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3 min Incident Detection

Finding Out What Users are Doing on Your Network

One of the most common questions in IT is how to find out what users are doing on a network. We break down the common ways to monitor users on your network.

2 min Metasploit

Firewall Egress Filtering

Why And How You Should Control What's Leaving Your Network Most companies have firewall rules that restrict incoming traffic, but not everyone thinks to restrict data leaving the network. That's a shame, because a few easy configurations can save you a lot of headaches. Firewall egress filtering controls what traffic is allowed to leave the network, which can prevent leaks of internal data and stop infected hosts from contacting their command & control servers. NAT alone won't help you - you ac

2 min Nexpose

Rapid7 part of VMware NSX Partner ecosystem

We're very excited that VMware is showcasing Rapid7 as an official VMware NSX Partner at VMworld 2013 this week, demonstrating how we provide best-in-class vulnerability management for virtual networks. Rapid7 has been a longtime partner with VMware.  In 2011, we introduced our vAsset discovery method that allows Nexpose to have real-time visib

9 min

Upcoming G20 Summit Fuels Espionage Operations

The international policy and financial community is in ferment for the upcoming G-20 summit, scheduled to kick-off in St Petersburg, Russia, in two weeks from now. The "Group of Twenty" consists of political leaders, finance ministers and bank governors from 19 economically-prominent countries, along with representatives of European Union institutions. The group has been meeting regularly every year since 2008 in private meetings where the participants discuss and agree on international financ

3 min Product Updates

Weekly Update: Cooperative Disclosure and Assessing Joomla

Cooperative Disclosure I'm in attendance this year at Rapid7's UNITED Security Summit, and the conversations I'm finding myself in are tending to revolve around vulnerability disclosure. While Metasploit doesn't traffic in zero-day vulnerabilities every day, it happens often enough that we have a disclosure policy that we stick to when we get a hold of newly uncovered vulnerabilities. What's not talked about in that disclosure policy is the Metasploit exploit dev community's willingness to help

9 min Malware

ByeBye Shell and the targeting of Pakistan

Asia and South Asia are a theater for daily attacks and numerous ongoing espionage campaigns between neighboring countries, so many campaigns that it's hard to keep count. Recently I stumbled on yet another one, which appears to have been active since at least the beginning of the year, and seems mostly directed at Pakistani targets. In this article we're going to analyze the nature of the attacks, the functionality of the backdoor - here labelled as ByeBye Shell - and the quick interaction I h

2 min Microsoft

August Patch Tuesday

Oh noes! Fire! Look out! Run in circles, scream and shout! There's a remotely exploitable, publicly disclosed, critical remote code execution vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange (MS13-061)! Prepare for the end of teh interwebs. But wait, is it really remotely exploitable? Well, not in the sense that user interaction is not required, it's a parser issue that is only triggered by a user opening a malicious message in Outlook Web Access (OWA). Okay, but it's still publicly disclosed right? I mean

2 min IT Ops

Field-level search

Back in July we announced a substantial improvement to our search functionality, searching your log data with logical operators . Today we are happy to announce another big step in improving our search facility. You can now perform ** field-level searches **in Logentries. Field-level searches allow you to search for events where a particular field is equal to, less than or greater than a particular value and thus al

0 min Metasploit

SecureNinjaTV Interview: Tod Beardsley About Metasploit 10th Anniversary

At Black Hat 2013 in Vegas this year, our very own Tod Beardsley was cornered by SecureNinja TV and social engineered into giving an interview. Here is the result - captured for eternity: Click here to download Metasploit Pro

3 min IT Ops

Build your own SMS Alerts--Logentries and Clickatell Combined!

* This is a guest blog post by Jason Ruane, the technical director at Moposa , a place for brides and grooms to plan and manage their wedding. In this post Jason, describes how he used Logentries webhook alerts and Clickatell to receive Logentries alerts via SMS. Jason and his team are long time users of logentries, analyzing all their logs from multiple servers in one centralized, cloud location. How I receive my Logentries

2 min Nexpose

Bulk Asset Delete Operations via the Asset Filter Page

The latest release of Nexpose allows a user to delete multiple assets at once via either the site page or the asset group listing page. However, if a user needs to delete a range of assets which aren't represented by an existing site or group he can use the Asset Filter page to build a query and then define an asset group through which the bulk delete operation can be invoked. Clicking on the Asset Filter button will bring up a new page that allows you to build an Asset Filter query that can

3 min IT Ops

How to Best Structure your Logs: Log Analysis Tips and Best Practices with Gal Segal from eToro

This week we have a guest blog post by Gal Segal. Gal is an engineer at eToro , the worlds Largest Social Trading & Investment Network. In this post Gal shares his thoughts on log analysis best practices including tips on how best to structure your logs as well as some useful patterns that can be applied within your log events. He also discusses how to use Logentries’ new log search functionality to more easily

7 min Nexpose

Asset Discovery Troubleshooting Guide

This guide is designed to show you how to determine the cause of and solution to the most common difficulties experienced during asset discovery in Nexpose. The following common issues will be covered here: 1. None or only a few assets are found to be alive 2. Scan appears to hang or is taking too long after finding live assets 3. Incorrect number of open ports on one or more assets After reviewing the issue that applies to your scan head down to the end of this guide for detailed troubles

7 min Nexpose

Simplifying Security Programs with Nexpose 5.7

We are pleased to announce the next version of Nexpose, version 5.7. This release focuses on helping to provide context on how well your Security Program is performing and helping you simplify your vulnerability management processes to help you save time. The last release of Nexpose, Nexpose 5.6 , introduced the new Top Remediation

7 min

Metasploit 4.7's New MetaModules Simplify Security Testing

Even when offensive security techniques have been publicly discussed at conferences and proof of concept code or open source tools are available, using them in your projects can be very time consuming and may even require custom development. Metasploit Pro 4.7 now introduces MetaModules, a unique new way to simplify and operationalize security testing for IT security professionals. MetaModules automate common yet complicated security tests