Posts tagged Metasploit

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Nov. 3, 2017

What’s New? This week’s release sees multiple improvements and corrections, some years in the making! We fixed an interesting bug in the initial handshake with meterpreter that caused some payload callbacks to fail, improved error and information reporting in other modules, and then @h00die ran spellcheck []! New (and Improved!) Modules (2 New): After three years, @wvu’s tnftp aux module grew up to become a strong, well-rounded explo

6 min Metasploit

Testing SMB Security with Metasploit Pro Task Chains: Part 2

This is part two of our blog series on testing SMB security with Metasploit Pro. In the previous post, we explained how to use Metasploit Pro’s Task Chains feature to audit SMB passwords automatically. Read it here [/2017/10/31/testing-smb-server-security-with-metasploit-pro-task-chains-part-1/] if you haven’t already. In today’s blog post, we will talk about how to use a custom resource script in a Task Chain to automatically find some publicly-known high-profile vulnerabilities in SMB. Publi

6 min Metasploit

Testing SMB Server Security with Metasploit Pro Task Chains: Part 1

A step-by-step guide to testing SMB server security using Metasploit Pro Task Chains.

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup: Oct. 27, 2017

Would you like to help Metasploit Framework and get a free t-shirt? There is still a bit of October left, which means you can totally still sign up for Hacktoberfest []: a fun annual project to encourage open source software contributions! Make four pull requests on any open source GitHub project by Oct 31, and you might find yourself some joy and fulfilment—but at least a free t-shirt. Check out the Contribute section on the refreshed [https://metasploi

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Oct. 20, 2017

Exploits for hours. Gather 'round with a pocket full of shells.

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup: Metasploit 5 or Bust

What's coming down the pipeline for Metasploit? Brent Cook brings you October's first Metasploit wrap-up.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Sep. 22, 2017

To celebrate this first day of Autumn[1], we've got a potpourri of "things Metasploit" for you this week. And it might smell a bit like "pumpkin spice"... Or it might not. Who knows? Winter is Coming If you're looking to finish filling your storehouse before the cold sets in, we've got a couple of new gatherer modules to help. This new Linux post module [] can locate and pull TOR hostname and private key files for TOR hidden

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Sept. 15, 2017

It's been a hot minute since the last Metasploit Wrapup. So why not take in our snazzy new Rapid7 blog makeover and catch up on what's been goin' down! You can't spell 'Struts' without 'trust' Or perhaps you can! With the all the current news coverage around an Apache Struts vulnerability from earlier this year [] (thanks to its involvement in a consumer credit reporting agency data breach), there's a new Struts vuln [

1 min Metasploit

Metasploit: The New Shiny

It's been a while since I've written a blog post about new stuff in Metasploit [] (and I'm not sure if the editors will let me top the innuendo of the last one [/2017/02/09/metasploit-framework-valentines-update/]). But I'm privileged to announce that I'm speaking about Metasploit twice next month: once at the FSec 17 Conference [] in Varaždīn, Croatia September 7-8, and a second time at UNITED 2017 [

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: August 11, 2017

Slowloris: SMB edition Taking a page from the Slowloris HTTP DoS attack [], the aptly named SMBLoris DoS attack [/2017/08/03/smbloris-what-you-need-to-know] exploits a vuln contained in many Windows releases (back to Windows 2000) and also affects Samba (a popular open source SMB implementation). Through creation of many connections to a target's SMB port, an attacker can exhaust all available memory on the target by sendi

2 min Metasploit

Hack with Metasploit: Announcing the UNITED 2017 CTF

Got mad skillz? Want mad skillz? This year at Rapid7's annual UNITED Summit [], we're hosting a first-of-its-kind Capture the Flag (CTF) competition. Whether you're a noob to hacking or a grizzled pro, you'll emerge from our 25-hour CTF with more knowledge and serious bragging rights. Show off your 1337 abilities by competing for top prizes, or learn how to capture your first ever flag. Read on for details, and if you haven't already done so, register for UNITED

4 min Python

Virtual Machine Automation (vm-automation) repository released

Rapid7 just released a new public repo called vm-automation. The vm-automation repository is a Python library that encapsulates existing methodologies for virtual machine and hypervisor automation and provides a platform-agnostic Python API. Currently, only ESXi and VMWare workstation are supported, but I have high hopes we will support other hypervisors in time, and we would love to see contributors come forward and assist in supporting them! That's awesome. I want to get started now! Great! I

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup: June 16, 2017

A fresh, new UAC bypass module for Windows 10! Leveraging the behavior of fodhelper.exe and a writable registry key as a normal user, you too can be admin! Unpatched as of last week, this bypass module [] works on Windows 10 only, but it works like a charm! Reach out and allocate something This release offers up a fresh denial/degradation of services exploit against hosts running a vulnerable version of rpcbind. Specifically, you can repea

2 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2017-16 | CVE-2017-5244: Lack of CSRF protection for stopping tasks in Metasploit Pro, Express, and Community editions (FIXED)

Summary A vulnerability in Metasploit Pro, Express, and Community was patched in Metasploit v4.14.0 (Update 2017061301) []. Routes used to stop running tasks (either particular ones or all tasks) allowed GET requests. Only POST requests should have been allowed, as the stop/stop_all routes change the state of the service. This could have allowed an attacker to stop currently-running Metasploit tasks by getting an authenti

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup 6/2/17

It has only been one week since the last wrapup, so it's not like much could have happened, right? Wrong! Misery Loves Company After last week's excitement with Metasploit's version of ETERNALBLUE (AKA the Wannacry vulnerability) [], this week SAMBA had its own "Hold My Beer" moment with the disclosure that an authenticated (or anonymous) client can upload a shared library to a SAMBA server, and that server will happily e