Posts tagged Metasploit

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 7/27/18

CMS Exploitation Made Simple "CMS Made Simple" is an open-source Content Management System. Mustafa Hasen discovered and reported [] that versions 2.2.5 and 2.2.7 include a vulnerability in file uploads that permit an authenticated attacker to gain execution of arbitrary PHP scripts. The multi/http/cmsms_upload_rename_rce [] exploit module uses our PHP Meterpreter to gain full

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 7/20/18

Privilege Escalation Linux BPF CVE-2017-16995 [] is a Linux kernel vulnerability in the way that a Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) is verified. Multiple sign extension bugs allows memory corruption by unprivileged users, which could be used for a local privilege escalation attack by overwriting a credential structure in memory to gain root access to a compromised host. The bpf_sign_extension_priv_esc module [

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 7/13/18

Committing to some shells in GitList Shelby [] has been killing it with new exploit and aux modules by the day. In this iteration, she's produced an exploit [] for GitList 0.6.0 and likely older versions. The software is built on PHP and allows users to view a Git repo on the web. Through an argument injection, a fake pager [] can be executed... that is really our shell

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup 7/6/18

New Modules Exploit modules (3 new) * Nagios XI Chained Remote Code Execution [] by Benny Husted [], Cale Smith [], and Jared Arave [], which exploits CVE-2018-8736. Monitor this series of unfortunate events all the way to magical shells. * Boxoft WAV to MP3 Converter v1.1 Buffer Overflow

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 6/29/18

Moar Power OJ Reeves [] added [] two new PowerShell transport functions to Metasploit payloads and made modifications to the PowerShell transport binding functionality. The aptly-named Add-TcpTransport function adds an active TCP transport to the current session and the Add-WebTransport function adds an HTTP/S transport to the current session. These functions are fully documented, allowing the user to leverage the Ge

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 6/22/18

Welcome to another installment of the week! This installment features a new ETERNALBLUE module in everyone's favorite reptile-brain language, Python! Sporting support for Windows 8 and 10, it has everything you need, including immutable strings and enforced whitespace. In other Windows 10 news, chervalierly [] fixed an annoying bug in rex-powershell that prevented PsExec from working on later versions of Windows 10. Now, you can PsExec to your heart’s content. Go f

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 6/15/18

New Privilege Escalation Exploit The glibc 'realpath()' module [] was added by bcoles []. It attempts to gain root privileges on Debian-based Linux systems by exploiting a vulnerability in GNU C Library (glibc) version <= 2.26. This exploit uses halfdog's [] RationalLove exploit to expose a buffer underflow error in glibc realpath() and create a SUID root shell. The module includes offset

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 6/8/18

Just Let Me Grab My Popcorn First This week, rmdavy [] contributed a pair of modules designed to fool Windows into authenticating to you so you can capture sweet, sweet NetNTLM hashes. BadODT [] targets LibreOffice/Apache OpenOffice by providing a link to an image on a network share, and the new Multi Dropper [] creates all sorts of files Windows itself lov

1 min Metasploit

Announcement: End of Life for Metasploit Express Edition

Today, June 4th, 2018, Rapid7 announced that Metasploit Express edition will see end of life on June 4th, 2019. This is being done to focus efforts on Metasploit Pro [], which continues to be a major investment for Rapid7 and will consistently see new innovations. Milestone Description Date End of life announcement date The date that the end of life date has been announced to the general public. June 4th, 2018 Last date of support The last da

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 6/1/18

Upgrade Your SOCKS Thanks to zeroSteiner [], we have some very nice additions to the SOCKS5 library this week. His changes enabled BIND connections through the SOCKS5 proxy [], improved automated testing around the code, and broke it up into more manageable, targeted submodules. Now that Trevor’s dying wish [] has been fulfilled, the team can finally leave

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 5/25/18

Bonjour! Que désirez-vous? We want to know what you'd like to see out of our latest Metasploit improvements. Please take a moment to fill out our community survey to help shape Metasploit's new backend data service. Tell us how you use the Metasploit database, which Metasploit data you use with other tools, how you need to store data from modules you've written, and so on. Please take our survey! [

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 5/18/18

You Compile Me Our very own wchen-r7 [] added the ability to compile C code in metasploit, including (select) dependencies by creating a wrapper for metasm. Right now, support for windows.h is the first salvo in custom compiling tools within the metasploit interface! Hack all the things! For a long time, people have asked us to support RHOSTS in exploits just like we do in AUX modules. We listened, and now framework exploits support RHOSTS! Set your exploit, your

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 5/11/18

Chaining Vulnerabilities Philip Pettersson discovered vulnerabilities in certain PAN OS versions [] that could lead to remote code execution and hdm wrote a Metasploit module for the exploit chain []. The exploit chain starts off with an authentication bypass, which allows the module to access a page that is vulnerable to an XML injection. This page is then used to create a directory where a pay

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 5/4/18

May the fourth be with you… Get comfortable, put on your headphones or turn up your speaker volume, and enjoy this guitar rendition [] of the Ewok Celebration, commonly known as Yub Nub [] while catching up on Metasploit updates for the week. PHP Debugging Xdebug [] is an extension for PHP to facilitate development by providing interactive debugging capabilities and much more. On an

7 min Metasploit

Hiding Metasploit Shellcode to Evade Windows Defender

Being on the offensive side in the security field, I personally have a lot of respect for the researchers and engineers in the antivirus industry, and the companies dedicated to investing so much in them. If malware development is a cat-and-mouse game, then I would say that the industry creates some of the most terrifying hunters. Penetration testers and red teamers suffer the most from this while using Metasploit [], which forced me to look into how to