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3 min IT Ops

Logging Activity in a Smart Home

The Smart Home concept is a subset of the Internet of Things(IoT). The core idea is to connect “things” (digital devices) to each other to facilitate communication, feedback, and alerting. In essence connecting the physical world with the digital world. We are installing new sensors and actuators into everyday devices that is leading to new IoT and Smart Home services by integrating existing solutions and technologies. The IoT network is growing at an unbelievable pace. From just 2 billion obje

3 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2014-15: GNU Wget FTP Symlink Arbitrary Filesystem Access

Introduction GNU Wget is a command-line utility designed to download files via HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.  Wget versions prior to 1.16 are vulnerable a symlink attack (CVE-2014-4877) when running in recursive mode with a FTP target. This vulnerability allows an attacker operating a malicious FTP server to create arbitrary files, directories, and symlinks on the user's filesystem. The symlink attack allows file contents to be overwritten, including binary files, and access to the entire filesystem wit

2 min Nexpose

Improve your scan performance with Scan Engine pooling

You can improve the speed of your scans for large numbers of assets in a single site by pooling your Scan Engines. With pooling, the work it takes to scan one large site is split across multiple engines to maximize pool utilization. Additionally, engine pooling can assist in cases of fault tolerance. For example, if one Scan Engine in the pool fails during a scan, it will transfer the scanning tasks of that asset to another engine within the pool. Available with the release of Nexpose 5.11, thi

5 min Incident Response

Noise Canceling Security: Extract More Value From IPS/IDS, Firewalls, and Anti-Virus

Based on a common pain and your positive feedback on last month's blog post entitled "Don't Be Noisy" , we have started significantly expanding the scope of our noise reduction efforts. Rather than reinvent the great technology that intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), firewalls, and anti-virus products offer, we are aiming to provide an understanding of the massive amounts of data produced b

3 min IT Ops

Shared Services: The Unicorn Every DevOps is Looking For

In my hunt for the mysterious DevOps practice, I’ve been let down. DevOps are hard to find. When you find them, they do not exactly do what you think they should do. Some DevOps teams only execute on automation for dev; while others are operations folks with a new name; and still others are internal consultants helping operations and developers (but not actually doing the work). In my DevOps scavenger hunt I have identified a new type of creature; shared services (aka the unicorn) What I have

17 min Project Sonar

R7-2014-17: NAT-PMP Implementation and Configuration Vulnerabilities

Overview In the summer of 2014, Rapid7 Labs started scanning the public Internet for NAT-PMP as part of Project Sonar .  NAT-PMP is a protocol implemented by many SOHO-class routers and networking devices that allows firewall and routing rules to be manipulated to enable internal, assumed trusted users behind a NAT device to allow external users to access internal TCP and UDP services for things like Apple's Back to My Mac and file/media shar

3 min

Thank You! Five Years of Metasploit at Rapid7

On October 20, 2009 -- five years ago today -- Rapid7 acquired Metasploit. At the time, there was skepticism about the deal, and what it would mean for Metasploit and the open source community. The skepticism was, of course, fair. If Rapid7 was going to fund (and therefore, control) the development of the Metasploit Framework, why would anyone contribute to it any more? Why give away work product for free when Rapid7 is just going to turn around and sell it? Today, Metasploit is still actively

4 min IT Ops

4 Alerts You Need In Case System Events Stop Occurring

“Silence is golden” This is not always true, especially when something you were expecting to happen* doesn’t* happen. However, this is true when you have a system or a service you are trying to maintain and things stop happening or go quiet. We recently developed a new service — Inactivity Alerting —  to help you with this common challenge and, as you might expect, it fires alerts when there is noted inactivity around a specific log or eve

2 min Nexpose

Site Consolidation with the Nexpose Gem

The introduction of the scan export/import feature opens up the ability to merge sites, at least through the Ruby gem. Imagine a scenario where you had split up your assets into several sites, but now you realize it would be easier to manage them if you just merge them into one. Maybe you have duplicate assets across sites and that wasn't your intent. The script below allows you to merge multiple sites into one. I replays the scans from each site into the new one (in just a fraction of the amou

3 min Vulnerability Disclosure

Block the POODLE's bite: How to scan for CVE-2014-3566

A severe vulnerability was disclosed in the SSL 3.0 protocol that significantly jeopardizes the protocol's ability to secure communications. All versions of SSL have been deprecated and its use should be avoided wherever possible. POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) is the attack that exploits this vulnerability and allows a hacker to potentially steal information by altering communications between the SSL client and the server (MitM). Learn more about CVE-2014-3566

4 min

POODLE Unleashed: Understanding the SSL 3.0 Vulnerability

Three researchers from Google have published findings about a vulnerability in SSL 3.0 , a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure communication over the internet. Although SSL 3.0 is nearly 15 years old, it's still used all over the place – browsers, VPNs, email clients, etc. In other words, this bug is pretty widespread. Successful ex

2 min Microsoft

October Patch Tuesday + Sandworm

Microsoft is back in fine form this month with eight upcoming advisories affecting Internet Explorer, the entire Microsoft range of supported operating systems, plus Office, Sharepoint Server and a very specific add on module to their development tools called “ASP .NET MVC”.  Originally nine advisories were listed in the advance notice, but one of the vulnerabilities affecting Office and the Japanese language IME was dropped for reasons unknown (the dropped advisory was bulletin #4 in the advanc

1 min

Sandworm aka CVE-2014-4114

UPDATED: 2.30pm, ET, Tuesday, Oct 14. There's another vulnerability with a clever name getting a lot of attention: Sandworm aka CVE-2014-4114. This is not a cause for panic for the average system administrator or home users, but you should take it seriously and patch any vulnerable systems ASAP. While the reach is pretty broad because the vulnerability in question affects all versions of the Windows operating system from Vista SP2 to Win

4 min IT Ops

How to Format Nginx and Django Logs Using KVPs

Interested in learning a couple insider tips to gain more value from your logs using additional structure? Specifically, we will show how to easily introduce key-value pair (KVP) format on Nginx and Django logs. Of course, the approach is not restricted to those two types of logs, and can be applied to numerous applications. Previously, our Head of Product, Marc Concannon explained how logging information in JSON format makes it possible to leverag

3 min IT Ops

Logs: The Most Fine-grained Data Source

As co-founder of Logentries I am often asked – “Why Logs?”  And I have to admit, upon first impression, ‘log management and analytics’ does not seem like the sexiest space 🙂 However at Logentries we are here to redefine that space, to provide a solution to access, manage and understand your log data that is easy to use, cost effective and intelligent (i.e. it does the hard work so you don’t have to).  But that being said it sti