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3 min IT Ops

4 Reasons to Love Your Log Data

Data logging by essential IT equipment has been around since the beginning of the modern computer era. Operating systems, application software, hardware, and a plethora of IT equipment in and on the network generate log files, and IT professionals can often find themselves knee deep in an overwhelming amount of data, especially as cloud services are added to the mix . But, the truth is that if used properly, log data can be a very good friend to both IT and business

4 min IT Ops

What is "real-time" anyway…?

I love a good buzzword…cloud, big data, analytics …And even more than the buzzwords, I love the liberties people tend to take applying these buzzwords to their new systems and services. Such buzzwords regularly get abused and often get washed into marketing material and product websites in an attempt to hoodwink and woo new unsuspecting customers. One of my (least) favorite buzzwords, that I’ve noticed popping up more recently in particular in the logging space is “real-time.” So what does re

1 min IT Ops

A Note on Logentries Security

The recent OpenSSL vulnerability CVE-2014-0160 , nicknamed “Heartbleed,” affected large part of the Internet. It was caused by a relatively trivial bug, a missing check for an input value, which can lead to a buffer overrun, causing leaking of an unrelated block of memory. This can ultimately lead to compromising of the secret keys used to encrypt the traffic, which essentially allows attackers to eavesdrop on communications, steal data directly f

5 min Exploits

Exploiting CSRF under NoScript Conditions

CSRFs -- or Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities -- occur when a server accepts requests that can be “spoofed” from a site running on a different domain. The attack goes something like this: you, as the victim, are logged in to some web site, like your router configuration page, and have a valid session token. An attacker gets you to click on a link that sends commands to that web site on your behalf, without your knowledge

4 min

From the Trenches: AV Evasion With Dynamic Payload Generation

By guest blogger Shane Rudy, Information Security Manager, AOScloud, C|EH | E| CSA | L|PT | CPT | CEPT A few weeks ago I was excited when Rapid7, asked me to participate in their 2014 Tech Preview Program for Metasploit Pro version 4.9 I have always enjoyed the interaction I have had with the talented crew over at Rapid7 and I have been a big fan of Metasploit Framework since its inception years ago. Rapid7 has done an excellent job of interacting and allowing its users to participate within t

5 min

Heartbleed War Room - Product FAQ

Quick reference links before we dive in: * Heartbleed Vulnerability Resources * Heartbleed War Room - FAQ * Using Nexpose to stop the bleeding * Metasploit's Heartbleed scanner module Following up on our Heartbleed War Room webcast f

2 min Exploits

Sophos Web Appliance Privilege Escalation and Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Sophos Web Protection Appliance vs and likely prior versions was vulnerable to both a mass assignment attack which allowed privilege escalation, as well as a remote command execution vulnerability as root available to admin users. ZDI details the vuln here . This Metasploit module exploits both vulnerabilities in order to go from an otherwise unprivileged authenticated user to root on the box. This is particularly bad because this

3 min Nexpose

Using Nexpose to Stop the Bleeding (Scanning for the OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability)

By now you have almost certainly heard about the recently disclosed OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160). The April 9th update for Nexpose includes both authenticated and unauthenticated vulnerability checks for Heartbleed. Scanning your assets with the regular full audit template, or indeed any template that isn't tuned to exclude many ports or vulnerabilities, will automatically pick up this vulnerability. But it is also possible to create

3 min IT Ops

Automating logging to Logentries

Staying on the subject of devops, specifically server automation and monitoring, I’m going to show you how you can automatically send logs to Logentries using Chef and Vagrant . If you are unfamiliar with either of these technologies I suggest you have a look through my previous posts to bring you up to speed on things. We’re going to cover how to install the logentrie

4 min Metasploit

Security Advisory: OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160) in Metasploit (Updated 4/11/14 2:20pm EDT)

Metasploit 4.9.0 and earlier vulnerable to Heartbleed, update 4.9.1 addresses critical cases The Metasploit editions Metasploit Pro, Metasploit Express, and Metasploit Community in versions 4.9.0 or earlier are vulnerable to the OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160). Please update to version 4.9.1 to remediate critical vulnerabilities. See below for remediation instructions. Metasploit Framework itself is not affected, but it has dependencies on other components that may need to be u

3 min Microsoft

It's the end of XP as we know it, April Patch Tuesday 2014, and, oh yeah... heartbleed.

So this is it, the last hurrah for the once beloved XP, the last kick at the can for patching up the old boat.  Sure, by today's standards it's a leaky, indefensible, liability, but… hey, do you even remember Windows 98?  Or (*gasp*) ME?  At least we can all finally put IE 6 to rest, once and for all, the final excuse for corporate life-support has been pulled… except for legacy apps built so poorly that they depend on IE 6 and are “too costly” to replace. As everyone should know by now, ther

3 min Exploits

Metasploit's Brand New Heartbleed Scanner Module (CVE-2014-0160)

Is the Internet down? Metasploit publishes module for Heartbleed If you read this blog at all regularly, you're quite likely the sort of Internet citizen who has heard about the Heartbleed attack and grasp how serious this bug is. It's suffice to say that it's a Big Deal -- one of those once-a-year bugs that kicks everyone in security into action. OpenSSL underpins much of the security of the Internet, so widespread bugs in these critical libraries affects everyone. The subsequently published

14 min Exploits

"Hack Away at the Unessential" with ExpLib2 in Metasploit

This blog post was jointly written by Wei sinn3r Chen and Juan Vazquez Memory corruption exploitation is not how it used to be. With modern mitigations in place, such as GS, SafeSEH, SEHOP, DEP, ASLR/FASLR, EAF+, ASR, VTable guards, memory randomization, and sealed optimization, etc, exploit development has become much more complicated. It definitely shows when you see researchers jumping through hoops like reverse-engineering

2 min

Metasploitable in the Cloud

This guest blog comes to us from Marius Corici from CTF365 . When asked to describe himself he gave me the following: "I enjoy being an entrepreneur and discovering new solutions for old problems. Motto: Think a lot to do less and preserve energy to provide simplicity." There is no doubt that the best way to learn Information Security is hands-on and to make this easier, the guys from Rapid7 and Metasploit created Metasploitable

2 min Metasploit

R7-2014-05 Vulnerability in Metasploit Modules (Fixed)

Metasploit Pro, Community, and Express users are urged to update to the latest version of Metasploit to receive the patch for the described vulnerability. Kali Linux users should use the normal 'apt-get update' method of updating, while other Metasploit Pro, Community, and Express users can use the in-application Administration : Software Updates button. A remote privilege escalation vulnerability has been discovered by Ben Campbell of MWR InfoSecurity