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5 min Exploits

Exploiting Ruby on Rails with Metasploit (CVE-2013-0156)

Background Earlier this week, a critical security flaw in Ruby on Rails (RoR) was identified that could expose an application to remote code execution, SQL injection , and denial of service attacks. Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework that is used by both web sites and web-enabled products and this flaw is by far the worst

2 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Rails Scanning, ZDI, and Exploit Dev

Rails Injection Bug The big news this week turned out to be the new Rails injection bug, aka, CVE-2013-0156, which you can read about in detail over on HD Moore's blog post. Soon after the vulnerability was disclosed, @hdmoore had a functional auxiliary scanner module put together, so as of this moment, you're encouraged to scan the heck out of your environment, repeatedly, for vulner

4 min Metasploit

Serialization Mischief in Ruby Land (CVE-2013-0156)

This afternoon a particularly scary advisory was posted to the Ruby on Rails (RoR) security discussion list. The summary is that the XML processor in RoR can be tricked into decoding the request as a YAML document or as a Ruby Symbol, both of which can expose the application to remote code execution or SQL injection. A gentleman by the name of Felix Wilhelm went into detail

4 min Penetration Testing

Free Metasploit Penetration Testing Lab in the Cloud

No matter whether you're taking your first steps with Metasploit or if you're already a pro, you need to practice, practice, practice your skillz. Setting up a penetration testing lab can be time-consuming and expensive (unless you have the hardware already), so I was very excited to learn about a new, free service called Hack A Server, which offers vulnerable machines for you to pwn in the cloud. The service only required that I download and launch a VPN configuration to connect to the vulnerab

3 min Metasploit

Using BackTrack 5 R3 with Metasploit Community or Metasploit Pro

Update: Kali Linux now superseded BackTrack as a platform. We strongly recommend using Kali Linux over BackTrack if you are going to run Metasploit. More info here . As of version 5 R3, BackTrack comes pre-installed with Metasploit 4.4, so it's now easier to use Metasploit Community Edition or Metasploit Pro on BackTrack. Here is how it's done: * After BackTrack boots, enter startx t

6 min

Guide to monitoring JVM Memory usage

This guide is designed to show a few techniques to monitor how the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory is used. When Nexpose starts, it takes a 75% sized chunk of the available memory. The memory utilization graph of your system will just appear to flat-line.** But what does it really do with all that memory? Hopefully by the end of this guide you will have a better idea of what goes on under that line and be able to tweak your systems to maximum efficiency.** How does memory usage work with the

5 min Exploits

Security Death Match: Open Source vs. Pay-for-Play Exploit Packs

In the blue corner: an open-source exploit pack. In the red corner: a pay-for-play incumbent. As a security professional trying to defend your enterprise against attacks, which corner do you bet on for your penetration tests? What's the goal of the game? Okay, this is a loaded question, because it really depends on what your goal is. If you are like 99% of enterprises, you'll want to protect against the biggest and most likely risks. If you are the 1% that comprise defense contractors and the

3 min Metasploit

How Metasploit's 3-Step Quality Assurance Process Gives You Peace Of Mind

Metasploit exploits undergo a rigorous 3-step quality assurance process so you have the peace of mind that exploits will work correctly and not affect production systems on your next assignment. Step 1: Rapid7 Code Review Many of the Metasploit exploits are contributed by Metasploit's community of over 175,000 users, making Metasploit the de-facto standard for exploit development. This is a unique ecosystem that benefits all members of the community because every Metasploit user is a “sensor

8 min Metasploit

New Metasploit Exploit: Crystal Reports Viewer CVE-2010-2590

In this blog post we would like to share some details about the exploit for CVE-2010-2590 , which we released in the last Metasploit update . This module exploits a heap-based buffer overflow, discovered by Dmitriy Pletnev, in the CrystalReports12.CrystalPrintControl.1 ActiveX control included in PrintControl.dll. This control is shipped with the Crystal Reports Viewer, as installed by default wi

2 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: CrystalReports and Testing Discipline

Dissecting CrystalPrintControl This week's update is, by all accounts, pretty light. This may be the first update we've shipped that has exactly one new module.  To make up for the lack of quantity, though, we've got some quality for you, oh boy. If it's snowy and blustery where you live, grab yourself a cup of hot cocoa, gather the kids, and watch their little eyes twinkle in the firelight as you regale them with the classic fable of how Metasploit Exploitation Elf Juan @_juan_vazquez

3 min Exploits

5 Tips to Ensure Safe Penetration Tests with Metasploit

Experienced penetration testers know what to look out for when testing production systems so they don't disrupt operations. Here's our guide to ensure smooth sailing. Vulnerabilities are unintentional APIs In my warped view of the world, vulnerabilities are APIs that weren't entirely intended by the developer. They hey are also undocumented and unsupported. Some of these vulnerabilities are exploited more reliably than others, and there are essentially three vectors to rank them: * Exploit s

2 min Metasploit

Introduction to Metasploit Hooks

Metasploit provides many ways to simplify your life as a module developer. One of the less well-known of these is the presence of various hooks you can use for processing things at important stages of the module's lifetime. The basic one that anyone who has written an exploit will be familiar with is exploit, which is called when the user types the exploit command. That method is common to all exploit modules. Aux and post modules have an analogous run method. Common to all the runnable modules

8 min Metasploit

The Odd Couple: Metasploit and Antivirus Solutions

I hear a lot of questions concerning antivirus evasion with Metasploit, so I'd like to share some the information critical to understanding this problem. This blog post is not designed to give you surefire antivirus (AV) evasion techniques, but rather to help you understand the fundamentals of the issue. A Quick Glossary Before we begin, let's define a few terms. This will be important for understanding some of the things we will discuss. Payload: A payload is the actual code that is being del

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Exploit Dev How-to and InfoSec Targets

Metasploit 4.5 has been out for a few days, so it's high time for an update. Let's hop to it! 1000th Exploit: Freefloat FTP WMI I often hear the question, "How do I get started on writing exploits?" Well, I'd like to point you to Metasploit's 1000th exploit (future Hacker Jeopardy contestants, take note): On December 7, 2012, Wei "sinn3r" Chen and Juan Vazquez committed FreeFloat FTP Server Arbitrary File Upload . Now, as

4 min Exploits

November Exploit Trends: Apache Killer Exploit New to List

This month was a quiet one on the Metasploit Top Ten List. Each month we compile a list of the most searched exploit and auxiliary modules from our exploit database . To protect user's privacy, the statistics come from analyzing webserver logs of searches, not from monitoring Metasploit usage. The only new addition to the list this month is an old Apache Killer exploit. Read on for the rest of November's exploit and auxiliary modules with commentary by Meta