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3 min Metasploit

Weekly Update: Splitting DNS Modules and a D-Link Auth Bypass

DNS Module Split up This week, we appear to have a whole bunch of new DNS-based enumeration and information gathering modules. In fact, this was actually more of a housekeeping chore, largely by longtime Metasploit contributor Carlos @darkoperator Perez. Darkoperator wrote most of the original enum_dns module as well. enum_dns became a bit of a junk drawer of DNS functionality -- it did a whole bunch of everything for DNS. So, instead of just tacking on more and more over time, it's been split

1 min IT Ops

Per-log retention period

Typically, you would like to keep logs from development environment (with all debugging messages enabled) for only a limited amount of time, while production logs far longer. Up to now you had to set the retention period for the whole account, keeping development logs longer than needed. We are happy to announce per-log retention configuration! It gives you the option to fine-tune your retention policy in a more fine-grained manner than with a default per-account setting. To set a new log retent

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Vulnerability Correlation -- Enabled by Default

Vulnerability correlation is a feature of Nexpose where a vulnerable result from one vulnerability can be overridden by an invulnerable result from another.  As an example of how this works and why it is a useful option to have enabled, take CVE-2011-3192 , a fun DoS vulnerability that affected Apache HTTPD back in 2011.  Nexpose has one unauthenticated vulnerability check (lets call it V1) that will run against all discovered Apac

2 min Metasploit

Weekly Update: Corelan, MSFTidy, and UNC Path Injection

28 Hours Later This week, much of the Metasploit Framework and Metasploit Pro teams here at Rapid7 had the opportunity to get some intense, in-person training on exploit development from long-time Metapsloit contributor, Peter corelanc0d3r Van Eeckhoutte and local Corelan Teammates @_sinn3r and TheLightCosine . I'm the first to admit that my memory corruption skills are pretty light (I hang arou

3 min Metasploit

How to Verify that the Payload Can Connect Back to Metasploit on a NATed Network

If you are running an external penetration test and are working from a NATed network behind a wireless router, for example from home, you will need to adjust your router's port forwarding settings so the payload can connect back to Metasploit. The best option would be to eliminate the router and connect directly to the Internet, but that would make me unpopular with the other folks sharing the Internet connection, so it wasn't an option in my case. Setting up the port forwarding is not too diffi

3 min

Patch Tuesday - February 2013 Edition!

It's another busy month of patching for Microsoft administrators with a number of high priority fixes getting out.  On the plus side, none of the issues patched this month are known to be actively being exploited "in the wild". The highest risk vulnerabilities, and thus the most important to patch are MS13-009, MS13-010, MS13-011, & MS13-020. MS13-009 is a cumulative patch addressing 12 CVEs for Internet Explorer.  MS13-010 was indicated as an Internet Explorer patch in the advance notificati

6 min

Getting Started with the Nexpose Virtual Appliance

Rapid7 now offers a Virtual Appliance to get started quickly with Nexpose. You can get started with the Nexpose Enterprise Virtual Appliance or the Nexpose Community Virtual Appliance . If you are an existing customer please contact Support for more information. The Nexpose Virtual Appliance is pre-configured with the following h

3 min Metasploit

Security Flaws in Universal Plug and Play: Unplug, Don't Play

This morning we released a whitepaper entitled Security Flaws in Universal Plug and Play . This paper is the result of a research project spanning the second half of 2012 that measured the global exposure of UPnP-enabled network devices. The results were shocking to the say the least. Over 80 million unique IPs were identified that responded to UPnP discovery requests from the internet. Somewhere between 40 an

3 min Exploits

Ray Sharp CCTV DVR Password Retrieval & Remote Root

On January 22, 2013, a researcher going by the name someLuser detailed a number of security flaws in the Ray Sharp DVR platform. These DVRs are often used for closed-circuit TV (CCTV) systems and security cameras. In addition to Ray Sharp, the exposures seem to affect rebranded DVR products by Swann, Lorex, URMET, KGuard, Defender, DEAPA/DSP Cop, SVAT, Zmodo, BCS, Bolide, EyeForce, Atlantis, Protectron, Greatek, Soyo, Hi-View, Cosmos, and J2000. The vulnerabilities allow for unauthenticated acce

2 min

New VMware ESX/ESXi coverage is elegant in its simplicity

The Nexpose coverage team is dedicated to providing weekly updates to the Nexpose vulnerability database so that you can have the assurance that your assets are protected against the latest security vulnerabilities. For this week's release, the coverage team is proud to present a complete overhaul for our VMware ESX/ESXi content. Why? You may ask In our old coverage model, we connected to the ESX or ESXi server via an authenticated SSH session to retrieve a list of installed patches on the serv

3 min Metasploit

The Forgotten Spying Feature: Metasploit's Mic Recording Command

About two years ago, Metasploit implemented the microphone recording feature to stdapi thanks to Matthew Weeks .  And then almost a year ago, we actually lost that command due to a typo.  We, and apparently everyone else, never noticed that until I was looking at th

2 min

Weekly Update: Metasploit 4.5.1, MSFUpdate, and More Wordpress Hijinks

MSFUpdate This week, we've addressed the changes introduced by Metasploit 4.5 on the command line updater, msfupdate. You can read about it over here , but the gist of it is, if you want to continue using msfupdate, you will want to take a few tens of seconds to activate your Metasploit installation, or get yourself moved over to a fully functional git clone of the Metasploit Framework. And speaking of updates... Update to 4.5.1 Lately, Metasploit u

5 min Product Updates

Update to the Metasploit Updates and msfupdate

The Short Story In order to use the binary installer's msfupdate, you need to first register your Metasploit installation. In nearly all cases, this means visiting https://localhost:3790 and filling out the form. No money, no dense acceptable use policy, just register and go. Want more detail and alternatives? Read on. Background A little over a year ago, Metasploit primary development switched to Git as a source control platform and GitHub as our primary source hos

1 min Metasploit

Hacking like it's 1985: Rooting the Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution

On January 9th Cisco released advisory cisco-sa-20130109 to address a vulnerability in the "rsh" service running on their Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution virtual appliance. The bug is as bad as it gets - anyone who can access the rsh service can execute commands as the root user account without authentication. The example below demonstrates how to exploit this flaw using Metasploit ( free download

1 min

Video Tutorial: Introduction to Burp-Suite 1.5 Web Pen Testing Proxy

Author: webpwnized (Twitter: @webpwnized) Tool: Burp-Suite 1.5 Free Edition Length: ~1 hour After installing Burp-Suite, this video covers how to configure the proxy to intercept, pause, alter, and test requests and responses between a web browser and a web server (web site). Much of the basic functionality and some more advanced settings are reviewed including the Target, Proxy, Sequencer, Repeater, Intruder, and Decoder tab. While there are many more settings and features than can be covere