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9 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2014-12: More Amplification Vulnerabilities in NTP Allow Even More DRDoS Attacks

Overview As part of Rapid7 Labs' Project Sonar , among other things, we scan the entire public IPv4 space (minus those who have opted out) looking for listening NTP servers.  During this research we discovered some unknown NTP servers responding to our probes with messages that were entirely unexpected.  This lead to the writing of an NTP fuzzer in Metasploit

3 min IT Ops

How to Integrate Go / GoLang with Logentries

Would you like to send logs from your Go program code into your Logentries account?Thanks to the help of Gal Ben-Haim’s, bsphere Golang library for log entries , Go coders can be sending their logs to Logentries in no time at all. Benefits of using this Go Lang library and implementing with your Logentries account include: * Remote viewing and analysis of your Go program log events * All your logs are sent to one location, and viewed through an easy to use

2 min Metasploit

Feedback on Rapid7's Tech Preview Process and Metasploit Pro 4.10

By guest blogger Sean Duffy, IS Team Lead, TriNet Rapid7 invited me to participate in pre-release testing of Metasploit 4.10, a process they call Tech Preview. They asked me to openly share my thoughts with the community. Preparation and Logistics I always enjoy working with Rapid7. Preparatory meetings and documentation made the installation and testing process a breeze. Rapid7 was also kind enough to extend my testing and feedback sessions when work so rudely intruded on the fun. Zero comp

4 min Events

More SNMP Information Leaks: CVE-2014-4862 and CVE-2014-4863

Today, Rapid7 would like to disclose a pair of newly discovered vulnerabilities around consumer and SOHO-grade cable modems, the Arris DOCSIS 3.0 (aka, Touchstone cable modems) and Netmaster Wireless Cable Modems. Both exposures were discovered by Rapid7's Deral Percent_X Heiland and independent researcher Matthew Kienow. The duo plan to discuss these and other common vulnerabilities and configuration issues at DerbyCon near the end of September. In the meantime,

3 min IT Ops

Real-time Alerting on Anomaly and Inactivity Made Simple.

“a·nom·a·ly” 1. Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. When someone is looking to be alerted when something unexpected happens within their environment they are usually referring to anomaly detection. But the problem is that it’s hard to turn a complex problem (i.e. looking for something when you are not sure what it is) into an easy to use solution. The thing about anomaly detection is that you don’t know how the issue will present itself so predicting the patte

1 min Metasploit

msfconsole failing to start? Try 'msfconsole -n'

As part of the last release, the Metasploit Engineering team here at Rapid7 has been on a path of refactoring in the Metasploit open source code in order to make it more performant and to get toward a larger goal of eventually breaking up the framework into a multitude of libraries that can be used and tested in a standalone way. This effort will make it easier to deliver features and respond to issues more quickly, as well as ensure that regressions and bugs can get diagnosed, triaged, and fix

4 min Metasploit

Hunting for Credentials: How Metasploit Pro Beat Me on the Command Line

By guest blogger Robert Jones, Information Security Manager, City of Corpus Christi I had the opportunity to participate in a tech preview of Metasploit Pro's new credentials features. In our shop, we use Metasploit Pro, Nexpose, UserInsight and ControlsInsight, all by Rapid7. I certainly wish I could spend the majority of my time pentesting, but instead I often times I find myself using Metasploit to educate users by showing them how I can compromise their machines. It is incredibly compelli

6 min IT Ops

An APM Solution Divided Cannot Stand

This post originally appeared onthe Smart Bear blog . To read more content like this, subscribe to the Software Quality Matters Blog . Frustrations with lack of tool unification might just lead to revolution in the APM space… Application Performance Management (APM) is a broad concept, and many technologies fall under its umb

3 min IT Ops

Evolve, Don't Revolve

Logs have been around for a while, not quite as long as the wheel, but not far off. Here at Logentries, we have the mantra of evolve don’t revolve (as in don’t sit around spinning your wheels getting nowhere).  We are taking this concept and looking to evolve the way you work with and think about your log data. Gone are the old days, where you only used logs to find exceptions. A new day has dawned, and the future is here, the future is Logentries (

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Pro's New Credentials Features Save Us Time in Workflows

By guest blogger Dustin Heywood, Manager, Security Assurance, ATB Financial Recently I was invited to participate in Metasploit Pro's Tech Preview Program, where customers are given early access to new product releases.  I've taken part in this program before and I have always loved the experience. For those of you who haven't been involved in a Rapid7 Tech Preview program: It starts out with a call with the customer engagement manager and the product management team, who gave me an overview

3 min

Improving Visibility into your Security Program – the Risk Scorecard Report

One of the most strenuous aspects of managing your security program is understanding where to focus your time and effort.  It can be a challenge to balance providing consistent progress updates to your stakeholders and working with your IT teams to prioritize and remediate issues based on the most accurate data available at that time. Communication is critical, yet how do you know what to target and how do you share this information with your organization? Nexpose has the perfect tool to help yo

1 min Microsoft

August Patch Tuesday

Microsoft clearly wants everyone to shake off the dog days of summer and pay attention to patching.  This month's advance notice contains nine advisories spanning a range of MSFT products.  We have the ubiquitous Internet Explorer all supported versions patch (MS14-051), with the same likely caveat that this would apply to Windows XP too, if Microsoft still supported it.  This patch addresses the sole vulnerability to be actively exploited in the wild from in this month's crop of issues, CVE-201

4 min IT Ops

JSON logging in Apache and Nginx with Logentries

I’m often asked on calls with our customers what is the preferred format for log data being sent to Logentries . While we pride ourselves on being the Log Management tool that is easiest to setup a

4 min IT Ops

How D3 can help you build effective data visualizations

Data Visualization is the method of consolidating data into one collective, illustrative graphic. Traditionally, data visualization has been used for quantitative work, but ways to represent qualitative work have been shown to be equally powerful. The main goal of data visualization, is to communicate information clearly and effectively through graphical means. That doesn’t mean that it needs to look boring to be functional or extremely sophisticated to look beautiful. In order to achieve a bala

2 min Events

Metasploit Race to Root and Loginpalooza

Race to Root Unless you've gotten to this blog by freak accident, you are certain to be aware that next week is Black Hat USA 2014, and of course, we'll be there. You can find us at Booth #541, where we'll be running the Metasploit Race to Root, using the latest pre-release build of Metasploit Pro. Now, this is not just a contest to see who can get their badge scanned the fastest. Oh no. This is a real, hands-on micro-sized capture the flag competition, run by our capable and talented in-house