Posts tagged Metasploit

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/27/18

After last week's seriously serious write-up [], this week we will return to our norml normal, lighthearted (and Metasploit-hearted) wrap-ups, though we remain fans of terrible 80s movies. Drupalgeddon 2: Webdev Boogaloo After last month's Drupal exploit came to light, nearly a dozen developers have been hard at work to add a module targeting CVE-2018-7600 []. You can

5 min Vulnerability Management

Drupalgeddon Vulnerability: What is it? Are You Impacted?

First up: many thanks to Brent Cook [/author/brent-cook/], William Vu [/author/william-vu/] and Matt Hand for their massive assistance in both the Rapid7 research into “Drupalgeddon” and their contributions to this post. Background on the Drupalgeddon vulnerability The Drupalgeddon 2 vulnerability announcement came out in late March (2018-03-28 ) as SA-CORE-2018-002 []. The advisory was released with a patch and CVE (CVE-2018-7600) [

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/20/18

You may have noticed that our weekly wrapups [] tend to be very light-hearted. A few might say our blog is humourous. Some might even argue that they incorporate low-brow internet jokes and an excessive quantity of memes. Well, I'm here to say we've turned over a new leaf. No longer will cheap comedy cover the pages of this professional publication. In honor of April 20th, this blog post will remain serious. Seriously. Google Summer of

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/13/18

What's Your Favorite Security Site? When you are browsing sites on the Internet, you may notice some sites [] will include your public IP address on their pages. But what if you came across a site that also showed your IP address from your private network range []? This might be a little worrying [], but before you run off you check to make sure the coast is cle

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/7/18

Mobile Moose This week marked the beginning of our time in the new office. Everything got packed up and moved: computers, chairs, Rudy’s cups, and odd soy sauce packets in the back of the drawers. One consequence of moving to downtown Austin is that the lunch debates take longer, with flame wars about both the best tacos and the best barbecue. Metasploit: Now With More Snakes! @shellfail [] doubled down this wrapup; way back in March, he wrote a guide to writing P

4 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/2/18

Spring has come again to Austin, TX, home of the Rapid7 Metasploit team. While the season here brings pollen and allergies, it also brings fields full of bluebonnets and folks taking pictures before they all disappear. Let's celebrate by looking at what's popped up in Metasploit this week. New Data Model Last week, we landed the beginning of a new backend service for Metasploit, dubbed 'Goliath', which creates a new abstraction between Metasploit Framework and how it interacts with the databa

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 3/23/18

Adding some named pipes to everyone's favorite series of tubes UserExistsError already added 64-bit named pipe payloads, and this week, we got an extra-special upgrade: now Metasploit has 32-bit named pipe payloads! It may feel wrong not setting a port, but connecting to existing network resources feels so right! It is the Final Countdown for GSoC! The final deadline for Google Summer of Code applicants is March 27th, so get your applications in now! We are honored to be a part of the progra

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 3/16/18

Return of the GSoC! The Metasploit project is proud to return to Google Summer of Code this year. Student applications are open until March 27th, so there's still time to get in! Coding begins on May 14th, and we're eager to hear what you'd like to see added to Metasploit. Not only do you get to work on a cool project, but you'll get paid too []! Need some inspiration? Check out our list of project ideas [

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 3/9/18

With the Northeast U.S. getting hit with back-to-back nor’easters this week, it’s probably a good idea to head back inside and wait it out until spring arrives. So toss another log on the fire, grab a hot drink, raise a toast to all the folks making Metasploit awesome [], and catch up on the latest! It Goes to 11 While amplification attacks are nothing new, the memcached amplification attack vector (reffered to as “memcrashed”

5 min Metasploit

Guest post: Lurking in /lib

This is a guest post from a long-time Metasploit contributor and community member. Over the next few months, Rapid7 will be publishing a series of guest posts featuring unique perspectives on Metasploit Framework and highlighting some of our community’s favorite functionality, hidden gems, and backstories. Want to contribute an idea or a post? Reach out to community[at] Back in my day, you could get dinner, dessert, and ride the trolley home all for a nickel. Oh, and we used SVN for

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 2/23/18

More Servers Please A new module [] by Pedro Ribeiro combines vulnerabilities for certain firmware versions of AsusWRT, which allows an unauthenticated user to enable a special command mode on the device. When the command mode is enabled, the device spins up infosvr on UDP port 9999. The great thing about infosvr is that you can construct UDP packets to have it execute commands on your behalf…. as root. Back in Windows Land In case your

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 2/16/18

Wintertime can be a drag. Folks get tired of shoveling snow, scraping ice from windshields, dealing with busted water pipes, etc.. Thoughts of “fun in the sun” activities start to seep in, as people begin wistfully daydreaming about summertime. And for this coming summer, Metasploit has some hotness to daydream about! Google Summer of Code: We’re In! The Metasploit team is SUPER EXCITED to have been recently selected by Google [

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 2/9/18

Teenage ROBOT Returns Imagine the joy robot parents must feel when their infant leaves home and returns as a teenager. ROBOT (Return of Bleichenbacher Oracle Threat) [] is a 19-year-old vulnerability that allows RSA decryption and signing with the private key of a TLS server. It allows for an adaptive-chosen ciphertext attack. It is still very much relevant today as some modern HTTPS hosts are vulnerable to ROBOT [htt

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Feb. 2, 2018

It’s a special day here in the U.S.. This morning, media folks were hovering over a specific rodent [] living in an eastern state to discover that we are in for six more weeks of winter [] , apparently. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Guess we’ll stay inside and work on Metasploit… EternalSunshine of the Security Minded If you’re still

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Jan. 26, 2018

In last week’s wrap-up post [], we raised awareness of the new Metasploit 5 work we’re ramping up on. This week, please GoAhead [] and enjoy some new Metasploit goodies! Get Up, GoAhead Based on research from danielhodson [], hdm [] and h00die [] put together a new module [https://www.elttam.