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3 min

Metasploit Weekly Update: Blinding Defenders by Poking at Wireshark

The Wireshark DoS Module This week, we have an interesting new module from Metasploit community contributor JoseMi , which exercises a (seeming) denial-of-service (DoS) condition in a Wireshark dissector responsible for decoding CAPWAP packets. No, I've never heard of CAPWAP either, but Wikipedia's article , now I'm an expert! At any rate, it's not a protocol that you would expect to find really anywhere, given that no real wir

2 min

Becoming a Metasploit Pro Specialist

(This guest blog comes to us from Louis Sanchez, a Network Systems Specialist that is employed at a Cancer Center in the North East) In late February of this year, I was presented with the opportunity to participate in the new Metasploit Pro Specialist certification pilot. The goal of this new certification was to provide the training required to have a proficient understanding of Metasploit Pro . By providing a baseline of knowledge require

4 min Emergent Threat Response

Managing the Impact of the Ebay Breach on You and Your Company

eBay announced earlier today that they were the victims of an attack that compromised the email address, encrypted password, physical address, phone number and date of birth of eBay customers.  It's important to note that the company indicated that they have not detected any fraudulent network activity and that credit card information was not taken. Breached Credentials #1 Attack Vector and #1 Most Commonly Sold Information on Bl

2 min IT Ops

Our Favorite Linux Performance Monitoring Tools

As a part of monitoring and troubleshooting our system and applications, we often need to get a quick snapshot of information about the status of our server. This usually means SSHing into a server and running certain commands to get to the information we need. I wanted to share a quick overview of my top 5 commands to get a snapshot of this server information. htop htop is an ncurses-based interactive process viewer for Linux. It gives information about the CPU utiliz

5 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2014-01, R7-2014-02, R7-2014-03 Disclosures: Exposure of Critical Information Via SNMP Public Community String

Summary of Vulnerabilities This report details three critical information disclosure vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities were discovered while Matthew Kienow and I (Deral Heiland ) were researching information disclosure issues in SNMP on embedded appliances for a talk at CarolinaCon . During this research project, most devices exposed information that would be classified as benign or pub

3 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday, May 2014 - Lots going on

There is a lot going on in the updates from Microsoft this month, including some very interesting and long time coming changes. Also, it's the highest volume of advisories so far this year, with eight dropping on us, two of which are labelled as critical. How to describe the patching priority is going to be very subjective.  Microsoft has identified three of these advisories: MS14-024, MS14-025, & MS14-029, the IE patch as priority 1 patching concerns. Interestingly MS14-029 which is the update

2 min

Goodnight, BrowserScan

The BrowserScan concept emerged during the heyday of Java zero-day exploits in 2012. The risk posed by out-of-date browser addons, especially Java and Flash, was a critical issue for our customers and the greater security community. The process of scanning each desktop for outdated plugins was something that many firms couldn't do easily. BrowserScan helped these firms gather macro-level exposure data about their desktop systems, providing a quick health-check o

5 min Exploits

Oracular Spectacular

Nexpose version 5.9.10 includes significant improvements to its Oracle Database fingerprinting and vulnerability coverage. When configured with appropriate database credentials, Nexpose scans can accurately identify which patches have been applied. This post will go through the steps for setting up such a scan, as well as discuss some of the finer details about Oracle's versioning scheme and the terminology around their quarterly Critical Patch Update program. Scanning Oracle Databases with Nex

4 min Authentication

ControlsInsight: A step-by-step approach to troubleshoot missing assets

ControlsInsight retrieves data from Nexpose, so it is important to make sure that the site is properly configured. In this blog post, we will go through a step-by-step procedure of setting up a site configuration that will enable ControlsInsight to report on all Windows assets. We will also go through a scenario to troubleshoot why an asset did not make it into ControlsInsight. Step 1: Things we need * The list of assets to be scanned either by IP range or hostnames * ControlsInsight c

2 min IT Ops

Using D3.js to Graph Your Log Data

At Logentries, we use the open-source D3.js visualization library for a number of our graphs, including our recently released Insights feature . In a nutshell, D3 allows you to efficiently manipulate documents based on data with minimal overhead. While it could in fact be used for all types of DOM manipulation that you might do with jQuery instead for example, we have used it purely for its graphing functionality. One of the reasons we chose D3 i

1 min Metasploit

2014 Metasploit T-Shirt Design Contest

Hey Hacker-Designers! Remember about this time last year, we kicked off the Metasploit T-Shirt design contest to commemorate our shipping of 1,000 exploits and Metasploit's 10th Anniversary? Turns out, we had so many good designs and so much fun with that that we're doing it again this year. So let's see, what reason can we contrive this year... We have 1,294 exploits now

2 min Metasploit

Federal Friday - 4.25.14 - A Whole Lot of Oops

Happy Friday, Federal friends! I hope all of you enjoyed some nice family time over the respective holidays last week. After a successful Marathon Monday here in Boston we're blessed with chirping birds and blooming flowers (finally)! As you all probably know by now, Verizon released their latest DBIR report earlier this week. While this report covered a wide range of topics in regards to breaches, I

2 min IT Ops

Log Aggregation & Grouping in 3 Clicks

With the introduction of a centralized,aggregated view of your logs , we enabled our users to see their entire stack in one view and to quickly correlate different logs together. This log aggregation viewpoint provides much deeper insight into what is occurring across your logs from various sources. We thought that the Log Aggregation View was pretty cool, so we are very excited to launch log Groups which add even more flexibility to save and moni

2 min Metasploit

Hacker's Dome: An Online Capture-the-Flag (CTF) Competition on May 17

Many folks ask me how you can get started as a penetration tester. Save for a real-life penetration test, capture-the-flag (CTF) competitions are probably the most effective ways for you to hone your offensive security skills. What's best: they're a ton of fun, even for experienced pentesters. The folks over at have put together a one-off CTF called Hacker's Dome, which will start on May 17th and run for 48 hours, so save the date. Hacker's Dome - First Bloo

1 min IT Ops

Customer Success: Sending your CoreOS data to Logentries

We love sharing cool stories straight from our customers about how they are using logs to solve problems.  This one is from Matthias Kadenbach (@mkadenbach) who was using CoreOS with multiple Docker containers on Google Compute Engine and not sure how to log from CoreOS to remote destinations. CoreOS is a stripped down version of Linux (Chrome OS) that has no package manager. This basically means no build-essentials are included with the OS, which makes it impossible to download and build the L