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6 min IT Ops

Mobile Apps: 6 Steps to A Wealth of Untapped Data

With mobile technology becoming a bigger part of many companies’ front end coverage, it makes sense to ensure that you are getting a good return on your investment by delivering a high quality app that works for your users. With this in mind we are excited to announce the release of our iOS and Android libraries . When used in conjunction with our JavaScript library, these will give you coverage over virtually your whole front end. Mobile adoption for U

3 min IT Ops

An Inflection Point for Mobile Devices & App Monitoring

You may not have noticed, but history has unfolded before our very eyes in the past few months, with mobile device sales expected to outpace those of the traditional laptops for the first time (at least according to IDC research last September ). To shed some light on the expected pace of change, by 2017 it’s anticipated that 87% of the worldwide smart connected device market will be tablets and smartphones, with PCs (both desktop and lapt

4 min

Let's Talk About Your Security Breach with Metasploit. Literally. In Real Time.

During a recent business trip in Boston, Tod and I sat down in a bar with the rest of the Metasploit team, and shared our own random alcohol-driven ideas on Metasploit hacking. At one point we started talking about hacking webcams. At that time Metasploit could only list webcams, take a snapshot, stream (without sound), or record audio

4 min Exploits

Weekly Metasploit Update: Feb. 13, 2014

Android WebView Exploit, 70% Devices Vulnerable This week, the biggest news I think we have is the release this week of Joe Vennix and Josh @jduck Drake's hot new/old Android WebView exploit. I've been running it for the last day or so out on the Internet, with attractive posters around the Rapid7 offices (as seen here) in an attempt to pwn something good. I've popped a couple shells, I guess I didn't make my QR Code attractive enough. Seriously, though, this vulnerability is kind of a huge d

3 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday - February 2014, also, say "buh-bye" to MD5

This was a fairly novel Patch Tuesday (calling it interesting might be too strong a word for Patch Tuesday, unless you work in vulnerability management and geek out on these things - in which case, I thought it was interesting). At first take, it looked like Microsoft would continue the 2014 trend of keeping patch Tuesday relatively light.  There were only 5 advisories this month, two critical, three important.  Emphasis is on the past tense. Monday morning, Microsoft updated the advance no

1 min Penetration Testing

Your PenTest Tools Arsenal

When it comes to information security, one of the major problems is setting up your PenTest Tools Arsenal. The truth is, there are too many tools out there and it would take forever to try half of them to see if one fits your needs. Over the years, there have been some well established tools released that most of security professionals use currently, but that doesn't mean that are not unknown yet still very good pentesting tools that are not as popular. I wanted to make a list of the pentest to

3 min

Leveraging the power of Metasploit's resource scripts

As a pentester for Rapid7 I use Metasploit a lot. I think one of the most overlooked features in Metasploit is the ability to create resource scripts. What are resource scripts you ask? “A resource file is essentially a batch script for Metasploit; using these files you can automate common tasks – H.D. Moore.” There are several resource scripts included with Metasploit, one of which is port_cleaner.  If you're like me you have had times when, after importing NMAP scan data, a bunch of cruft fo

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: ADSI support and MSFTidy for sanity

Meterpreter ADSI support We ended up skipping last week's update since upwards of 90% of Rapid7 folks were Shanghaied up to Boston, in the dead of winter, with only expense-reportable booze too keep us warm at night. So, with much fanfare comes this week's update, featuring the all new ADSI interface for Meterpreter, via OJ TheColonial Reeves' Extended API. Lucky for us, and you, Carlos DarkOperator Perez was not ensconced i

3 min

Pwn Faster with Metasploit's Multi-Host Check Command

One of the most popular requests I've received from professional penetration testers is that they often need to be able to break into a network as fast as possible, and as many as possible during an engagement. While Metasploit Pro or even the community edition already gives you a significant advantage in speed and efficiency, there is still quite a large group of hardcore Framework users out there, so we do whatever we can to improve everybody's hacking experience. A new trick we'd like to in

7 min

Exploitable vulnerabilities #1 (MS08-067)

Description In November of 2003 Microsoft standardized its patch release cycle. By releasing its patches on the second Tuesday of every month Microsoft hoped to address issues that were the result of patches being release in a non uniform fashion. This effort has become known as Patch-Tuesday. From the implementation of Patch-Tuesday (November, 2003) until December, 2008 Microsoft released a total of 10 patches that were not release on a Patch-Tuesday also known as “out-of-band” patches. The 10t

2 min IT Ops

How to Monitor the Health of Your Application and Infrastructure With the Same Solution

With an attractive total cost of ownership of cloud-based solutions versus on-premise solutions, a highly flexible nature and the ability to scale up rapidly, there has been a steady increase in companies moving infrastructure out of racks and into the cloud. As more companies move their mission critical systems out of their physical control to these cloud-based solutions, it only makes sense that their application and machine generated logs are even more important than ever before. With that

5 min Metasploit

Making Your Printer Say "Feed Me a Kitten" and Also Exfiltrate Sensitive Data

As of this last release, PJL (HP's Printer Job Language) is now a grown-up Rex::Proto protocol! Since extending a protocol in Metasploit is beyond the scope of this post, we'll just be covering how to use the PoC modules included with the new protocol. Feel free to dig around in lib/rex/proto/pjl*, though! Okay, let's get started! printer_version_info First off, we have printer_version_info. This module lets us scan a range of hosts for pri

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Talking PJL With Printers

Abusing Printers with PJL This week's release features a half dozen new modules that seek out printers that talk the Print Job Language (PJL) for use and abuse. Huge thanks to our newest full time Metasploit trouble maker, William Vu . As a penetration tester, you probably already know that office printers represent tasty targets. Like most hardware with embedded systems, they rarely, if ever, get patches. They don't often have very serious security controls

2 min IT Ops

Amazon S3 Archiving...You asked, we delivered!

One thing we like to think we do well here at Logentries is listen to our global user base ! Something that a lot of you have asked for recently is log archiving. Ask and you shall receive – we have now opened a Beta for archiving to Amazon S3. So you can be safe in the knowledge that your log files will be archived safely every night to a reliable storage facility should you ever need them in the future. You can also be sure that any compliance or PCI requirements

3 min

News on the Embedded Systems Land

Last year we worked hard to improve the embedded devices capabilities available on Metasploit collaborating with awesome guys like m-1-k-3 to add new modules and capabilities , collaborating and conducting research like in the IPMI related work by HD Moore , or shari