person that changes jobs on a whim (no pun intended) so I'm happy to go in a bit more detail on why I joined Rapid7 and why I'm so excited about this. I've been in this business for almost 18 years now and enjoyed doing security

3 min IT Ops

Installing Logentries Using Ansible

*This post was written by Logentries customer Richard van den Brand, Software Engineer at, where he is responsible for developing and maintaining their Symfony2 applications and infrastructure. * In this short tutorial I’ll describe the steps required to install the Logentries agent using Ansible. This tutorial assumes you have some basic knowledge about Ansible and how to use playbooks and roles. If you’re unfamiliar with these topics please co

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday, February 2015

For the second straight month Microsoft is holding fast to their blockade of information.  Customers with “Premier” support are getting a very sparse advance notification 24 hours before the advisories drop, and “myBulletins” continues to be useless because it is not updated until well after the patch Tuesday release.  Microsoft called this an evolution, and I can certainly see why – they are applying a squeeze to security teams that will eliminate the weak members of the herd. This month we ar

2 min Android

R7-2015-02: Google Play Store X-Frame-Options (XFO) Gaps Enable Android Remote Code Execution (RCE)

Vulnerability Summary Due to a lack of complete coverage for X-Frame-Options (XFO) support on Google's Play Store web application domain, a malicious user can leverage either a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in a particular area of the Google Play Store web application, or a Universal XSS (UXSS) targeting affected browsers, to remotely install and launch the main intent of an arbitrary Play S

4 min Metasploit

Being Product Manager of Metasploit

Hello World My name is Eray Yilmaz, and I am the new Product Manager of Metasploit. It has been three months since I have joined Rapid7, and I wanted to share my experiences with you so far. Before we get to that, here is tiny bit about myself: I am a 28, married, and fairly new father. I went to UTSA where I majored in Information Assurance and Information Systems, and received my B.B.A. Like anyone else in our industry, I have done my fair share of IT work, from helpdesk to managing networks