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4 min

I don't always write my own web application fingerprints, but when I do, I use XML

One of the awesome things about Nexpose is its extensibility. Nexpose now allows you to write your own custom web application fingerprints, using a combination of XPath and regular expressions. Coupled with the ability to add your own custom checks , this allows you to write your own web application vulnerability coverage. This fingerprinting functionality can be used on any web application that provides its version i

5 min IT Ops

Smart Continuous Delivery Using Automated Testing

This post is building on a recent post highlighting recommendations on how to simplify your unit testing by using the right set of tools (Smart Integration Testing with Dropwizard, Flyway and Retrofit ). As a company like Logentries rapidly grows, and the number of product features increases, an important question arises around maintaining the highest level quality and user experience. That level is usually where the

2 min IT Ops

4 Ways to Use Centralized Log Management for Improved Production Monitoring

Is your team focused on preventing outages and minimizing downtime in production? Time to resolution is one of the most important operational KPIs for Ops teams, becauseany time that your application is down, is too long for your users. Whether it’s minutes, hours, or (in a worst case-scenario) days, any time that your systems are down, your business is losing money; and more importantly, customer trust and satisfaction. This creates additional pressure on your team and hurts employee morale. By

3 min Nexpose

Microsoft False Positives: "The update is not applicable to your computer"

One of the most common false positive cases we see from a support perspective is a situation where Nexpose reports a vulnerability because a specific patch is not installed, but when you try to apply the patch, the system will not let you install it and says the patch is not applicable. In many cases, this ends up being caused by another patch that is installed on the system that prevents the patch you are trying to install from being installed.  Sometimes the patch that is installed and preven

3 min Events

Weekly Metasploit Update: Countdown to DEFCON

Don't Be (too) Naked in Vegas Wow, it's exactly two more weeks today until DEFCON. While Rapid7 has had a vendor presence at Black Hat for many years (at booth #541), this year is, I believe, the first time that we'll have a vendor table at DEFCON. I'm super stoked about both gigs, since the Black Hat booth will give us an opportunity to unload give away a fresh new batch of Metasploit T-Shirt Design contest

3 min IT Ops

Digging Deeper on AWS: Real-time Alerting for Windows Security Events

After many conversations with our AWS customers and the AWS CloudTrail team, we recently released our AWS CloudTrail integration to automatically support the most important log events our customers wanted to be monitoring across their AWS environments. We found that some of the most common need for notifications included: * Starting, stopping, terminating, rebooting instances * Creating or deletingsecuritygroups * Creating and d

2 min IT Ops

Revisiting the Past with Logentries and Syslog

When I was younger I was always amazed by my grandfather. He would revel me in stories about how, when growing up, not only did he not have a car or television, but he had to walk up hill “both ways” to get to school – without shoes! And here I am today more or less saying the same thing about the late 70’s and early 80’s when client-server changeover that occurred during that time and we all had servers sitting in our closets. Setting up syslog back in

2 min IT Ops

AWS CloudWatch Logs - Making Innovation Easier and Cheaper

Last week AWS made an exciting announcement at their NYC Summit, which I believe is a big step in helping to reduce the cost of log management in the cloud for end users and vendors alike – good news all around! What was announced? Amazon announced ‘CloudWatch Logs’ which essentially allows you to send log data from your EC2 instances into CloudWatch for storage and some rudimentary analysis. How does it work? CloudWatch logs works by collecting y

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Embedded Device Attacks and Automated Syntax Analysis

D-Link Embedded Device Shells This week, esteemed Metasploit contributor @m-1-k-3 has been at it again with his valiant personal crusade against insecure SOHO (small office/home office) embedded devices with known vulnerabilities. We have a new trio of modules that target D-Link gear, based on the research released by Craig Heffner and Zachary Cutlip, which exploit two bugs present in the DSP-W215 Smart Plug, and one UPnP comma

2 min Logentries

Logs to Metrics to JSON to Geckoboard

The world of log management and application performance monitoring are evolving and there is no longer a big distinction between the two. Up to even a year ago, many people in IT viewed logs as simply a means of identifying and tracking issues once they have occurred within their system. It was rare that people were using their logs for more than basic application event tracking and watching for exceptions. But over the

3 min IT Ops

TCP or UDP for Logging – Which One to Use?

When sending data over the Internet, we want to be sure that data has arrived safely and is delivered in a reliable manner. Assuming that our hardware and operating systems do the job well, we can use transport protocol on the application level to achieve that goal. In theOSI model the two most populartransport protocols areTCP andUDP

2 min IT Ops

Using Log Analysis to Find the .18%

Even the most non-technical audiences realize the business value in analyzing their log data. DevOps professionals are constantly being asked to monitor their application performance, and often rely on log data for troubleshooting, diagnostics and application systems monitoring. The challenge is that the amount of log data generated can be completely overwhelming. Why log analysis is so difficult? In one word — volume. Even relatively small applications, can generate millions, or billions of lo

2 min

Weekly Metasploit Update: Another Meterpreter Evasion Option

Hopping Meterpreter Through PHP This week, Metasploit landed and shipped the new Reverse HTTP hop stager for Meterpreter payloads, which opens up yet another avenue for pivoting about the Internet to connect to your various and sundry Meterpreter shells. This is kind of a huge deal. For starters, this obviously helps with crossing artificial borders between networks. You may have an engagement target that has a vulnerable web server in

4 min Logentries

How to Get Full Visibility of CloudTrail, CloudWatch & System Logs

At re:Invent last year AWS launched CloudTrail , which is essentially a “trail” of all activity in your AWS Cloud environment… the clue is in the name ;). CloudTrail has been widely accepted as a great addition to the AWS toolset as it is useful for numerous use cases including security analysis, troubleshooting, tracking of AWS resource usage, and more. While CloudTrai

3 min

Metasploit Weekly Update: Prison Break

Boy, that escalated quickly! In this week's Metasploit update, we'd like to introduce two sandbox escaping exploits for Internet Explorer, and demonstrate how you're supposed to use them. The two we're covering are MS13-097, an escape due to Windows registry symlinks. And MS14-009, by exploiting a type traversal bug in .Net Deployment Service. We will also briefly go over other new modules and new changes, and here we go. Why You Need a S