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6 min

Scanning All The Things

Introduction Over the past year, the Rapid7 Labs team has conducted large scale analysis on the data coming out of the Critical.IO and Internet Census 2012 scanning projects. This revealed a number of widespread security issues and painted a gloomy picture of an internet rife with insecurity. The problem is, this isn't news, and the situation continues to get worse. Rapid7 Labs believes the only way to make meaningful progress is through data sharing and collaboration across the security communi

0 min

Welcome to Project Sonar!

Project Sonar is a community effort to improve security through the active analysis of public networks. This includes running scans across public internet-facing systems, organizing the results, and sharing the data with the information security community. The three components to this project are tools, datasets, and research. Please visit the Sonar Wiki for more information.

3 min Exploits

Weekly Update: New Exploits for MS13-069, MS13-071

Let's Curbstomp Windows! This week, we've got two new exploits for everyone's favorite punching bag, Microsoft Windows. First up, we'll take on Microsoft Internet Explorer. MSIE has a long and storied history of browser bugs, but truth be told, they're really pretty hard to exploit reliably these days. If you don't believe me, take a look at the hoops we had to jump through to get reliable exploits together for MS13-069. MS13-069 w

4 min Metasploit

Change the Theme, Get a Shell: Remote Code Execution with MS13-071

Recently we've added an exploit for MS13-071 to Metasploit. Rated as "Important" by Microsoft, this remote code execution, found by Eduardo Prado, for Windows XP and Windows 2003 environments is achieved by handling specially crafted themes. In this blog post we would like to discuss the vulnerability and give some helpful tips for exploiting it from Metasploit. First of all, the bug occurs while handling the section on

2 min

Understanding Security Control Grades

One of the most valuable features of ControlsInsight is its ability to prioritize security control improvement guidance as a sequence of next steps. It does this by grading each security control configuration and ordering the guidance for each configuration by grade. ControlsInsight calculates the grade for each security control configuration based upon the coverage of that configuration across all assessed assets and a weight assigned to that configuration. Coverage Coverage is the measure of

2 min Internet Explorer

IE 0-day: exploit code is now widely available (CVE-2013-3893)

Any newly discovered Internet Explorer zero day vulnerability is bad for users. But once the exploit code gets around to public disclosure sites, it's so much worse. In the past day or so exploit code has been submitted to and Users and administrators should take immediate action to mitigate the risk posed by CVE-2013-3893.  Considering the timing, I personally expect to see an out of band patch from Microsoft before October's patch Tuesday, but that is just specu

2 min IT Ops

How to Log Client-side JavaScript Events – Logging for the Web with le.js

At Logentries we provide a comprehensive collection of client libraries and inputs which make it easy to dispatch log events from any tier in your existing infrastructure. Until now though, one platform has been left out, and it’s the most ubiquitous and widely-understood of all- the browser. Collecting events from the browser presents a number of challenges which have hindered the development of a viable solution: * There’s n

5 min

Kvasir: Penetration Data Management for Metasploit and Nexpose

Data management is half the battle for penetration testing, especially when you're auditing large networks. As a penetration tester with Cisco's Advanced Services, I've created a new open source tool called Kvasir that integrates with Metasploit Pro, Nexpose, and a bunch of other tools I use regularly to aggregate and manage the data I need. In this blog post, I'd like to give you a quick intro what Kvasir does - and to invite you to use it with Metasploit Pro. Cisco's Advanced Services has b

2 min Government

Federal Friday – 9.20.13 – The Air Gapped-Off line Edition

September 20th. Yup, I said it. We are two days away from the Autumnal Equinox, and I find myself asking; where have the spring and summer gone? With about 6 working days left in the federal FY13 most of us are knee deep in year-end wrap and FY14 prep (even though that might be delayed a little while). I read a nice article in the New York Times last weekend by Matthew L. Wald called “Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Update

Windows Meterpreter: Reloaded If you've been around Metasploit for any length of time, you know that Meterpreter is the preferred and de facto standard for manipulating a target computer after exploit. While Meterpreter and Metasploit go hand-in-hand, we did manage to get some code seperation between the two by breaking Windows Meterpreter out to its own open source respository on GitHub . As threatened in a previous blog post ,

2 min

Site Import Procedure

The ControlsInsight product provides a Manage tab in its UI that allows users to filter assets by site.  Sites viewed in this Manage tab are taken directly from the names of the sites as it exists in Nexpose.  This feature allows users to segregate the data assessed and displayed in ControlsInsight. Assessments. Assessment is  the process by which ControlsInsight analyses asset data to determine your threat posture.  Assessments can only happen after a scan is complete.  This means that if yo

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Update: MSIE, GE Proficy, and handling Metasploit merge conflicts

Exploiting Internet Explorer (MS13-055) This week, we open with a new IE exploit. This is a pretty recent patch (from July, 2013), and more notably, it appears it was silently patched without attribution to the original discoverer, Orange Tsai. So, if you're a desktop IT admin, you will certainly want to get your users revved up to the latest patch level. Thanks tons to Peter WTFuzz Vreugdenhil and of course Wei sinn3r Chen for knocking

3 min

Video Tutorial: Introduction to XML External Entity Injection

Title: Video Tutorial: Introduction to XML External Entity Injection Author: webpwnized From: ISSA KY Sept 2013 Workshop (Louisville, KY) Twitter: @webpwnized This video introduces XML injection to achieve XML external entity injection (XXE) and XML based cross site scripting (XSS). Please find notes used/mentioned in video posted below the video. 1. What is XML injection 2. What is an "entity" 3. What is entity injection 4. Cross site

3 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday, Sept 2013

September's Patch Tuesday is live! The 14 bulletins predicted were cut to 13, with the .NET patch landing on the cutting room floor. A patch getting pulled after the advance notice is up usually indicates that late testing revealed an undesired interaction with another product or component. Of the 13 bulletins remaining they are split 7/6 between the MS Office family and Windows OS patches, if we are counting the Internet Explorer patch as part of the OS patching, anti-trust lawsuits notwiths

2 min Product Updates

Weekly Update: Apple OSX Privilege Escalation

Sudo password bypass on OSX This week's update includes a nifty local exploit for OSX, the sudo bug described in CVE-2013-1775. We don't have nearly enough of these Apple desktop exploits, and it's always useful to disabuse the Apple-based cool-kids web app developer crowd of the notion that their computing platform of choice is bulletproof. Joe Vennix , the principle author of this module, is, in fact, of that very same Apple-based developer crowd, and usually bu