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5 min Release Notes

Simplify Vulnerability Management with Nexpose 5.6

We are pleased to announce the next major release of Nexpose, version 5.6.  This release focuses on providing you the most impactful remediation steps to reduce risk to your organization and extends our current configuration assessment functionality. New Look and Feel The most visible change in Nexpose 5.6 is the new look and feel of the user interface.  The action header is now smaller to maximize screen space and usability, and the new colour scheme makes it easier to focus on important areas

3 min Microsoft

Microsoft EMET 4.0 might be the best enterprise security tool you're not using yet

Cross-posted from Last week Microsoft announced their 4.0 beta release of EMET (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit). If you are responsible for securing Windows systems, you should definitely be looking at this free tool if you haven't already. EMET is a toolkit provided by Microsoft to configure security controls on Wi

4 min Metasploit

How To Do Internal Security Audits Remotely To Reduce Travel Costs

An internal penetration tests simulates an attack on the network from inside the network. It typically simulates a rogue employee with user-level credentials or a person with physical access to the network, such as cleaning staff, trying to access resources on the network they're not authorized for. Internal penetration tests typically require the auditor to be physically present in the location. If you are working as a consultant, then conducting internal penetration tests can mean a lot of

2 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday - April 2013 Edition!

The April 2013 MS Tuesday advisories are is out and it forecasts an interesting patching session for Microsoft administrators.  There are 9 advisories, for 14 CVEs, affecting 16 distinct platforms in 5 categories of Microsoft products, including the not-often-seen patching of “Microsoft Office Web Apps” and “Microsoft Security Software”. Once again there is an IE patch (MS13-028) which is rated critical, but this one differs from last month's incarnation by applying to all supported versions

1 min

Video Tutorial: Installing Kali Linux on Virtual Box

Author: Jeremy Druin Video Release Announcements: Twitter @webpwnized Title: Installing Kali Linux on Virtual Box with Nessus and Metasploit Link: Installing Kali Linux on Virtual Box with Nessus and Metasploit - YouTube This video is from the April 2013 workshop of the KY ISSA covering the installation of Kali Linux 1.01 on Virtual Box . Please see notes below the video. Notes: 1. Kali version 1.01 64-bit was used in making the video but th

2 min

Metasploit Now Supports Plan 9, the Evolution of Unix

Unix, Evolved Today, we are delighted to announce the next phase of Metaploit's expanded support for more diverse host operating systems. On the heels of our integration work with Kali Linux, we've been heads-down on putting the finishing touches on our support for the future of Unix, Plan 9 from Bell Labs. This renewed commitment to Plan 9 will come as a welcome relief for those of you who have, until now, been stuck on hobby operating systems such as L

2 min

Weekly Update: Introducing Metasploit 4.5.3

Version bump to Metasploit 4.5.3 This week, we've incremented the Metasploit version number by one trivial point to 4.5.3 -- this was mainly done to ensure that new users get the fixes for the four most recent vulnerabilities

4 min

Internet Census 2012 - Thoughts

This week, an anonymous researcher published the results of an "Internet Census" - an internet-wide scan conducted using 420,000 insecure devices connected to the public internet and yielding data on used IP space, ports, device types, services and more. After scanning parts of the internet, the researcher found thousands of insecurely configured devices using insecure / default passwords on services and used this fact to make those devices into scanning nodes for his project. He logged into the

2 min Nexpose

Calculating Your Average Scan Time

If you are looking to balance out your scan schedule or add new scans to the mix, it can be helpful to get some direct insight into how much time a new scan is going to take. One way to estimate that is based upon how long your current scans are already taking. To that end, I threw together a script that looks at current scan history and calculates average scan time per asset. To keep some balance, I only look at Full audit scans and their live assets. I then calculate the average number of min

3 min

Patch Tuesday - March 2013 Edition!

Microsoft March 2013 security bulletins are bringing us a slightly lighter-than-usual patching load and, perhaps, a slightly muted patching urgency compared to recent months. There are seven advisories, though they cover 20 unique vulnerabilities. Four of the advisories are listed as “Critical”, but only the first one which applies to all supported versions of Internet Explorer (6-10) seems likely to be an immediate threat to the average user. The IE advisory (MS13-021) contains 9 distinct CV

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Now Supports Kali Linux, the Evolution of BackTrack

Today, our friends at Offensive Security announced Kali Linux , which is based on the philosophy of an offensive approach to security. While defensive solutions are important to protect your network, it is critical to step into the shoes of an attacker to see if they're working. Kali Linux is a security auditing toolkit that enables you just that: test the security of your network defenses before others do. Kali is a free, open sour

4 min Exploits

Exploit for new Vulnerability on Honeywell EBI ActiveX (CVE-2013-0108)

Today, we present to you a new vulnerability, CVE-2013-0108 , discovered in Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI) R310 - R410.2. This platform is used to integrate different systems and devices such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) controls; security; access control; life sa

4 min

New Heap Spray Technique for Metasploit Browser Exploitation

!(/content/images/post-images/14831/Screen shot 2013-03-01 at 10.33.14 AM.png#img-half-right) Browser vulnerabilities have always been serious threats in today's security trends.  It's almost becoming too common to see people dropping browser 0days to beef up botnets, or deploying them for "sophisticated" APT-level attacks, etc.  Although browser 0days surface more frequently than ever, some of the techniques don't seem to change much.  The most common trick you'll see is a heap spray

2 min Compliance

Malicious SSIDs And Web Apps

On February 13th 2013, Cisco released a security notice related to CVE-2013-1131 . According to Cisco, the vulnerability is due to improper validation of the Service Set Identifier (SSID) when performing a "site survey" to discover other wireless networks. On the face of it, this vulnerability seems to be low-risk. Indeed, site surveys are not often performed and an adversary would need to either be incredibly luc

1 min Nexpose

Making the Nexpose Gem Easier to Use

In an effort to make API access to Nexpose easier, some efforts are underway to make the Nexpose Gem easier to use. For those unfamiliar with the gem, it is a Ruby library that allows for easier scripting against a Nexpose security console. Changes to Site Making changes to a site configuration through the gem used to be a little complex. The attributes on the configuration were locked down from editing, and sometimes buried deep in structures that mirrored th