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2 min

Like msfvenom? Here's A Faster Way to Generate Stand-alone Metasploit Payloads

Part of the Metasploit Framework, msfvenom is a command-line tool that helps penetration testers to generate stand-alone payloads to run on compromised machines to get remote access to the system. Msfvenom is a combination of two other Metasploit Framework tools: Msfpayload and Msfencode, which generate and encode payloads respectively. Even if you have used Msfvenom before, chances are that you need to look up the tool's documentation every time you want to generate a payload. Msfvenom is a

2 min IT Ops

5 Great Blogs for DevOps

If you are a DevOps professional looking to get more involved or further your learning, or just looking for some entertaining, insightful content, we wanted to put together a list of 5 great blogs for DevOps. And, we know we missed some, so feel free comment and share what other blogs should be on here! A few great blogs that we think you might find valuable: 1. – Dave Farley and Jez Humble run this site. Jez is a principal consult

8 min

Driving Risk Reduction through RealContext™ in Nexpose 5.9

We are pleased to announce the next major release of Nexpose, version 5.9.  This release focuses on reducing the risk that matters to your business, quickly and efficiently. Business Context? One of the biggest failings of the security industry so far is that it has failed to successfully tie the knowledge and the needs of the business to the overall risk landscape. Every organization has different thoughts and needs around how they prioritize risk, what they deem fundamentally important, and h

3 min

Tarpits. A Nexpose Killer?

In the challenge of network security there are many great tools at your disposal. Some of these tools are the IDS/IPS and Firewall. An IDS will detect an attack, relay the info to the IPS which will help prevent it. Firewalls generally block stuff (IP or port related), and also tend to have some basic IDS/IPS functionality. What is a Tarpit? A Tarpit is a service generally found on IDS/IPS and Firewalls as well as servers, that delay or shroud incoming connections. Basically when port scanning,

6 min IT Ops

Synchronizing Clocks In a Cassandra Cluster Pt. 2 - Solutions

This is the second part of a two part series. Before you read this, you should go back and read the original article, “Synchronizing Clocks In a Cassandra Cluster Pt. 1 – The Problem .” In it, I covered how important clocks are and how bad clocks can be in virtualized systems (like Amazon EC2) today. In today’s installment, I’m going to cover some disadvantages of off-the-shelf NTP installations, and how to overcome them. C

5 min

Debugging Metasploit modules with pry-debugger

Pentester Pete here again. It's nice to see ya'll and thanks for coming back.  Have you ever had those times when you're developing, updating, or when a Metasploit module throws a backtrace on ya, and you're scratching your head asking yourself, “why me, what's going on”? Well, I hope this blog will get you through those moments with as little pain as possible. That's right, in this blog we'll cry , laugh , a

5 min IT Ops

Synchronizing Clocks In a Cassandra Cluster Pt. 1 - The Problem

Cassandra is a highly-distributable NoSQL database with tunable consistency. What makes it highly distributable makes it also, in part, vulnerable: the whole deployment must run on synchronized clocks. It’s quite surprising that, given how crucial this is, it is not covered sufficiently in literature. And, if it is, it simply refers to installation of a NTP daemon on each node which – if followed blindly – leads to really bad consequences. You will find blog post

3 min Apple

Metasploit Weekly Update: There's a Bug In Your Brain

Running Malicious Code in Safari The most fun module this week, in my humble opinion, is from Rapid7's own Javascript Dementor, Joe Vennix . Joe wrote up this crafty implementation of a Safari User-Assisted Download and Run Attack , which is not technically a vulnerability or a bug or anything -- it's a feature that ends up being a kind of a huge risk. Here's how it goes:

1 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday - March 2014

Microsoft's March Patch Tuesday again came in on the lighter side of some months.  This continues the 2014 trend of smaller Patch Tuesdays.  We only see 2 issues that are critical/remote code execution, one of which is the usual IE (MS14-012), the other is an an issue in the DirectShow libraries (MS14-013) which affects most versions of Windows from XP up to 8.1/2012r2.  These two are where we should focus our patching efforts. Of the 18 CVEs addressed in MS14-012, one is known to be in limit

3 min IT Ops

DevOps: Vagrant with Chef-Server

In my last blog post, The DevOps Tools We Use & How We Use Them , I talked about how we use Chef with Vagrant for managing, maintaining and monitoring our servers. (If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you have a quick look at it for reference.) This is great for a development environment where you spin up servers locally in Virtualbox, however in doesn’t help much when trying to maint

3 min Open Source

Metasploit Weekly Update: On Breaking (and Fixing!) Security Software

Attacking Security Infrastructure This week, one module stands out for me: the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Remote Command Execution by xistence , who built on the proof-of-concept code from Chris Graham , who turned that out after Stefan Viehbock's disclosure from last week. You can read the full disclosure text from SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab , and get an idea of the s

2 min IT Ops

How To Run Rsyslog in a Docker Container for Logging

I’ve been playing around with Docker this morning (read as I have followed their 15 min tutorial and have installed it on an Ubuntu instance – so I’m not quite the expert yet). I was initially interested in figuring out what log management looks like for any Docker users out there. From first look, Docker has a “logs” command that will fetch the logs from a container. You can run this via the docker daemon and it will  captu

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Encoding-Fu, New Powershell Payload, Bug Fixes

I Got 99 Problems but a Limited Charset Ain't One In this week's Metasploit weekly update, we begin with OJ TheColonial Reeves ' new optimized sub encoding module (opt_sub.rb ). As the name implies, this encoder takes advantage of the SUB assembly instruction to encode a payload with printable characters that are file path friendly. Encoders like this are incredibly useful for developing a memory corruption exploit that triggers a file path buffer overflow, where

2 min IT Ops

Real User Monitoring: I Need Insight And I Need It Now

In the past it was assumed that the web-based interface was the most important, and often the only, path for a user to access content or a product. But those days are gone and now companies must embrace supporting multiple interfaces on different platforms in order to satisfy their users. With customers looking to use a mix of clients, with the most common being Web, iOS, Android and Windows Phones, companies need to invest in optimizing for these channels and, hence, protecting their investment

4 min Exploits

Metasploit Weekly Update: Video Chat, Meterpreter Building, and a Fresh MediaWiki Exploit

"It's Like Chat Roulette for Hackers" The coolest thing this week... wait, let me start again. The coolest thing this year is Wei sinn3r Chen's brand new amazesauce, humbly named webcam_chat. I know he just posted all about it yesterday, but I just want to reiterate how useful and hilarious this piece of post-exploit kit really is. First off, it's entirely peer-to-peer. The communicati