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2 min Haxmas

12 Days of HaXmas: Opening Up My Top Secret Metasploit Time Capsule

This post is the second in a series, 12 Days of HaXmas, where we take a look at some of more notable advancements and events in the Metasploit Framework over the course of 2014._ For today's HaXmas amusement, I have something fun to share with you all. So the other day I was watching this movie called The Knowing , an action-thriller starring Nicolas Cage. The story of this movie begins with a school teacher telling the students that as part of the s

1 min

Wishing you happy holidays & a happy new year! From all of us at Rapid7

It's been an interesting year in our industry—and as 2014 draws to a close, we here at Rapid7 wanted to take a few moments to say a big THANK YOU to our customers, our partners, and to the wonderful security community that we're proud to be a part of! The Rapid7 team all over the world recorded their holiday wishes, compiled (by yours truly) into a little holiday video card: We wish you all happy holidays and a joyous and secure new year in 2015! -- Maria Varmazis, Community Manager (@mvarma

3 min

Metasploit Weekly Wrapup: Get the 411

Metasploit Version 4.11 Released This week, we released Metasploit version 4.11 to the world -- feel free to download it here if you're the sort that prefers the binary install over the somewhat Byzantine procedure for setting up a development environment . Which you should be, because the binary installers (for Windows and Linux) have all the dependencies baked in and you don't have to monkey around with much to ge

3 min IT Ops

Connected QA: Selenium + Log Analysis

Does the idea of adding Quality Assurance (QA) test runs to your log analysis platform sound strange? It’s actually not! The value in adding QA test runs goes beyond helping the QA team; it helps the entire development shop as they move to a DevOps framework. I talk a lot about the integrated development environment and going beyond ad-hoc tool selection to a more deliberate and holistic approach. This also means br

4 min IT Ops

Is Server Monitoring Dead?

Once upon a time one of the first pieces of software you installed on your infrastructure was a server monitoring tool. This was the control panel through which you could view how effectively your infrastructure was being used, akin to the speedometer and temperature gauges on your car, or the dashboard of dials in an airplane’s cockpit. Server monitoring tools usually work by capturing resource usage information from your OS performance API or performance counters (e.g. via proc stats on linu

6 min IT Ops

End-to-End IoT Monitoring with Log Data

A recent blog explored the importance of logging in general in terms of IoT devices. It also cited predictions that a huge number (50 billion) of IoT devices are expected to exist by 2020. While Machine to Machine(M2M) communication is a related area, the IoT is all about extending the Internet to systems and even low power devices. While there is uncertainty about the exact nature of how these devices will be networked and how th

2 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday - December 2014

December's advanced Patch Tuesday brings us seven advisories, three of which are listed as Critical.  Depending on how you want to count it, we see a total of 24 or 25 CVEs because one of the Internet Explorer CVEs in MS14-080 overlaps with the VBScript CVE in MS14-084. Of the critical issues, MS14-080 has the broadest scope, with 14 CVEs.  None of which are publically disclosed or known to be under active exploit.  The shared CVE with MS14-084 presents a patching and detection challenge becaus

3 min Vulnerability Disclosure

POODLE Jr.: The Revenge - How to scan for CVE-2014-8730

A severe vulnerability was disclosed in the F5 implementation of TLS 1.x that allows incorrect padding and therefore jeopardizes the protocol's ability to secure communications in a way similar to the POODLE vulnerability . The Nexpose 5.11.10 update provides coverage for this vulnerability, which has been given the identifier CVE-2014-8730 . Learn more about CVE-2

4 min IT Ops

Best Practices for Cloud Logging, Security, & Data Protection

When we first founded Logentries in 2010 a lot of people thought Viliam Holub (co-founder, CTO, and the brain behind processing billions and billions of log events in real time ) and I were crazy. The common response was: “People are not going to send their logs to the cloud… logs might contain very sensitive data…” Like typical stubborn founders we persevered in spite of this, and today we have more than 35,000 users across 100 countries

2 min

Amp Up and Defy Amplification Attacks -- Detecting Traffic Amplification Vulnerabilities with Nexpose

Approximately a year ago, the Internet saw the beginnings of what would become the largest distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks ever seen.  Peaking at nearly 400Gbs in early 2014, these attacks started when a previously undisclosed vulnerability that would ultimately become CVE-2013-5211 was discovered.  While these attacks were devastating and they received plenty of press, the style of attack was not new.  In fact, it had

3 min Metasploit

Good-bye msfpayload and msfencode

Greetings all, On behalf of the Metasploit's development teams, I'd like to officially announce the decision of deprecating msfpayload and msfencode. Also starting today, we no longer support or accept patches for these two utilities. On June 8th 2015, the elderly msfpayload and msfencode will retire from the Metasploit repository, and replaced by their successor msfvenom. The tool msfvenom is the combination of msfpayload and msfencode, and has been in testing for more than 3.5 years. msfpayl

3 min IT Ops

Community Packs for AWS: Out of the Box Dashboards, Alerts, & Queries

We recently released Logentries Community Packs , dynamic JSON files that (when uploaded into Logentries ) automatically create Saved queries, Dashboards and Alerts. The true power of these packs is that anyone can create, modify and share them. We called them Community Packs because we want to offer different Communities a “pack” of log analysis features customized for their specifi

5 min IT Ops

Keepalived and HAProxy in AWS: An Exploratory Guide

We’re going to explore high availability and load balancing using Keepalived and HAProxy . Keepalived is a routing software designed to provide simple and robust facilities for load balancing and high-availability to Linux systems and Linux-based infrastructures. HAProxy is an open source load balancer/reverse proxy generally used for load balancing web services, but also has the functionality to load balance TCP traffic. Together, Keepali

6 min IT Ops

ES6: Javascript in Harmony: An Overview of New Language Features

ECMAScript 6 brings powerful new capabilities and some tasty syntactical sugar to the ubiquitous Javascript language, as it continues to grab an ever increasing slice of developer mindshare. Now that the ES6 feature set is frozen and just minor refinements will be made over the coming months, much of this new functionality has already landed in modern browsers, and will continue to roll out with each new browser update. For the impatient, there are also now several excellent precompile / polyf

3 min Authentication

Patch CVE-2014-6324 To Avoid A Complete Domain Rebuild When UserInsight Detects Its Exploit

On Tuesday, November 18th, Microsoft released an out-of-band security patch affecting any Windows domain controllers that are not running in Azure. I have not yet seen any cute graphics or buzzword names for it, so it will likely be known as MS14-068, CVE-2014-6324, or "that Kerberos vulnerability that is being exploited in the wild to completely take over Windows domains" because it rolls off the tongue a little better. There is a very informative description of the vulnerability, impact, and