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3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: BrowserExploitServer (BES), IPMI, and KiTrap0D

Browser Exploit Server This release includes the much vaunted and anticipated BrowserExploitServer (BES) mixin , the brainchild of Metasploit exploit developer Wei @_sinn3r Chen. Metasploit, at its core, is designed to be both an exploit delivery system and exploit development system, so this new mixin should help tremendously with the latter. BES, in a

3 min IT Ops

Where Are My AWS Logs?

Over my time at Logentries, we’ve had users contact us about where to find their logs while they were setting up Logentries . As a result, we recently released a feature for Amazon Web Services called the AWS Connector, which automatically discovers your log files across your Linux EC2 ins

5 min Metasploit

Exploiting the Supermicro Onboard IPMI Controller

Last week @hdmoore published the details about several vulnerabilities into the Supermicro IPMI firmware . With the advisory's release, several modules were landed into Metasploit in order to check Supermicro's device against several of the published vulnerabilities: Module Purpose smt_ipmi_static_cert_scanner This module ca

2 min

November 2013 Patch Tuesday Summary

The November Patch Tuesday advisories are out, and across the board mixed feelings own the day. Relief and frustration must be present for Windows and Security administrators alike. Relief because for the first time in a few months, this is a relatively straightforward Patch Tuesday, with fixes for most Windows versions, the ever-present IE roll up patch (MS13-088), and some Office components, but nothing esoteric or difficult to patch.  No SharePoint plugins, no complicated .NET patching, no

2 min

New in 5.7.16 - Search, Track, and Report on Assets by Open Ports

So, you want to find all assets that have HTTP enabled? Want to monitor which non-standard ports are open across your organization? Now you can. Starting in Nexpose 5.7.16 you can search, track, and report on assets by open ports. That's definitely a good thing considering that monitoring non-standard ports is a must. A recent report by Palo Alto Networks highlighted the importance of m

2 min Metasploit

Tech Preview Feedback: Vulnerability Validation in Metasploit Pro 4.8

By guest blogger and Rapid7 customer David Henning, Director Network Security, Hughes Network Systems A few weeks ago, Rapid7 asked me to participate in the Metasploit Tech Preview for 2013. I've participated in a couple of other product previews in the past. I like the interaction with the Rapid7 development teams.  This tech preview was smooth and it was easy to participate. Previous testing sessions required interactions over e-mail and there was some associated lag. This preview was mana

15 min Metasploit

Don't Get Blindsided: Better Visibility Into User and Asset Risks with Metasploit 4.8

Not having visibility can be dangerous in many situations. The new Metasploit 4.8 gives you better visibility in four key areas: * View phishing exposure in the context of the overall user risk * See which vulnerabilities pose the biggest risk to your organization * Have all host information at your fingertips when doing a pentest * Discover the latest risks on your network with new exploits and other modules See Phishing Exposure as O

2 min

Network complexity: Bad for Business, Great for Job Security

For years I've written about how dangerous network complexity is for business. It's simple math. The crazier things are in your environment, the less control you have. In other words, the more applications, computers, network segments, people, policies, cloud service providers, and so on in your environment the harder it is to manage the risks. It's a direct, quantifiable, and predictable inverse relationship. Yet, no matter the degree of complexity n

3 min Metasploit

Learn to Pentest SAP with Metasploit As ERP Attacks Go Mainstream

This month, a security researcher disclosed that a version of the old banking Trojan “Trojan.ibank” has been modified to look for SAP GUI installations, a concerning sign that SAP system hacking has gone into mainstream cybercrime.  Once a domain of a few isolated APT attacks, SAP appears to be in the cross hairs of hackers that know just how much sensitive data ERP systems house, including financial, customer, employee and production data.  With more than 248,500 customers in 188 countries, SAP

4 min

CTF365: A New Capture The Flag Platform for Ongoing Competitions

By Guest Blogger Marius Corîci, Before I start, I would like to thank the Metasploit team at Rapid7, and the Kali Linux team at Offensive-Security for their kindnesses to let us use their logos on our platform. I'd especially like to thank hdmoore and ckirsch at Rapid7 as well as Mati Aharoni at Offensive Security. This means a lot to us. Note: If this article is TL;DR, then I recommend you just go to create an account, create a team and start p

3 min Product Updates

Weekly Update - 11/6/13

Disclosures for SuperMicro IPMI On the heels of last week's bundle of FOSS disclosures , we've gone a totally different direction this week with a new round of disclosures. Today, we're concentrating on a single vendor which ships firmware for Baseboard Management Controllers (BMCs): Supermicro, and their Supermicro IPMI firmware. You can read up on the details on HD's blog post which covers the

4 min Vulnerability Disclosure

Supermicro IPMI Firmware Vulnerabilities

Introduction This post summarizes the results of a limited security analysis of the Supermicro IPMI firmware. This firmware is used in the baseboard management controller (BMC) of many Supermicro motherboards. The majority of our findings relate to firmware version SMT_X9_226. The information in this post was provided to Supermicro on August 22nd, 2013 in accordance with the Rapid7 vulnerability disclosure policy. Although we have a number of Metasploit modules in development to test these iss

5 min

Vulnerability Management And Expert Systems

Overview An unique feature of the Nexpose vulnerability management (VM) solution is that the core of the underlying scanner uses an expert system.  Many years and several careers ago, I had been tasked with selecting an appropriate VM solution at my employer.  Among the possible solutions was Nexpose, and I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I shrugged off the "expert system" as a marketing term.  I soon came to learn that it was a real thing and started to realize the true power of such a te

3 min Cybersecurity

National Cyber Security Awareness Month: The Value of Vigilance

Today is the last day of October 2013, and so sadly, this is our last NCSAM primer blog. We're hitting on a number of potential threats in this one to help drive the core point home – users need to be vigilant, not just with regards to their physical security, but also the security of their information and the systems used to access and store it. For those that are new to this series, a quick recap – every week this month we have created a short primer piece that could be copied and pasted into

1 min Verizon DBIR

Nightmare on Pwn Street

We've gone a little Halloween-crazy this year over here at Rapid7 Towers. Check out this week's Whiteboard Wednesday video to hear how organizations are like the protagonists of horror movies; making decisions that may ultimately make them vulnerable to attack. In addition, while we were carving our pumpkins and sewing our costumes, we got to thinking about one of the most horrifying realities in information security: many organizations keep falling victim to the same tricks they've seen in the